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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:37 pm

Kindle never thought about being induced. She wanted a natural birth, but they don't have much of a choice. Her leader is taking a risk to help her. She has no need to help her. If she wanted too she can have Kindle executed on the spot or snatch her pups away and use them however they wished. She was grateful for this. If this was moons ago, when Bane was in charge, this would be even riskier. Death would be a gift, while punishment would be torment. Kindle didn't dare to think of the ways he enjoys to shed blood. The black wolf looked up. She saw the sky colors were lightening up, but it was still dark. In a few hours the sun will be up."I should rest.I must prepare for any commands or missions Kain asks of me". With one last bite on her deer, she stood up, nodded in respect to her alpha, and walked into her den.

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Post  syd Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:24 pm

Zira detected movement out of the corner of her eye, she looked up to see Kain at the top of the slope. She lowered her voice even further. "Well, we are both due soon...if Kain is to not find out, we'll have to have Samara induce us at the same time." That was the only sure way they could pull it off. They would need to talk to Samara as soon as they could...she would know when it was safe to induce the labor. She then stopped talking and took another bite of the meat, Kain would come down to the clearing soon. So she knew better than to talk of this matter any more.

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:56 pm

"This is why Kain must not know. After we give birth, my pups will immediately be transferred to yours so their scent may change to that of your litter. I will keep a child, I will keep the identity of the father secret. Why should anyone care, anyway? We have more pups, that is all that matters. Karla is always pregnant, sleeping with any male wolf that wants to have a good time", she sneered. She took another bite of the deer meat, so happy and relieved to fill her stomach.

Kain, back at his den, paces, planning out the next action. They have scared them so far, and they do not know they have left their forest. Luckily a pregnant female came their way. With her injuries...or death, the pack would have gotten hysterical. A victim is now among them, in plain view of what they can do, them knowing the horrors of the more vicious, gruesome things they can and will do. While watching them he had noticed a familiar dog. He was a pup back then, scared like all the other pups. The dog's screams resonated in his mind of when Bane twisted the blind pup's leg. So he had made it to adulthood along with the other captured pups. He then remembers the look of hatred and fear living in their eyes when he entered their camp. He grinned from ear to ear. He brought back his small party so they may rest up and gain their strength. He needed to announce to the whole pack of his plan. He will make that announcement later in the afternoon, just as the sun begins to set. Right now he needed to do something with his pent up energy. He needed to kill. Hunting. He will go hunting. His mate must think he is already out there, gathering food. He sprints out of his den, and darts to the almost vertical slope that leads down to the miniature forest.

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Post  syd Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:50 pm

Surprisingly, Zira was understanding of Kindle. Perhaps it was because she too was pregnant, and shared the motherly instincts that came with it. It was not like the she wolf at all to care like this...but Kindle made some valid points, and as a mother Zira would want the same for her pups if she was in Kindle's spot. They may be killers, but they were not so far from natural wolves that they would kill their own young, which would be completley against the natural instinct. Zira drew her own conclusions who the father was, though Kindle did not directly say his name, she knew by the way Kindle described him, or how he would raise the pups. She understood Kindle's worries. He certainly would steer Kindles pups away from the ways of the night watchers. Without further hesitaion, Zira nodded her head. "I will raise them for you..I think you are justified in worrying their father will corrupt them...but there is a risk I am worried about...I am not sure Kain will accept them as willingly as I am ready to." Males were not as keen to such things, and Zira feared Kain would not be...and if Kain even found out Kindle was pregnant, and who the father was...he would certainly punish her...that punishment could even be killing her pups. "Kain would be cruel..." she said, her eyes fixed on Kindle.

Axel looked a bit startled when Eir looked his way, he quickly looked to another direction slightly...he hadn't realized he'd been staring a bit. But then he looked back...he winked at her with a little smile, as though he was saying "Yea, I was staring, but you're so beautiful I couldn't help it." His tail thumped up and down slowly on the ground behind him. He then rested his head on his paws and closed his eyes a bit...that bird ahd stolen a few extra minutes of sleep he needed.

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:12 am

ooc: Ok, gn!
I don't quite remember my plot, so forgive me on any vagueness or confusion ^^;

bic: Kindle looked away from Zira for a moment when she mentioned the father.After she recovered, she whispered,"I need a favor....I know this is quite inappropriate and big of me to ask you, my alpha, a favor. I don't wish death upon my children, but I don't need them to be associated with me..." there was some doubt in her. She already feels protective over them, ready to bear her claws and anyone who tries to rip them away from her. "I was thinking if my pups can somehow be yours. You see, if we give birth in close times, my litter can mix in with yours. There must not be many for my belly isn't very swollen," As a last second thought she added,"The pack already suspects I am due. It might be too obvious or suspicious that I somehow am not a mother. My concern is that I don't want him to know. He would raise them...differently, not according to our ways. He is too keen. So perhaps it would be best if I kept one child, and the rest of them can be raised by you and Kain. Who better to raise the children of a pack such as ours than the leaders? You and Kain will make sure they are well taught, this I have no doubt. This is why I come to you, Zira. I refuse to let my pups be taught any other way. What if he snatches them from me? That would be wrong. Our pack is small, we need all our young to make us all stronger! Since this pack as taken me as their own, I owe you all my loyalties. Providing strong warriors is only one way I can give my services."

ooc: I remembered some of the plot details half way through lol

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Post  Autumn Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:57 am

Eir glanced at her rabbit before giving Austin an easy smile. She let her catch fall to the ground before placing a paw upon it and glancing back up "well, word is right...I'm not from around here. The adjustment, however is becoming easier" she added, pawing at her prize. "I'm hoping that by finally making myself a little more useful that falcon will be a little more accepting." Why shouldn't he be; Axel trusted her well enough. She glanced across the den area and a slight smile graced her features as her sight landed on Axel. Why was he watching her that way, with that sweet smile directed towards her?

Among heaved his shoulders before flopping down on the hard earth beneath him "Eur always was restless when we were den mates. She kept me up most nights... I figure its just habit" he added, turning to the pregnant Female, her belly swollen with pups. "is she ok?" He asked softly.

ooc; sorry so short, I'm on my phone. Lol and its like 1am

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Post  syd Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:50 am

ooc//Ugh, I'm sorry, i have to go to bed now! DX ill be on tomorrow morning though! Night!!

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Post  syd Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:48 am

Zira nodded, "Yes, I suspected it, I was becoming quite sure of it actually, there was no way for you to deny it any sure have the others talking, whispering rumors." she said...she paused "I can only guess who the father is..." Zira paused waiting for Kindle to go on, and tell her the complete truth. She really couldn't hide it any more, and Zira wanted to know what she planned to do with the pups when they were born...if she dindn't want anyone to know...the only way to keep it a secret for good would obviously be to kill them.

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:33 am

bic: Kindle took her bite and quickly swallowed, barely chewing the meat. Her eyes gazed around her, checking for any possible eavesdroppers. When all was clear she hurriedly whispered,"I'm sure you know I'm pregnant, or suspect of it", she took a quick glance behind her, obviously wary of her secret escaping."I don't need him to know I am expecting". She was about to say more, but stopped.She wanted to hear Zira's response. They have had this talk before, but it was vague. She only gave the impression she might be a mother soon, meaning she never quite said it. Eventually though Zira has to know, and Samara. She is the only healer and the one other female she can trust around here in this isolated mountainous area of liars, thieves, and killers.

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Post  syd Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:22 am

Zira took the first bite of the kill. Once she had swallowed her bite, she looked at Kindle for a moment. It almost seemed as though Kindle knew what she was thinking. Zira sensed something was amiss with Kindle...the most obvious sign, the apparant weight she had gained. Though Zira was quite sure it was not all just weight. "So...what are you hiding Kindle?" she asked, she leaned in slightly closer as though she was ready to hear the secret. She didn't want to alarm Kindle, but she had to finally ask, she and before, and Kindle simply dismissed her, saying it was nothing, but Zira knew it was not just 'nothing'.

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:12 am

bic: Honored her alpha offered to share her meal with her, she nodded and said,"Thank you, Alpha". When Zira laid down next to her, Kindle waited until she took the first bite.She could tell her leader was having more pains. She too was experiencing them, luckily for the moment they were more of an annoyance than trouble. She knew very soon they would both go into labor. The trouble was no one in the pack knew of her pregnancy, but her belly has gotten to be a tad more noticeable as of late. She knew everyone had their suspicions. She has heard the rumors, the quiet whispers, and seen the quick glances shot her way. Kindle wants to be rid of the pups, to avoid suspicion, yet her motherly instincts kicks in immediately after those kinds of thoughts. They were her pups, her children, her blood. She wanted to keep them. She pushed back those thoughts. Her alpha must want something, why else come to her?

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Post  syd Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:55 am

ooc//okay! (:

bic//Zira lay in her den at the top of the mountain side. She growled softly to herself, the pups were kicking. It was when this occurred where she became more irritable than ever. Kain was out, hunting most likely...and as the thought of fresh kill entered her mind, Zira realized she was hungry. Slowly she stood and made her way down to the clearing. In the center was the carcase of a doe they had caught earlier this evening. She tore a meaty chunk off the thigh, the sweet blood soothed her nerves, and she relaxed a bit more. She glanced around briefly, scanning her the shadows on the edge of the clearing she noticed Kindle laying down, she made her way over to Kindle and lay down next to her, offering her to share the meat...

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:49 am

ooc: How about Zira and Kindle?

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Post  syd Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:30 am

ooc//Yea!! (: Who should we rp?

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:20 am

ooc: It's alright Smile Wanna rp?

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Post  syd Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:16 am

ooc//Hey Neodog!! Sorry for the poof I got distracted!

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Post  Neodog Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:53 pm

ooc: Hello.

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Post  syd Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:35 pm

"It is a bit harder to sleep in these up comming days." Coralin stated, though she sensed perhaps there was more to why Sam couldn't sleep, but she would save that discussion for later, they had to get down to business at the moment, and Coralin wanted to get started on the task at hand with her rookie as soon as possible. "Well, I wanted to let you know that we'll be going out soon to start gathering up more herbs...I know we have a lot already, but I want to have an overstock, we need to as prepared as we can, and the more herbs we have the better...we also need to make sure every medicine dog has a carrying pouch that is fully stocked so we can have a supply of herbs with us at all times, just in case the camp is somehow closed off, or too dangerous to enter if and when the night watchers strike." She pushed one of the pouches she had over to Sam. They were made from rags and had a rope fastened on either side so they could wear it around their necks. "What we really need to gather is more horsetail, Marigold, and Chamomile." she said...and if we can, I'd like to find more old rags too, we'll need a good supply to cover wounds." They'd have to search on the outskirts of the city for the rags, but it had to be done...maybe they'd come across someone from Duke's alliance. "We'll head out in about 15 minutes or so, they sun will begin rising then...are you ready for a long day of gathering?" she asked, a smile at the corner of her mouth.

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Post  Mint Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:58 pm

Samantha took deep breaths and silently berated herself for being a wimp. A voice interrupted her self lecture and she turned in surprise to see her mentor, Coralin. She inclined her head with respect before a forced smile came to her lips as she took in the older female's words.
"You could say that. I don't get much sleep to begin with."
Moving into a standing position, Sam waited for her elder to reply. She hoped that the matter would not be pressed, though she would answer if questioned. Not many knew of her nightmares, as no one would expect her to have any. She had been practically a newborn when her mother had been killed, but she had heard everything, and images of dark phantoms haunted her. Gritting her teeth, Samantha attempted to distract herself by thinking about why Coralin had approached her. If they were running low on herbs, there was always a chance her mentor wanted to go collect more. The thought made her tail wag slightly. She enjoyed being with Coralin; the Basenji's company was enjoyable and she was knowledgeable.

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Post  Neodog Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:40 pm

Dante followed Coralin to the green, soft bed. He made himself comfortable, noting Coralin was waiting, making sure he was at ease. He refused to glance at her in the eyes. Her eyes were always so motherly, but he never knew how motherly they can be till now. His face turned away from her as he finally settled. The pain was too much. The silence calmed him, yet haunted him. What if the Night Watchers were here? What if they have been here, right next to them without them realizing? He grabbed a hold on his emotions, closing all doors and windows of his heart. He immediately swept the tears onto his arm fur, pretending that didn't happen. Somehow feeling shameful. He will be strong. He has to be. Then, as he shut the darkness from his mind, two orbs of bright and pale yellow appeared. "Dakota...". He whispered the name. Enjoying the feeling it came with. A small smile came out of hiding. All the things he represents to him: security, strength, will, and determination, soothed him almost as much as his mother did with her embrace and low, soft, gentle voice. There was no doubt in his mind the wolf was back. The only questions are why after a Spring and why continue hiding in the shadows? Dante will find out. He will find out and he will help his friend. He is his packmate after all, as long as he helps Dante he will help him too. That is what family is all about.
Then, as he was close to drifting away he heard the now familiar sound of Amon. He turned his head to face him. "Resting. Coralin says I should stay here where it's calmer after the day I've had", the corners of his mouth widened a little, He never quite had a friend in the pack, not to say no one liked him, but there was not that much pups here, and certainly not ones that understood or tolerated his curiosity. "Why are you up? It's not even close to morning yet", he commented. Nearly the whole pack is restless, but everyone needs their energy for tomorrow. Everyone has a job to help prepare for the upcoming battle....whenever that'll be.

Austin let out a small chuckle,"Everyone is a bit off here. Even our leader at times believe it or not", he hoped to give Eir a new view on Falcon. He may seem intimidating now, but really he is an even tempered dog with a great heart. The shiba inu noticed her clench tighten moments ago. She obviously prized it. "Is this your first time in the forest? I heard from the others you lived in a place of snow and ice. Must be quite a challenge to adjust". Even at night, there was a sort of gleam that emitted from his eyes. He's always had it since he was a pup. It certainly gave the adult females an "Awww" look. He moved his ears as he conversed with Eir, searching for any sounds that are out of place. He had a job to do after all, but he wanted to make Eir feel more at home.


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Post  Autumn Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:47 pm

Her mind had been wandering, off in some far away time when she had hunted so gracefully upon the frozen terrain foraging food for her pack mates; and though this was not her official pack, she pulled pride from the fact that she was doing the same. She hadn't even taken notice to Austin standing watch until his voice reached her, stunning her slightly. Her fur bristled, causing her to look on edge and even unwelcoming as she took a moment to register the dog. Instinctively she clasped her prize a little tighter before letting her fur lay flat again "Yes. Eir is my name" She responded in a muffled tone. "And you are?" She added, trying to sound more welcoming yet slightly irritated at herself for not being more attentive to her surroundings. She glance around once, noticing Axel resting at the entrance of the den and allowed herself to completely relax "I apologize, I'm still adjusting, you'll have to excuse me if I seem a little off." She added softly.

Amon yawned, stretching out each paw in turn as he waddled from his designated den. The sun had not yet risen, nor had the sunrise even begun to kiss the horizon and yet it seemed that many of the pack members were rather restless. He noted Eir at the entrance to camp, her fur bristled and chuckled to himself. Sometimes she seemed sorta rash, he made a mental note to point out to her the very apparent reason she had such a hard time making friends. After another brief yawn he drew his gaze to Coralin's den where she was exciting, yet the very familiar scent of his friend held. He bounded to the den and entered quietly catching sight of Dante "What are you doing?" He asked in hushed tones, as he peered at Desi.

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Post  syd Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:09 pm

ooc//Hey Autumn!! (:

bic//Coralin realized why Dante had caught his tounge. The young rookie sounded somber again, and she didn't blame him...only time would truly heal his sorrow. "You can rest at this end of my den." Coralin told him, she pointed with her nose to a mossy nest nestled on the edge. "Stay as long as you like, you need a good rest." she told him. Once she made sure Dante was settled, she went back to sorting and organizing her herbs she was working with. She had gathered a great amount...and she planned to go out with Sam today and gather even more, in fact, she wanted to let Sam know they would leave early this morning and gather until noon. She made sure Dante and Desi were okay with one last glance over her shoulder before stepping quietly out of her den. She didn't know if Sam would be up yet, but to her surprise, she was, along with a few other pack mates. She saw her rookie sitting outside her den, she appeared to be deep in thought. She made her way towards Sam. "Good morning Sam." Coralin said, though the sun had not yet risen. "Are you having trouble sleeping?" she asked.

A rustling sound sounded somewhere near from Axel's den, it was rather loud. As Axel blinked the sleep from his eyes he came to realize it was a bird snagged in a bramble. Axel plopped his head back down and groaned softly. His ears fell flat against his head as he tried to drain out the annoying sound, finally the creature broke free and flew off. "Fucking bird..." He rolled over onto his side and stretched his long legs. He then noticed the empty space beside him, Eir must already be up. He sat up with a yawn. The sun wasn't even up yet. Slowly he stood and walked to the entrance of his den and laid down. A few dogs were up, he stared out into the camp with drowsy eyes. Then, he seemed to awaken when he saw Eir walk into the camp, she had a piece of prey clasped between her jaws, it made him smile a little, he could imagine how proud she mus feel right now.

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Post  Neodog Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:38 am

Bic: Austin, would was on watch that night took over for Kayle a few minutes ago. Austin was on the second shift till the sun rises. He saw a slightly familiar shape not too far from him. He walked up to it to see it was the new canine in the pack. "Eir is your name, right?" he said as she walked rather quite happily to the camp. Austin saw the rabbit hanging from her grip.He smiled slightly. It was hard not to when another dog's joy was so immense it practically wrapped itself onto anybody near by.

ooc: Sorry for short post :/

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Post  Neodog Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:27 am

ooc: I might not be on so much all this week. It's the first week of the semester and I have some things to take care of. I should have time tomorrow though.

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Post  Autumn Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:42 pm

Ooc. Yeah I know. I figured id start clean though

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