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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Roleplay page 2

Post  Neodog Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:45 pm

ooc: Just a reminder that the recaps are down below (the posts named Rp Reviews) There's a lot so read or skim as much as you want to remember what happened from idle conversations to major events,


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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Roleplay page 2

Post  Autumn Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:59 pm

Ooc: Yay! People are here. I suppose I'll do a general post With Eir, Then figure out where to put Amon Later.


The moonlight peeked through the cracks of the brambles, casting eerie pale orbs across her fur as she slithered through the branches close to the camp`s entrance. Tonight, she was not on watch, which seemed to be a rare treat and a bit unusual. Eir had grown so used to standing watch during the long night hours that not doing so felt... foreign. Sleep eluded her now, her internal clock set to alert during these times so she decided to put herself to use. She hadn't resided within the pack long, and Falcon had still yet to offer her more than a passing glance, which she took graciously. A glance had to be better than a nip on the ear or the cold shoulder. Her wasn't welcoming her in, but in the same he wasn't shunning her and chasing Amon and herself away.

Her pace slowed, ears perking at the sound of soft rustling. Muscles tightened and her movement became rigid and painfully slow as she set her paws upon the ground as lightly as possible as to avoid even the softest crunch of a leaf beneath her weight. Eir was hardly the best hunter, at least not in the forest but she was learning and slowly the forest was becoming to feel more and more like home. With a quick spring she landed on a warm furry body, and allowed her teeth to sink in. She was rewarded with the dying squeal and the limp body of a hare. Eir almost pranced with Giddy excitement! She, the dog from far away lands of ice and snow, had conquered the forest! With her prize tucked within her jowls and head held high with pride she headed back towards the entrance of camp, eager to offer her catch to feed the others.

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Roleplay page 2

Post  Mint Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:15 am

ooc: Hey Syd. *hugs* Alright, sounds good to me. Thanks you guys. (: I shall post with Sam and go from there. I apologize if this is terrible. I have not role played frequently in quite some time.

bic: The rustling trees, the whistling wind, the singing birds, they called to her, but she did not listen. Samantha raised her head to the sky and frowned. Wanderer's parting words echoed within her mind, You need to dance once more. It will give you strength. What was that supposed to mean? She could barely walk correctly, let alone run, how was she supposed to dance? Even moving her head in time with the natural music didn't seem to work. She was losing her sense of rhythm.
Besides, now was not the time to being such things, with the Night Watchers and the incidents recently. Oddly enough, she had felt little sorrow when Rine died, only fear for what was to come. She felt unprepared and useless. She knew how to fight with three legs, thanks to Wanderer, but she no longer had the mobility she once had. She understood how the others in the pack that had...difficulties often felt. Draven had been an adventure and a curse. Sam bristled at the memory. She had been a colossal idiot, and received life-altering injuries as a result.
Sam had resigned herself to protecting the pack she loved in a different way. She was still in training to become a medicine dog. Coralin was a wonderful teacher and never failed to help her when things were tough. A sigh slipped past her lips and Samantha lowered her head. She wondered how much she could accomplish. The Night Watchers had returned. They had haunted her dreams since she was a pup, and now they were back. A shudder went down her spine as she remembered the horrors that had happened the last time. She had hoped once would have been enough for the ruthless killers, but that was not the case. "I wish you were here, Mom..." Samantha whispered, her voice full of emotion as her eyes misted. "You'd tell me everything was going to be okay, wouldn't you? Alexia said you were that type of dog." Samantha felt a lump grow in her throat and she took a shaken breath. Getting emotional would not solve anything, especially when she was sitting outside of her den in plain view of others.

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Roleplay page 2

Post  Neodog Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:10 am

Ooc: Syd's right, Mint. Just make a post, we are all a bit lost lol if it helps you can skim through the rp reviews I made to find out what is going on with your characters.

Bic: Dante looked at Desi once more. "I'm sure everything will be fine. I don't see why the universe should grant ill harm to a mother's children. They are meant to protect their pups, even at the risk of their-" Dante paused right there. His face grew somber. His head bent down."Where am I sleeping?" he asked quietly, his tone clearly sad.

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Roleplay page 2

Post  syd Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:19 pm

ooc//Hey Mint!! Very Happy *hugs* And it doesn't really matter, you can just post anything really, and we'll make one of our characters approach yours after you post! (:

bic//Coralin shrugged, "If he realizes you are gone, he'll catch your scent and know you are in my den, if he asks...we'll just tell him you had a head-ache and you couldn't sleep and came to my den." She didn't see any reason why that would cause her leader any alarm. Coralin then noticed Dante stand up as he gave her a questioning look. She noted immidiately he was confused as to who the new commer in her den was. "That's Desi, Paravati found her earlier this evening, she's wounded..and she's pregnant...due soon too, but I'm worried for the pups." she said, her voice growing quieter at the end of her sentence, just in case Desi was not sleeping soundly, she did not want her to hear that part. She knew Desi was aware of the risk her pups were in, but she did not wish to further emphasis it for the young dog.

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Roleplay page 2

Post  Mint Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:50 pm

ooc: I don't know how or where to begin... I hate to pop in here like this and not post an actual role play post, but, uh, where can any character of mine pop in? My poor neglected characters have floated through space long enough. How shall I resurrect them?

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Roleplay page 2

Post  Neodog Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:38 pm

Dante looked at her with surprise written all over his face. He did not know why her offer was such a shock to him. "Really? What if my dad notices I'm not in the den?" The small pup turned his head to face the den entrance, where he saw how low the moon was. It would soon disappear, giving rise to the sun. It was very late. His father must have been too tired to even realize he was not in his den, for sure then, he was fast asleep. He turned back to Coralin, the dog who is acting more like a mother figure to him at the moment. She revealed a small smile. A smile of relief. "Ok", he answered. It wasn't until then he noticed there was another scent in the den. It was very unfamiliar. He leaned to the right to view a female. She was covered in ointments and wool bandages. At first, she appeared to be starved, but almost immediately he discovered that swollen belly of hers. Sympathy took effect. He stood right up again, glancing at Coralin for a moment with questioning eyes.

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Roleplay page 2

Post  syd Sun Aug 18, 2013 12:26 pm

ooc//Thanks!! (: And yea, I do feel I'm not up to the level I was at, but we'll get there again! lol

bic//Coralin could hear his sobs growing fainter. She licked his ear softly once more as his head was pushed against her chest. She understood why Dante felt it was his fault, but he couldn't blame himself. It had been a mistake, and no one had meant for any of it to happen. In her heart she knew Dante would always feel somewhat responsible, no matter what she, or anyone else tried to tell him...but she knew as he matured, he would have to find ways to overcome that guilt and sadness, or Coralin feared it would have pshycologically damaging affects. "Would you like to just stay here, and rest in my den for a while?" she asked Dante gently.

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Roleplay page 2

Post  Neodog Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:57 am

Dante wanted to believe Coralin badly, but it had to be his fault, right? He went outside without permission in the dead of night! And for what? Because he heard something? He should have known better! If he didn't go out there his mom would be alive...RIGHT???? Coralin shh-ed him twice now, this time it soothed him slightly. After several moments his crying died down a bit. His breathing remained shallow however. Almost the whole time he has been crying, his face was planted on Coralin's chest. It reminded him of when his mother would embrace him, his face on her fur, her scent wrapping itself around him. How low her voice would get, how kind and pure it sounded in his ears. He would never experience that again because she died protecting him. He was the cause and her death was the effect. It would take a lot of convincing to make him believe otherwise.

ooc: Your rp was good, Syd! We will all be a bit rusty so as far as we know whatever we write will always sound good xD

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Roleplay page 2

Post  syd Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:21 am

ooc//Awesome job on the recaps Neodog! They really were necessary and helped out a lot as a refresher!! ^^ I'm gonna post an actual roleplay post now to get things going again, I'm pretty rusty, so excuse me if it sounds bad, or not up to par! lol Plus it's been summer for almost three months now! I'll just jump right back in, or start something else up so we can continue! There's no way I remember exactly where we left off with what our individual characters were doing, so, I'll just start it fresh!

bic//Coralin hurried to Dante's side. She sat next to him, and licked his ear softly, trying to comfort him. "Shh, no one else is going to be killed! And you did not kill your mother! Don't you say that! She died to protecting you, it's a mother's job, and she wouldn't have wanted it any other way. She doesn't blame you, nor does anyone else." She paused for a few moments, listening to his heavy sobs, seeing if her words had sunk in at all, or aided to ease his anxiety. She knew the experience had been traumatizing for Dante, but she refused to let him believe it was his fault that his mother had died. "And as for Dakota...we will figure out what is going on with him, well find answers...and I will keep everything you told me between us two...Shhh." She hushed him again, trying to catch a glimpse of his face, soaked in tears. She remained silent again, giving Dante time to calm down.

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Update/News

Post  Neodog Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:54 pm


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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Rp review (FINAL)

Post  Neodog Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:35 pm

Page 1 only

Coralin assures Dante she won't tell Falcon about this, but nonetheless tells him that was a dangerous decision on his behalf. Coralin knows Dante came to her because of his trust in her and she wishes to honor that. She tells him that next time he has an opportunity to see him she wants Dante to let her know. Coralin would feel better if she was with the pups when they go out alone into the forest.

'Dante nodded silently. He appreciated Coralin's kindness and loyalty. Relief waved over him like a warm breeze, but soon it had turned cold. He quickly looked down to hide his face. His eyes felt moist, his face scrunched up. He was actually crying! "What if....what if", his throat closed up every time he tried to let out a noise. "What if Dakota is r-really working for th-the Night Watchers?" His body trembled all over, he couldn't stop. "Will we be forced to kill him? Will my mom be disappointed in me?" His face now looked up at the medicine dog, his face was covered with water and salt." He won't tell me, but I know my mom told him to protect me or he feels the need to after what he has done". Dante's throat closed again as a down pour of fresh tears came running out of his eyes." He's my friend. He was my mom's friend and the pack's. I don't want to betray him! Coralin..." he took in a heavy breath," Rine died to protect me, I don't want the same fate for him. I don't want to kill anybody else!" He then collapsed onto the floor. All the grief, all the guilt he withheld erupted out of him like a great volcano after a thousand year slumber. " I killed her! I killed her!" he shouted in anger and self-hate. In tiny whispers he continued to say," I killed her....I killed my own mother..."'

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Rp review

Post  Neodog Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:27 pm

Page 2 only

"There is always time for a love life!" Aurora scoffed with a chuckle. "Besides, it's a sisters duty to be nosy." Aurora tells Austin he will find that special someone. She is excited to see Axel and Eir might become mates soon.'"Sadly, no one has caught my interest yet. However, me and Kayla have decided we will-." She choked off her sentence remembering the previous conversation with the black lab mix. They had decided to leave camp in search of a few suitable males if things calmed down with the Night Watchers. But she wasn't about to tell her brother that! "find someone one day. Or so we hope." She quickly finished.' Austin caught the hesitation, figuring his sister and Kayla will be up to no good. He heard footstep, got tense, then relaxed when he realized it was only a baby rabbit. Austin is finding it hard to let his guard down slightly. He asks his sister if she is ready for the battle.'"I'm as ready as I can be." She mumbled.' 'Austin was impressed by her composure. "I hope this tranquility of yours doesn't mean you don't take this serious. I worry for you as my sister. Don't be like me or dad, in other words don;t do anything stupid. As for me I don't make any promises", he winked at her. "Let's go hunting. Falcon or Kayle is bound to send someone eventually,right? Let's go ask. We're bound to be in a group of 4 or 5".'
Aurora tells Autin she is taking the situation very seriously, but she prefers to be optimistic. She agrees on the plan to go hunting. Austin spots Kayle, he goes ask him if there is a hunting patrol would it be ok if he and Aurora join.
' "That is not for me to say. Any dog who wishes to leave must go to Falcon", he responded. "Surely there WILL be a hunting patrol, right?!" Kayle grunted, displaying his frustration. "I don't know. It's too risky to hunt for food at the risk of our own lives". Austin's eyes formed a downward slant, his eyebrows raised."What?! We ARE risking our own lives just standing here like a group of frightened deer without any food or water available in our camp! You can't just say you don't-" "Like I said, you have to go to Falcon. I'm sorry Austin, but we are in a difficult situation. We can't just let anybody leave the safety of the camp with out a care in the world". Austin mouthed to himself, in barely a whisper," safety", in a disrespectful sneer.'
Aurora thinks they could sneak out, he asks Austin what they would do before suggesting her idea.'Austin, knowing better, stubbornly makes up his decision." Let's go. We'll make it a very quick hunt and we will stick close to the camp. If we can't hear any noise associated to our camp then we went too far, got it?" he sternly told her. ' Aurora is happy her brother also believes they need to do something.'A rustle of leaves alerted him, a flash of dark brown fur whizzed by. Austin was glad to know that easily frightened animals such as the squirrels were still about.' Aurora sniffs out a white rabbit.

Coralin took a moment to absorb what Dante was saying, her facial expression changed only slightly, her eyes widened a bit. This lead her to draw some, Dakota must be in with the nightwatchers, and two, that he was secretly working against them...he must not have killed Rine on purpose, she immediately assumed. Or if he did, it was only because of the other nightwatchers around...but even then Coralin didn't think he would do that. It worried her slightly, how long could Dakota fool the nightwatchers before they found out? "Where have you been meeting with him Dante?" she asked, then paused for a second. "Would he be opposed to me speaking with him?" she stood up, as if she was alert and ready to go talk to him now.
Dante took a step back, thinking Coralin doesn't believe him. He isn't sure on the idea of her visiting the stranger.'"It's more like he's been finding me. Dako- uh, HE said that he doesn't want me to go into the forest to look for him. He's afraid I'll get killed...." ' Dante is sad by the fact he can't see his new friend.'"He refuse to tell me his name but I knew who he was by the look in my mother's eyes and by the stories I've heard of dead packmates. It's confusing if he's still with the enemy or if he's running away from them. Last night, I saw him.....he had a friend. He didn't look like a wolf. In the shadows of the trees and the darkness of the night I barely saw the shade of brown. His friend didn't speak and his name is hidden from me as well". Dante paused, he checked outside once more. He came back with sorrow in his eyes. "I think he's scared, Coralin. I don't know what he's planning but I can guess he doesn't want the pack to know he's alive. I don't understand why. He's not really with the Night Watchers, is he?" Dante wanted answers, he wanted to help his pack but he can't as a rookie. As good as guarding or helping medicine dogs is he was ambitious to do more. The grown pup couldn't let his mother's death be in vain. He shouldn't have been there in the first place.'

Coralin tells Dante she doesn't blame him to be scared. She also tells him he is probably with the enemy but doesn't wish to be.'"Speaking with him is the only way I'd be able to draw more complete answers, or help him...and if he is working against the enemy, perhaps he could help us as well." The medicine dog glanced back down at the bulbs she had been stripping the grass from...then back to Dante. "When was the last time you talked to him?" ' Dante tells Coralin Amon has been with him visiting the stranger. He asks her if she will tell his dad on him. Dante is also very confused as a million questions rammed into his brain.

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Rp review

Post  Neodog Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:36 am

Pages 5-3
Axel came back with a meal for him and Eir. He tugs on her ear to wake her. Eir refuses to stay awake. She curls up in a tighter ball to prevent Axel from bothering her anymore, though she doubts it'll work. Axel begins to annoy Eir to get her out of 'bed'. Eir finally sits up, acting grumpy yet smiling at Axel. Axel explains he wants her to eat breakfast with him. Axel is please he was able to wake her up. Axel eats his rabbit while Eir eats her weasel.

Coralin asks Desi is she feels any better and if she ate all the rabbit. She quickly checks up on her injuries. Desi tells Coralin she feels a bit sore, but other than that she feels fine. She asks if theres a river or lake nearby where she can get a drink of water and wash up. Coralin leads Desi to one of their water sources. She asks if Kokoro has explained to her that her attackers were probably the Night Watchers. Desi is happy Coralin is with her. She answers no and asks what is a Night Watcher. She hopes her pups are born soon. Coralin tells her her pups will be born in a few days. She then tells her what the Night Watchers are (basically terrorists). Coralin says there is a good chance her pups are damaged, but if the borth goes well they will still be healthy. They reach the river.

Parvati wakes up, sees Desi and Coralin are not in the den and assume they are with each other, leaves the den, and walks up to her brother, Dali. Dali, before his sister came, was consumed with the bad memories of when the Night Watchers handicapped Dali.Along with the emotional pain, he is feeling the physical too. He tries his best to calm down to get rid of the pain. He replies to her,"No, i'm quite the opposite of busy actually...why?" he asked, sitting up.Dali wishes he can be positive like his sister. Parvati can tell Dali is depressed. Determined to make him feel better, Parvati asks if he would like to go to the lake with her, if he refuses he's going to drag him to it. Dali didn't want to disappoint his sister she she did made him feel better so he agreed to go .Parvati is happy.

Coralin scents Parvati and Dali close to them. Knowing Desi already feels comfortable with Parvati, she thinks it'll be good for her to know Dali, who is a gentle, softspoken dog. Coralin tells Desi they are coming and explains to her Dali is Parvati's brother.Dali asks about Desi, Parvati tells Dali what happened last night. Then as soon as Parvati sees Coralin and Desi, she ran off and jumped into the lake far enough to not get the others wet. Dali smiled, knowing his sister would do that. He introduced himself to Desi.

(Roleplay 2 months later from the above rp so some things are a tad confusing. Just roll with it)

Dante thinks to himself if his mom knew the stranger then that means his dad might know him too. He stands to talk to his father, but then thinks better of it. He goes to visit Coralin in the medicine dogs den. Coralin has been up before dawn and has been in the last few days preparing for the bound-to-come fight with the Night Watchers. Coralin starts the process of separating the grass and roots from the bulbs. Several minutes into the task, Coralin notices Dante has just entered the den. She asks what is is he needs help in. Dante checks to see if anybody is around to hear their conversation, when he was certain it was safe he asks Coralin about Dakota. He wants to know what he looks like and what he was like.
'Coralin's ears ears perked up at the mention of Dakota's name...she wondered why Dante was inquiring about him, but nontheless she'd tell him. "Dakota looked very much like a a nightwatcher you might say...he was strong, had yellow eyes and a white patch of fur on his chest...he was a wonderful guardian, in my opinion suited to be leader, but he went missing after the incident with Lakesha...which i'm sure you're aware of." She studied him closely, she knew something was up, by they way he was acting so secretive. "And why do you ask?"'
Dante admits he believes he has met Dakota a few times now. He tells her is he acting like his personal body guard.'".... but he has scars. I've only seen him at night but I can make out a few on his face like he's been through either one horrible fight or a few good ones over the past Spring or two". Before she can say anything he muttered," And.....he killed my mom.....". He couldn't say more for a moment. Defending him was his purpose but now it was like his brain just froze. His new friend is his mom's killer, yet he trusted him. The look of Rine's eyes before she left this world showed that too. She trusted him through the end.'

Kain is watching the pack.

Austin is practicing, preparing himself for the fight bound to come with the Night Watchers. (Apparently) the Night Watchers are still in the forest, surrounding them. The rule not to leave far from camp is still in place. Austin has been practicing since dawn. He quickly went to the river to rest then sneaked back into the camp. He lays under a tree, waiting for orders from Falcon.

Aurora feels the terrified sense the Night Watchers would be attacking very soon. She exited her den, decided to skip breakfast when she saw the prey pile is low, saw her brother Austin, sneaked toward him, then playfully pounced onto his back.Austin thought for a moment it was A night Watcher attacking him, until he saw his sister instead.Austin asks if there is anything he can do for her or if she is looking for conversation.'Aurora fell back into sitting position as she released her hold. She couldn't help but chuckle at him. “You should always be prepared for an attack, dearest brother.” She smirked before licking his ear. “Why conversation, of course!”','“So, any female caught your interest yet?” She winked.'
' Austin frowned as easily as he smiled."Why must sisters always be interested in the love lives of others? No, no one has caught my interest. I've been busy lately on my duties and training", he then released a small laugh," To think in a dire time like this we are lounging about and chatting about trivial things!" He looked around camp, his eyes scanning around for an attractive female as if he doubted his earlier statement. "The new female looks pretty but I can already see Axel has dibs on her. She seems cozy with him too." The older shiba inu smiled once more at his sister," How about you? Any boy running across that mind of yours?"'

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Rp review

Post  Neodog Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:42 am

Pgs. 7-6

Kayla asks Aurora what her dream guy would be like. Aurora answers,"Hmmmm, I want a dependable mate. One who makes me smile and who I can just have fun with." Then she asks Kayla the same question. She answers,"Hmmm....I want a guy that's brave, and takes'd also be good if he was funny and could make me laugh all the time, I'd really like that.Look wise though, I want him to be taller than me, and have a shiny coat that is short in length...I don't know why, but I just like the look of short fur." Aurora agrees that a tall mate would be nice.

Coralin laughed softly, she could definitely see Forest as a pup leading his siblings into trouble, "You would be the one to do that." she said, "I bet you drove Tristie up a wall, there's always at least one troublesome pup in a litter." she lifted her head to look at him so he did not have to strain his neck so much, she reached her head towards his and licked him on the cheek softly. Forest misses the simple days of when he was a pup.

Parvati is telling Desi, who just woke up, that she brought her to Coralin to heal her. Then assures her the meal is for her. Parvati displays concern for Desi. Desi is grateful. She worries that her pups haven't moved.

Eir and Axel flirt more (Don't they ever take a break? lol) Kayle left to grab something to eat for them all, but his real reason to leave his post is to leave the two love birds alone. He prays for them that Falcon lets Eir and Amon join for their sake.

Kokoro couldn't sleep so he decides to work. When he enters the den he meets Desi and by looking at her he is able to tell what is wrong with her and why.He asks Parvati if Coralin has given her a poppy seed.Desi agrees she is a lucky dog to have survived, she tells Kokoro she is confused what happened. She says she was walking then suddenly she was a ttacked but she wouldn't see her attackers.Kokoro clearly shows his concern and care for Desi as his patient.Desi accepts the offer for a blanket. Guessing Kokoro is a healer as well, she tells him her concern for her unborn pups.After taking time to check on her pups, Kokoro reports he hears faint sounds of heartbeats and because she is close to giving birth the pups are quite responsive at their currrent stage so perhaps they are frightend. He tells her he or the other medicine dogs won't know for sure of any injuries till the pups are born. He leaves then come back with the blanket she requested.Kokoro also gives her popy seeds to she may fall and stay asleep. Desi is happy her pups are alive, but she refuses the poppy seeds, afraid to sleep due to nightmares.

Amon told Dante about what he saw (Parvati and Desi). He asks him what he thinks his father will say about having another guest in their camp.

Forest and Coralin are getting pretty comfortable with each other in Forest's den.


Axel woke up and quietly exited the den to grab a meal for him and Eir to share. Eir wakes up. She wishes to sleep more. She rolls over away from the sunshine and shields her eyes.

Coralin wakes up happy rememebring she is with Forest. She exits the den to go check up on Desi. Kokoro greets her with a nod, not wanting to wake up Desi or Parvati, and goes outside to talk to Coralin. He tells her what happened during her absence and that everything is fine so far. Coralin is glad everything is ok. She shares her concerns about birth complications and when Falcon finds out about Desi. Desi wakes up and walks out of the den. She quickly feels like an outcast. She remembers how she lived in the city with twolegs, but got dropped off at the edge of the forest with her unborn pups.

Kindle made it back to her camp before the others, ignoring her pain she went to see her alpha female, Zira. Zira could see something is wrong. She made it evident she wants to know what is going on with her.

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Rp review

Post  Neodog Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:04 pm

Pages 9-8

Kayla sent Nova to sleep, then started a casual conversation with Aurora. Kayla asked if Aurora has a crush on anybody. In narrative it is revealed she enjoys gossip and talking about crushes along with other miscellaneous topics of girl talk. Aurora tells Kayla no one interests her, then asked the same to Kayla. Kayla tells Aurora that she feels limited in the pack, that there has to be many other great guys outside of the pack. Aurora suggests they go out to find new males after the crisis with the Night Watchers is over, assuming this situation will come to an end in their favor. Kayla agrees completely with the suggestion to look for new guys. She pointed out the pack will not like it, but she doesn't seem to care much about their disapproval.' "I never said we have to tell the pack." Aurora winked.'

Character Introduction:
'The sound of ragged breath echoed in her ears, it was uneven, as if one breath was attempting to come out of the mouth of many wolves. The shadow creatures behind her seemed to be tiring out, which was good, for she too was growing weary. She ran with a limp, favoring her front paw over all others which gave her an awkward gate. A combination of a swollen belly mixed with the pulsating pain of the wounds along her side caused her body to quiver with exhaustion. She wanted to stop running, a small part of her was begging to give up, begging to lay down and let them swarm in on her, to steal her life into the darkness. Wouldn't that be a kinder fate? No. No, those bastards would have enjoyed seeing her give in. And yet, she was sure they found pleasure in the thrill of the chase.

She had been careless in her steps, the exhausted giving way to blackness lapping at the edges of her vision. She had taken another step, only to find no ground settled beneath her paws. Her heart skipped a beat as she felt herself lurch forward, soaring through the air for a moment before crashing against the side of a cliff and slipping down the side. Her head screamed of pain, and she whimpered, giving in to the darkness surrounding her.

Either a good day had passed, or she had been out for moments, either way, she felt as if she had been trampled by a roving heard of deer. With every bit of energy she could muster, Desi stood, her paws quavering beneath her an choked back a sob after a look at herself. He fur was matted in mud and blood, bite marks tore into her flesh sending a crimson coloring over her swollen belly. She prayed to the heavens that her unborn pups had survived the ordeal, and yet, she wasn't sure she was going to survive. It took a great deal to walk, to force herself forward towards the scent of others. She wasn't far, and yet every step seemed to take her farther away. Finally, exhausted she rested to her haunches, tilting her head back to release a pleading howl for help. Hoping someone would come.'

Parvati, who was about to sleep in her den, heard the call for help. She went towards it, after telling Kayle and Eir she'll be fine alone, not giving time to let Kayle or Eir argue against her decision. She finds a female, realizing she is pregnant and seeing the injuries inflicted on her.She figured she fell from some of the cliffs or slopes nearby.Desi, the pregnant female, stood up, obviously struggling in the task and with pain. She tells Parvati she can walk, but she doesn't know for how long. Desi worries for her pups and hopes someone in the pack can make sure her unborn pups will be ok.Parvati slipped the female onto her back, not wanting to cause her anymore pain or injury.She believes the Night Watchers hurt this female.The campcame into view, the female told Parvati her name is Desi. They entered the camp, Parvati taking her to Coralin, the medicine dog, and explained to Desi Coralin would heal her. Parvati believes Falcon will allow this female to stay considering the circumstances, and as soon as Falcon scented blood he would find them in the medicine dogs den. Coralin immediately got to work, patching up and bandaging all of her injuries. She sent Parvati to gather water and food for Desi. Desi falls asleep.

Coralin reveals to Parvati the pups may have been affected by the injures, and when born their condition may be critical. Desi has no broken bones aside from her paw, but terrible bruising around her stomach.She asks Parvati to watch over Desi while she goes get some air. Coralin believes they should report to Falcon in the morning because their leader needs rest.Coralin goes to visit Forest, hoping he is awake.Forest was already awake due to the noise outside, just as he was about to exit his den he finds Coralin visiting him. He asks if something is wrong, scenting blood. Coralin lays right next to him, fur brushing against each other. She vents out her stress and explains what just happened, and then rests her head on his back, enjoying his scent. Forest attempts to cheer her up and he succeeds. Coralin asks Forest to tell her stories of himself as a pup. Forest tells her of the time, him and his siblings, Dune and Tracie, sneaked out of camp to explore the forest by themselves but got caught. He pointed out they would get in trouble a lot but it was normally himself that would lead them into trouble.

Kayle feels nostalgia when he see the injured pregnant female. He said,"Sapphire". Eir heard him, questioning who is Sapphire.'Kayle flicked his head over to gaze at Eir. A face of silent sorrow formed his face. He looked back out to the forest as if focusing back to his duty."My deceased mate", he told her, his voice low in tone and almost absent of emotions. "I first met her incredibly injured in the forest, pregnant with Alexia and Dakota. Her mate from back then did that to her". Eir would think he was finished reminiscing he unexpectedly said," She was killed by Zira. A member of the Night Watchers". His head hung low for a moment, remembering her bleeding head. She died protecting their newborns, Kaoru and Samantha. He soon concentrated back on the job, feigning to forget what had happened.' Kyle thought he saw a shadow flicker, one that did not belong to him or Eir. He sees no one had noticed it and for some reason feels he should keep this experience to himself.

Kain received a report about his small party chasing away a pregnant female collie. He sent a messenger to gather the rest of the pack, Kindle asked if she can go, Kain allowed her. He whispered a message to Lucifer, his Beta.(sorry that makes no sense, Lucifer is already rped as being in the main Night Watchers camp, not in Kain's small party) Kain and the rest of his party grows restless. Only 13 wolves are with him.

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Post  Neodog Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:11 am

pgs. 11-10

Austin brings up the possible fact their family could die and this could be their last talk. Cody says he knows its a possibility of of their family members will die, but there is no way their entire family will die. Cody says they greatly outnumber the Night Watchers, skill and agility can only take their enemy so far when battling a great number of dogs, even by dogs of lesser skill.
'"True. It isn't really much of a worry but you can't ignore the possibility. It's always there. Mom is head guardian, that enough tells me she's a good fighter, dad is a medicine dog so he won't be seeing much fighting. It's pretty much just us siblings. I mostly worry for Aurora, I guess 'cuz she's my sister and I'm here brother." He told him. Austin had a love/hate relationship with battles. He loved being out there, fighting, protecting his pack and family, doing something with his life, but then there came the hardships like watching his packmates fall, seeing their families grieve, being at funerals, hearing the moaning and yells from pain and the cries of mercy. When he was a pup he remembered he couldn't decide what to be, a guardian or a medicine dog. He believed he made the right choice. His training taught him to toughen up but Tracie also taught him his nice, sweet nature was a good quality in a fighter. It showed he knew when to make a kill and prevent him from doing it for fun. He laughed."Remember when I disliked hunting? I hated seeing the look on an animal's face when it knew it was going to die. Just reminded me of life and made me wonder if it was right to kill or not".'

The stranger admits to Dante that he has made a promise to his mother to protect him, but won't say why. He puns that the way life is treating him, all his secrets will be revealed in due time. Dante asks what his relation to his mother is. He notes he feel interrogated, and answers he is a friend to his mother and he won't reveal anymore than that.'"Why can't you tell me anything? It's always secrets with you adults!" he complained. The male laid down and stared at Dante in the eye."Because, any information I give you can cause an uproar in your pack. I don't need that happening right now. I know at least one dog that would go out and search for me in the forest, possibly at night, while the Night Watchers are out and about. I don't need another death on my concision, mate. Plus I'm afraid that she'll either kill me or force me to do something I'm not ready for". He sighed.His eyes closed as if imagining what this mysterious female would do to him. He looked at both pups.Mostly at Amon. "You new,mate? Or are you pack blood?" he asked him.' Distracted by his new surroundings, he was startled by Dakota's question. He tells him he just arrived earlier today.

The stranger sends Dante and Amon on their way, afraid someone is worrying for them or will discover their disappearance and cause more heart-ache.The stranger asks his companion to escort the pups. He tells the pups his friend can't speak, he has his voice still but it is incredibly difficult for him to use it.' A glimmer of cheer sparked into his eyes. "That's the very reason I'm sending him. He won't be able to answer anymore of your questions, Dante". Dante moaned,"Very sneaky of you". He began to follow the voiceless dog.'

Eir asks Kayle how he can handle situations with such refined kindness. Kayle tells her first that he can tell she is from a savage pack, and confidently says he can tell where she is from. He then answers her questions, explaining how he came to join the pack (Falcon welcomed him seeing as he was injured and saved a pregnant female's life), he quickly noted that female became his mate. He also tells Eir the pack became his second family, so his protection over them is more than his duty.' I owe them my services. I don't do it totally because I am in debt to him or the pack, it is also because I have befriended each and every dog here. A family has to stick together, no?"' Kayle then tells Eir if she or Amon needs anything, even just company, they are welcome to come to him. Kayle notices Dante and Amon sneak back into camp from the corner of his eye. Through narrative, it is revealed he knew all along they sneaked out, but didn't say anything because he knew somehow they would come back unhurt. He tells Eir nothing about it, not wanting to worry her or cause her anger.
'Eir raised her brow at Kayle's question, though before she had time to reply the male was rambling on, speaking of his responsibilities and a bit on his past. She sat quietly, patiently listening to the male. Patience was something she had plenty of. She would often sit in one spot for hours on end, hardly moving a muscle as she waited for a snow hare to peek from it's hole. It wasn't exactly her hunting skills that kept her still, but her father standing nearby, surely ready to deal a hard blow had she given the hare signal that she was perched nearby.'

Kayle asks Eir how her pack was like.He tells Eir in his old home, he and some of the small packs nearby lived in harmony with the humans. In memory lane, Kayle remembers a pack of 12 wolves in his hometown that were cruel. He and his brothers barely survived, coming home injured and bloody. He remembers their mother was very upset.
'Eir found herself sighing softly. She had never mentioned to anyone how her back functioned, if you could have called them a pack. "My grandparents were part of a sled team that lost it's master. Under the control of the two-leg, the group ran smoothly almost as if they were one being. However, when their master died, things went sour. Some of the group could not free themselves from the lines and died there along with their master. The ones whom did get free could not function under their own rule. Their life was previously devoted to pleasing the master, now they were thrown out into the wild alone.. It became a fight to survive, every dog for himself" She paused, thinking back to remember the story the elder dog had told her. "By the time my parents were born, they had worked out some type of order, but it wasn't a good one. They were determined to keep things pure. Only the strong would be permitted to live. If pups were born with a deformity or a litter happened to be a hybrid, they were carried off by our Obea, a barren she-dog who's sole purpose in the pack was to rid it of weaklings, to a tumfraw, which was a place in which the newborn pups were left to die. She would usually pick a place that was frequented by predators, or in the path of a group of caribou to be trampled. It was a horrible thing, but one in which the leader's demanded be done." She hesitated, her voice seeming to quiver slightly. "I watched my brother being torn away from us by the Obea to be taken to his tumfraw. My mother lost her wits then and attacked her, which was an unthinkable act. She was gone the next day, killed by a small assassin group within our ranks, a byrgiss. My father was an awful creature. The alpha of our ranks, but completely ruthless. My brother and I were not born by my mother's choice. He demanded I be trained beneath him, but he hated my very being and he let that show through his tedious and often impossible training regiments. He had wanted a son, and the only one birthed to him had not been pure, had been defective in his eyes. I left their ranks as soon as I was able and was sure I could get away without being hunted down by the Byrgiss" He eyes seemed to stare into nothing in the distance as for the first time since the beginning of her journey a yeah and a half ago.'

Dante, back in his den, soon figures out who the stranger is by thinking of the stories of past pack members the pack has told him. He believes he is right on his guess. Dante also could think of 3 female dogs that could be the one the stranger was referring too.
'Amon yawned as they re-entered the den obviously unnoticed. Things were as they had been when the two left. He blinked at Dante as the other sat quietly for what he had imagined was the longest span of time in the young pups life. "What are you thinking about? Do you know who that wolf was? Was he the one that killed your mom? Are the Night watchers going to attack? Why is tomorrow a long day?" He drew in a breath and found himself laughing. If Dante wasn't going to ask the questions, someone had to.'

Dante tells Amon the stranger they were with is the one that killed his mother and explained it will be a busy day tomorrow because of all the preparations the pack will be busy making for the upcoming battle, which could be tomorrow or the day after. Positively sometime soon. Amon questions how he and Eir can help if Dante's father doesn't trust them yet and so won't probably allow them to train.

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Rp review

Post  Neodog Tue Aug 13, 2013 4:07 am

pgs 15-12

"Kindle slipped out. when she was far enough from them she moaned in pain."Damnit. Just wait a little longer". She moaned again. She tried to take deep breathes to calm down. She laid on the ground and closed her eyes. "I think I rather have someones jaws around my throat", she complained. Finally the pain flooded away. "This better be worth it". She walked back into camp, No one has noticed her leave, if they did they didn't care."

Eir feels lonely and colder without Axel or Amon in the den.

Zira seems to be experiencing pain due to her pregnancy.

Seth volunteers to take the second shift of guarding the territory.

Samara, the Night Watcher's healer, senses something is wrong with Kindle. When asked, Kindle says she has a small ache and that she is fine. She walks away to avoid further questions.

Axel believes they should have killed Kain while they had the chance. "Kayle nodded."I agree with you, but what if he had others to back him up? Just one move from us and they could have killed one or more of us. Kain is skilled, he wouldn't put himself in danger. Let's say he did die. His appointee would just take over as leader. How do we know he isn't any worse? Or the other Night Watchers might go search for Bane if he's alive, and then what? I wanted to kill him too. They took my daughters and killed my mate. And for what? For laughs? They did horrible things, Axel. You and your sister were there to witness it first hand. Also remember the state Dakota was in. He sneaked out and traveled down the mountains and into the forest when he was covered in blood and wounds. What your father did was for the best. Right now we have a chance to rest up and strategize to prevent fewer deaths as possible and to kill as many of them as possible". "

Kayle diverts the topic of conversation to the topic of Axel's flirting with Eir. Off guard, Axel says “We’re just friends right now.” (Notice how he says, 'right now').'Kayle chuckled."I use to be a ladies charmer and I still am! I know what I saw. Everyone can see the worried looks for each other, but I noticed the small details. The fur brushing, you both smile at each other and so far only at each other, and though she has to sleep in your den for the time being I'm sure that temporary accommodation is okay with both of you. Would you like to change subject?" he asked so casually.'Kayle then explains how nervous he is of his new responsibilities, then drifts off to talk about his family. Axel asks him if his brothers are older or younger than him, then he begins to think that he would one day like to meet Kayle's brothers.
"Kayle grumbled,"Older. They are more....adventurous than me. To me they are a little stupid but all in all they are great guys. They taught me a lot and they are very good at surviving. We lived near humans peacefully most of the time so we were partly taken care of, but my brother still enjoyed challenging themselves on who's the best thieve, who's the best hunter, runner, tree climber, mountain climber, digger, herbalist, you just name it! They were skillful bastards. I love my brothers though. Competitions were fun but sometimes tiresome. Plus we are all a close family. They tried to convince me not to go. But I felt like I had to. I'm glad I did or else I wouldn't have met Sapphire and found a new family"."

Eir tells Parvati, who came to introduce herself to her, shes from the far north, the icelands and that during her journey she found Amon. Parvati nodded, "I have heard of old friend used to tell me about them when he was here, he traveled into Europe, and went through the harsh Transylvanian winters...I don't think that is what you were specifically talking about, but I assume they have similar climates." she commented. "It must take a lot to be adapted to life there, from what I have been told, it's fierce living there." (Syd, if you can remind people, or me, who this friend is, that would be great! I forgot some of the past or re-occurring characters) Eir tells Parvati living in the forest is hard for her, living in the cold isn't.

Dante admits to Amon that he doesn't know what his savior looks like. Feeling the pain of find a Night Watcher, the stranger came to them soon enough."Dante was too startled. He felt Amon nearly collide against him. "We were trying to find you!" he responded. The male sighed," You remind me of my sister. Always getting into trouble. I would send you back in the camp but I know you would just sneak out again". A heavy sigh would be heard, one of nuisance and of tiredness. "You have 10 minutes with me, ok?" Follow me. I'll have my tail brush along the floor. Just follow the sound of it if you can't see. I don't want those Night Watchers hearing us". "

Kayla walks out of her den, and happens to be near Saara's den. Knowing there's a new pup in there, she sneaks her head in and immediately is nose to nose with Nova. She introduces herself quietly to Nova. Nova gets out of the den, asks if she can be outside, complaining she is bored. Kayla yells her she can be outside so long as she doesn't leave camp. She suggests to play one of her favorite games to abate Nova's boredness. Excited, Nova howled. Realizing her mistake, she stopped and luckily no one woke up. She asks Kayla what game they are going to play and asks why they cant be outside (of the camp).

Cody walked from his den to his brothers. He felt lonely. Even though Austin was asleep, Cody felt better with his presence. He laid on the other side of the den. Austin woke up because he felt a presence in his den. It felt non-threatening and right away scented his brother. He says, "What's up? Can't fall asleep?" Cody explained he wasn't tired because of his nap earlier. He tells Austin he hopes he didn't wake him and explained how isolated he felt in his den.

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Rp review

Post  Neodog Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:30 pm

pgs 19-16

Seth has explained to Dune that the Night Watchers are back. He also explained the emergency plan to get the rookies out of danger. Seth is displaying a calm exterior, but inside he has the urge to go out and fight.

Shadow awoke, understanding Austin's information on the emergency plan. She walked out, seeing the worried expressions on her packmates' faces.Shadow assures her son, Austin, his father, Kokoro, will be alright. Aurora wakes up and is soon informed about everything.

Venom and Lotus leave each other. Lotus headed to their territory, while Venom went to Duke's warehouse. Duke is awake, unable to sleep. When Venom shows himself, he and his son go out for a walk. Once in the forest Venom explains there has been an accident that has ultimately led to his mother's death. Duke ran over to the pack, where he got attacked by Austin, who mistaken Duke for an enemy. Austin takes Duke to see Falcon.

Kiah wakes up, notices Venom, and goes up to him, wondering what he is doing here and where her mate is. Venom explains the situation from what he has been told by the pack. Kiah is worried for her mate, pondering if she should go help the pack as well.

Amon goes to see Dante after letting Kayla know Dante is back unharmed. Eir lets Axel no he shouldnt be apologetic for helping them. Axel tells Eir the Doberman (Duke) is his half-brother.

Forest, Nanu, and Parvati stood guard on the areawhere Dante's scent, from earlier, stopped at the edge of the forest. A bush shook violently suddenly. Kayle called Falcon. When they went to see what had happen they see a mother deer and her offspring dead with the mothers chest opened to display the heart and other organs and the baby with its head cut off, eyes open and its legs broken. Soon howls arose.

"Kindle smiled."Aren't they cute? Running around and organizing guards". Though she was happy deep inside she grew some doubt. All her life they used their skills in stealth. That was their advantage. Were they going to suddenly change to a more offensive strategy? In reality she didn't know what her leader is planning. She was so use to the traditional ways or at least the ways of Bane. He had been leader for so long that was all she knew. She wasn't sure she liked this change. Suddenly she saw Kain step into the camp. "Is he crazy?" she said aloud.

Kain walked straight to Falcon. He saw a group of dogs approach him. Their fur raised high, teeth bared, and their eyes in total focus on their enemy. He paused just half a yard from the outline of the camp. He was close to the den Dante was staying in with Amon. He saw the guards there. He suspected it was either Falcon's son or mothers and pups quivering in fright. "This isn't a very nice welcome. I expected better of you. I hope Dante is safe and sound. My subordinates tell me how he escaped without a scratch. You have yourself a strong son there". His gaze fell on Axel,"Looking as strong and stupid as ever. Where's your sister? Did she die as well along with your mother? Oh, so sorry for your loss by the way". Somehow he stood coolly surrounded by 30 something dogs ready to attack in the heart of enemy territory."

Kain teases Falcon. He is strangely calm for someone in the center of enemy territory, surrounded by a few dozen dogs.He informs Falcon one of his pack members has gone rogue. That this rogue is the one who killed Rine and that he is more dangerous because he has gone crazy.

While the whole pack was distracted, Dante and Amon sneaked out of the camp and entered the forest to find the stranger that saved Dante.

"Kain paused. A chuckle slipped out."If you;re going to kill me, then do it now". There was silence. Only the crickets and occasional rustle of leaves from the wind. "You could have been something, brother. If only you and I were raised the same way. Who knows. If I shared your life I would be just like you, successful, have friends and a family that cared. But of course that wasn't enough for you was it?" Another chuckled came out from his throat,"You wanted power, strength, to make up for all the mistakes in your life. How pathetic. If you change your mind about anything you know how to find me. We train you well of course, but you had that talent in you in the first place. How ironic." Kain walked on. He heard the very faint sounds of running paw prints dispersing from him."

Kokoro promises Shadow that after this crisis they will have some to spend with each other and their kids.

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Rp review

Post  Neodog Sat Aug 10, 2013 11:00 pm

Pgs 21-20

Lotus told Venom he should visit his son, Duke, and stay for the night, telling him stories of his mom as she was back in the day when she was a street dog.

Dali soothed his mate, Anayu, telling her everything will be ok and it is best for her to grieve for the next few days. He aslo told her grieving doesn't make her weak, instead it makes her stronger.Anayu stopped crying, calmed down and now tired, she fell asleep.As she falls alseep, Dali hears the argument between Falcon and Axel. He decided to listen in to find out what is happening.

Kayle calls Nanu, the blind Egyptian jackal in the pack, to gather others for a search party and telling her she will be leading. Nanu gets Dali and Seth to join her and Kokoro and Reese who have been called earlier.

Dante's captor senses an intruder, when he goes to investigate Dante is then whisked again, once more by a stranger. Dante scented blood and another presence. The stranger told him not to tell his dad about the kidnap and about him. Dante agreed.Dante asked who the new dog who he felt earlier is. The stranger merely says," You'll find out eventually, kiddo". Dante was dropped onto the floor, noticing he is near the edge of camp. The stranger tells him to make up a story if he has to and to make sure his pack will be prepared for Kain. They soon disappeared. Dante runs into camp, calling to his dad.'Dante saw all the dogs gathered. "I was kidnapped!" he told them all,"I think it was the Night Watchers! It's just like the stories and similar to what happened last night. They had no scent, I couldn't see them in the dark.....they were almost invisible!" He turned to his dad,"There's a wolf. Kain. He's up to something,dad!"' Kayle tensed up when Kain's name was mentioned. He told Falcon he would go take his son to his den and have Seth and Reese guard the den. Reese assures Kayle he is well rested enough to stay guard all night. Dante pleaded to be put to use because he wanted to help. Kyle tells him he can help only if he sleeps so he can be in full strength if needed. Basically Kayle tricked him so he can sleep without causing any more trouble, yet some part of him meant what he told Dante.

Falcon is in shock, as he processes all he has learned, he decided to stay put in camp, where they have the home advantage. Axel is touched Eir came to help him, and he soon felt bad that he dragged her into this danger.Kayle asks Falcon what their next plan is. Falcon tells Kayle everyone stays in the camp, and a group will be organized to escape with the rookies plus one medicine dog, in case an attack happens. Kayle suggests there should be two senior guardians in the group, one leader and another co-leader. If something happens they will be able to make quick, good decisions. Austin, who was over hearing the conversation, volunteered to be one of the senior guardians in the group.Austin has been wanting to prove his pack for a long while that he isn't the shy pup he was before, but a strong warrior, and capable leader for situations like these. Falcon agreed. He instructed Austin what to do if the time comes to evacuate,and told him to tell the rookies what to expect so they are prepared. Austin immediately ran over to Shadow, informed her, then ran off to instruct and inform the rookies. Kayle mentions he vaguely remembers scenting a third guest, a pup. Falcon never knew there was another stranger in his pack, that made him a bit angry.

'Kindle walked through the bushes calmly, as if on a nightly walk. She came through the large bundle of shrubs. She smiled." You're in trouble, young man. What kind of bad game do you have in your head?" He turned around," I'm done. You guys pushed me too far this time. I handled moons of killing innocents, I pretended to believe your lies. But this? I already committed too many sins perhaps to have a happy life, but at least I can die protecting them". Kindle circled around him, her tail gently brushing his sides. Her eyes narrowed in a seductive tone." I'll miss you terribly. I really will. You poor tortured soul. I can see the confusion, the anger, the morose sorrow in your eyes right now. The guilt is practically eating you alive, and yet you continue to live, believing everything will be fine at the end. Even at the cost of your own life. Before you go sweetheart, maybe I can make you happy one last time? Before you go join that Delilah bitch". He nearly snapped her face off but Kindle fluidly avoided it as if she expected it. "Maybe next time then. You better get away before the others find out you were here". As she was about to disappear she paused. "One last thing", she said, looking at the ground,"Did you let me to find you?" There was nothing but still silence."You gambled on whether I would kill you or not", the moon beams reflected on her canines as they slowly revealed themselves."Because deep down inside you know I'm the only one ,aside from your friend, whom you can trust. If I was someone else you would have ran away from where you stood". Again silence."Goodnight". She melted within the shadows, leaving him alone in the forest.'

Venom admired how Lotus handled the situation with her sister's death. He trusted she would take good care of his gang while he was gone visiting his son. Lotus and Venom left the graveyard.Lotus wonders if her pups will miss their aunt so much because they didn't get to know her very well.

Dune wakes up because of the voices outside. He walks out, notices Seth, and asks him what is happening.

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Post  Neodog Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:43 pm

Page 22 only

Anayu is struggling over her mom's death.She is venting to Dali, her mate. Kayle is telling Reese how nervous is under his new responsibilities.

Dante is observing Amon and Kayla and Axel with Eir. He is confused how flirting or courting works. As he was about to enter his den to sleep he heard someone quietly calling him, then he saw a flash of a small yellow light. When he walked to where he saw it, a voice told him to stop where he was. The stranger, while hidden, told Dante to stay in his den for safety reasons.He also told him if Dante is ever in danger the stranger himself will be there to protect him, because he had to keep his promise. When Dante asked if he was the stranger that saved him last night he was already gone. Dante entered his den, thinking over what just happened. He wondered if he should tell his father, but he couldn't afford to tell him how he gained the information. Then he cam eup with the idea that he could ask Coralin to tell him she has a vision since she was a medicine dog. In that way his father will be warned a horrible event is coming and he won't question where the information came from. As Dante ran out he felt something grab him, next thing he knew he was in the forest. He quickly wondered how no one noticed an invader despite the fact his den is close
to the perimeters of the forest that surrounds their camp."  'How could no one had noticed? His father's den was close to the edge of trees but not that close, there was still enough distance to notice someone entering through there." Dante was soon dropped. The stranger who took him just now told him to stay put. Dante quickly noted his brother should teach him what to do in a hostage situation as part of his training, if he gets back home. He stays calm. "For now he would listen his captor. He was anxious to warn his pack of the upcoming event that seems to now be unfolding, but he couldn't. As the leader's youngest son this male and his crew had leverage. Unfortunately he has to wait for the time to go into action, whatever and whenever that may be. "Axel really should have trained me today", he whispered to himself. If the male heard him he didn't seem to care to show he did."

Kain asks one of the females in his group is Dante is captured yet. The female informs him they are still looking for him.

Amon noticed Dante was gone. He asked Kayla is she knows where he went. Amon wanted to go on a nighttime hunt with him. Kayla checked in some of the dens, he was not found. She thought his brother Axel might know. She worried slightly, due to the situation her pack is in. Kayle, who is still outside under his tree, notices Kayla looking into the dens. He comes up to her to ask her what is wrong. Kayle informs Kayle Dante is gone, that there is no sign of him in camp. Kayle entered Dante's den, which is empty. That is when he noticed his scent disappeared into the forest. He quickly commanded Kayla and Amon into their den. Then he asked Kayla if Amon can sleep into her den, assuming there will be no room in Axel's den for all three dogs."Kayla nodded her head. "No, I don't mind." She looked at Amon and smiled, but when she looked back to Kayle her face returned to the serious, and worried look. She was about to turn and head to her den with Amon, but before she did she stopped herself. "Kayle, what are you going to do?" She asked, the worried tone evident in her voice, she hoped Dante was alright, this was a horrible time for something like this to be happening." Amon, noticing something has gone wrong, pleaded to let him help find his friend."Kayle smiled at her." Starting my duties as an appointee. Don't worry yourselves. I'm sure Dante is just out in a night stroll or out hunting by himself. You both know how ambitious and adventurous he can be. Just go to sleep." He looked at Amon,"Sorry, no can do kid. Your sister or whoever she is would kill me if anything happens to you. I don;t know her but I don't need to to know she would have her jaws wrapped around my throat if you're injured. As you grow older you learn not to mess with the ladies", he joked,"Now go to sleep, the both of you"." Kayla and Amon both went into Kayla's den. Not tired, Kayla asked Amon what is the weirdest dream he has ever had.

Kayle tells Falcon Dante is missing, and the lack of any other scent worries him. He also advises Axel should not hold the night shift, in case if Axel ever finds out or suspects his little brother is missing, no one will have to worry about him going out on his own to find Dante.

Amon, worried, was determined to find his friend. Eir, who awoke from a nightmare, nudged Axel awake so he wont be late for his shift. When he wakes she tells him something is wrong. She listened to the voices outside. Kayla tells Amon it is too dangerous. As much as she would like to help it would be disastrous if the Night Watchers found them. Amon goes out anyway, to help search for his friend.

Falcon commands Kayle to assign 2 dogs for the first night shift and another 2 dogs for the last night shift. Falcon calls Kokoro and Reese to join his search party of four, in which Kayle is joining. Axel woke up, he listened to the voices outside, then he ran to his dad, asking what is going on. Falcon, giving up, tells Axel Dante is missing, but after telling his son to go back to his den Axel refuses and demands he is going to help him look.

Eir walks out, telling Falcon she is ready to help as she can."Kayle interupted Axel's and Falcon's argument. "Falcon! We both cannot be out of the camp! The Night Watchers will take advantage of that. I believe you should stay here, where it is safe and where you can watch out for the whole pack. I'll go out in the patrol and take care of things from there. Isn't that why you chose me?" His voice was stern. His father once told him 'Leaders are like babies. They cry when they don't get their way'. "I know it is absolute to find Dante but we cannot risk you. The pack already lost one great leader, we don;t need another death in a time like this! A certainly Dante doesn't need another dead parent!" '

'Venom listened carefully to Lotus, and was surprise that she had been paying attention so well. He hadn't noticed a thing, but now that she mentioned it the pack did seem a little on edge. He was about to say something but noticed Lotus crying. He was tempted to comfort her, but she probably would have died of surprise. Instead he sat down next to her and bowed his head slightly. "Rine will be deeply missed." He agreed softly.'

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Rp review

Post  Neodog Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:23 pm

Pages 27-23

Falcon begins the rookie ceremony to promote, his son, Dante. Axel goes down memory lane of his training days with his mentor, Dakota. Axel is assigned to be Dante's mentor.After the rookie ceremony is over, Falcon announces the new appointee is Kayle. After the announcement and the celebration, the pack disperses and goes back to what they were doing. Dante begs Axel to teach him how to fish at that moment. Axel says no.

Lotus apologizes for Aspen bringing a stranger without Venom's, the leader's, permission. She expresses her boredom, Venom too wishes to be on an adventure. Venom suggests to go to the forest or the fountain in the park. Lotus chooses the forest. They both go to the forest, where Venom catches a rabbit for them to share while still outside of the pack's territory. Lotus thinks to herself that she must talk to her companion and leader about an issue, the fact that his gang cannot accomplish his endeavors because they are all related to a member of the pack he seeks to eliminate. She knows it isn't fair to him, that he needs another gang. When they notice the scent of the pack they race towards them. Aiden notices someone is coming, he tells Kokoro about it, who goes to check it out. Once he identified the scents, he politely welcomes the two visitors when they arrive. Shadow notices her mate entering the forest, she follows. She joins him and the gang dogs conversation. She holds her aggression towards them. Kokoro tells the visitors to follow him. He takes them to the graveyard, where Lotus and Venom notice Kokoro took them to Rine's grave. Lotus asks for a private moment, expressing she doesn't care if they must watch them from afar for security reasons. They both learn Duke does not know the news of his mother. Lotus tells Venom he must tell his son the news.

When alone, Lotus tells Venom she believes something is wrong. She tells him of the sad, but mainly fearful faces of the pack. And points out Kokoro said Rine died protecting Dante, so that obviously means there is an enemy present possibly and that Kokoro never said if it was a powerful enemy or a stray.

Kayla introduces herself to Amon. Kayla is being very playful,"Kayla giggled, "Where ya from, Amon?" she asked, still circling him slowly, now she was crouched lower, in a hunter's crouch. Her pale yellow eyes narrowed a bit, she was pretending he was a deer at her mercy..."You better answer me quickly!" she barked, her tone still playful. " - "Amon raised his rump and wiggled it in the air, baring his teeth playfully. If he was a pretend deer, he was an awful scary one. "I'm from the city... well Kinda. That's where Eir found me. But she's from the Endless Ice lands." He replied leaping at the female "Were you born here?" He asked."Axel is flirting again with Eir. They are quite snuggled up in Axel's den, "testing" if it will be comfortable for the both of them plus Amon to sleep in together. Kayla and Amon continue to have thei fun, while Axel and Eir continue flirting.

Reese goes up to Kayle to congratulate him.Dali goes to find Anayu, to comfort her.Riley watches her half sister, Kayla, play with Amon. The sight makes her smile. Amon is challenged to charm Kayla, however that made him too nervous to do so. He excuses himself, stubbles over his own paws, embarassing himself further. Kayle giggles, finding Amon to be a great companion. She batted her eyelashes at him as a flirtatious signal. Axel, still with Eir, falls asleep, catching the rest he can before he is called for the new night shift.

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Rp review

Post  Neodog Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:35 am

Pages 29-28. A lot of info in just 2 pages @.@

Amon is confused why he is not allowed outside of the camp and wonders if he can be a rookie as well. Eir too wonders if he is allowed to be a rookie, knowing the benefits he would have such as making new friends and the training itself, however doubts Falcon would allow strangers to train among his pack members. Eir is awar pack life will be difficult for the both of them. Axel tells them in time Amon will be assigned a mentor, but for now he can train with him and Dante. Axel plans to talk to his father a few days later about this issue. Anaya, Axel's and Dante's sister, is surprised to see both Eir and Amon in the camp. He reminds Axel of the tradegy that occured the last time he allowed a visitor to stay and gives Eir and Amon an icy glare. Dante warns his brother to tread carefully, since their sister is high in emotions due to their mother's death. Amon joins Dante for a meal before noticing Anayu and her unwelcome attitude. Eir assure's Anayu they have been given permission to stay and that they mean no harm. She feels resentment nonetheless that she is accused to be a dangerous dog, capable and willing to kill any of the pack members.
Axel, in his mind, says he did not welcome Zira (the canine that caused Sapphire's death). He explains to his sister the newcomers would die by the Night Watchers if they were not allowed in the camp where they are safe. Once his sister leaves, he assures his Eir everyone is on edge because of the current situation. He says his pack is filled with nice dogs and that in time they will deem Eir and Amon trustworthy. "Eir watched the female turn and walk away, though not without issuing one more harsh warning to the two of them. Had this pack really been scarred so bad that they constantly sat in horrid fear of any that crossed their paths? How could a couple of creatures shake up a full pack so much? She huffed, brushing off the female's threat and glancing around, memories of the small pack they had formed in the northern territory forming in her mind. It was similar to this pack, but oh so much different. The alpha, or as they called him, the chieftain, was a tyrant to put it nicely. She remember his facial expressions, which seemed to always be formed into a snarl, clearly as if she were staring right at him. She remember being a small pup and watching the Obea, the wolf responsible for getting rid of malformed pups, carry away her only brother to a 'tummfraw'. A tummfraw was a place where the Obea abandoned what her pack called cursed pups, or in their language 'malcadhs', and left them to die. No one was allowed with the Obea when she took the pup, and the mother of the pups was not given the luxury of protesting to this cruelness. It was pack law... and that was that. She gulped, realizing she had drifted off into dark memories of home and shook her head, blinking away the cloud of sorrow that seemed to cloud her mind. She looked at Axel and nodded " No need to apologize, I know it must be nerve-wrecking for all of us." She replied softly."
Kindle,a Night Watcher, observes the pack, noticing the newcomers, quickly and precisly profiling them. She ignores Ronnie because he blends in with the pack well enough to be profiled as pack born. She over hears the confrontation between them and Anayu, from it she learns the Night Watchers has scared them enough to be wary and cautious of any starngers now.She tells herself she will report this to Kain, her leader, wondering if they will make a move soon or do this gradually.Axel tells Eir, she and AMon will be staying in his den for now. He goes to show her where it is. They both stop, noticing Falcon standing on a boulder in the middle of the camp, barking, which tells the pack they must gather before him. Axel tells Eir what this signal means and that it is likely about Dante's ceremony. Eir senses a dark presence (Kindle's) but see or hears no physical clues to say her senses are correct. She then questions if they are allowed to participate in the ceremony.

Kindle reports to Kain."The pup is weak from having to survive on his own along with the female, however it is uncertain if he is of any importance to them yet, except for the leader's two sons". Her yellow eyes danced with flaming excitement before she spoke again."Axel has shown obvious signs of affection for the husky and she too returns the affection. I believe if we take the pup and the young brother both will be devastated enough to go looking for them against even his own father's orders. Falcon was not happen with the new comers arrival. We can always capture the two elder dogs, use the female against Axel and use his kidnapping to weaken his father and the pack itself". Kain advises against Kindle's plan. He demands they stick to their pack tradition.

Eir notices Dante noticed something in the forest, just as she has sensed something not too long ago. She asked him what he saw.Dante, slow to respond due to his thoughts, answered that has probably noticed a bird. He begins to comtemplate that he feels watched, he begins to think if this will be the last time or one of the last times he will see his packmates alive, he then hopes his mother's killer yet his savior will show himself tonight. He resisted glancing back at the forest, telling himself his father has it under control. Axel assures Eir she and Amon are welcomed to join in the celebration. Eir feels uncomfortable but poses herself to show she is just the opposite. Amon refuses to sit by Eir and instead sits at the front by Dante.

Nova asks Saara if the Alpha is mean because he appears to be so. Saara assures Nova Falcon is very friendly, that it is just the death of a pack member has gotten him to act most unkind. She does not say this pack member was his mate. She offers her food and her own den that she may rest in. Nova happily ate, once she was done she asked if the dead packmate was her friend, what was her age, where she was buried, and what was the cause of death. Saara told her the age and that Rine was her friend. She refused to answer the rest because she did not want to talk about the Night Watchers. Saara notices the small event that occured between Axel and Eir and Falcon, then Anayu. She notices Eir seems to come from the place Kayle is from, or someplace similar since Kayle and Eir are both huskies. Shes askes Nova if she is hurt.

Kayle tells Elsie it is time for the ceremony. He comments that her son must be in the front of the crowd with the other pups. He flirts with a "Ladies first".

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Roleplay page 2 - Page 4 Empty Rp review

Post  Neodog Fri Jul 19, 2013 4:38 am

This is a review of the rp from pages 44-30. I'll keep posting up these reviews after reading every 10 pages so we can catch up and remember what has occurred. There are some things I don't remember the details of that is not written in this topic forum, so excuse any vagueness please.

Night Watchers are back, they planned to lure Falcon but instead lured Dante unintentionally, Rine woke up to notice her son is gone, Rine found him and died protecting him,Dante was saved by a Night Watcher, the same one that killed Rine, Falcon came to the rescue. Anayu, Axel, and Dante digged Rine's grave and buried her after pack mourned.Rine is buried near marigolds for symbolic reasons.Dante became a rookie.

Elsie and her son, two street dogs found by Scully and Dante, are staying in the camp temporarily for protection after they have saved her. Eir, a female from the northern lands or "The White Hills, and her young companion Amon, accidentily sneaked into the pack's territory. Before they can escape quietly Amon accidentily made a noise that caused them to be detected. Falcon asked them to leave, but Axel stealthy gave Eir a message to stay. (He's crushing on her lol) Dante went to meet Eir and Amon by himself.Dante taught a hunting lesson to Amon.Amon caught his first rabbit. Axel is flirting (and succeeding) with Eir. The two new comers are invited by Dante and Axel to stay for the night despite Falcon's warning to leave.Amon and Dante become good friends immediately, Axel and Eir also become rather fond of each other rather quickly.Falcon gives his approval of their stay so long as they are supervized at all times until they gain the pack's or Falcon's) full trust.

Kyle introduces himself to Elsie, whom he puts on the charm for to help her feel more at ease (It worked).

Saara finds Nova sleeping in the forest. judging she is harmless, Saara invites her to stay in the camp for a day to regain her strength.

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Post  syd Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:14 pm

ooc//Just wanted to post a message since it's been dead for so long! tongue

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