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Post  Neodog Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:39 am

Dante saw all the dog gathered. "I was kidnapped!" he told them all,"I think it was the Night Watchers! It's just like the stories and similar to what happened last night. They had no scent, I couldn't see them in the dark.....they were almost invisible!" He turned to his dad,"There's a wolf. Kain. He's up to something,dad!"

Kayle saw the relief disappear when he heard Kain's name. "I'll take him to your den. I'll have Reese and Seth take guard". He signaled for the guards to follow him and Dante. He left Falcon alone.He was sure he and Axel were going to argue again.

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Post  Tim Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:31 am

Dali stood when he heard Nanu call him. He exited the den quietly, careful not to awake Anayu. He already knew what was going on, so there was no need to ask her any questions. He made his way to the forming patrol and stood quietly, awaiting further command...but before long, Dali heard a was Dante! Maybe he had just gone out for a night stroll after all. He was relieved though, Anayu would not have been able to handle it had something happened to Dante, Dali was glad as well. He wondered what Falcon's reaction would be, obviously Dante was unharmed, so he assumed Falcon would be just as relieved as he was.

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Post  Neodog Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:23 am

Dante heard leaves rub against each other. Someone was coming. Suddenly he felt a small absence. The male that was guarding him walked a bit of a distance away from him. "Who's there?" he asked. The air was tense. Obviously the male did not believe to be his cohorts. For a second Dante saw a flash of movement then he again felt the feeling of being whisked away."This is getting old", he mumbled. After a few moments he scented blood along with another presence. He recognized those pale, but bright, yellow eyes. "Dante", he then said."Promise not to tell your dad about this? I don't need him hot on my trail". Dante nodded. He looked up, hoping to see the face of his friend. But again it was too dark to see details. "Who's he?" he asked." You'll find out eventually, kiddo". The male put him down. Dante immediately noticed he was near the edge of camp."Now go! Make up some story if you have too. Just make sure they are prepared Kain". They both disappeared. Dante ran across the camp, barking. "Dad!"

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Post  Neodog Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:16 am

As Kayle tried to persuade Falcon to stay in the camp he had called Nanu to he'll help him."Gather an extra do or two for a search party. You'll be leading.Go!" Kayle turned back to Falcon, listening to his response.

Nanu soon stopped by Dali's den. "I know you're awake. Come help. I need an extra sensitive nose". She soon ran away, looking for others to gather. She then noticed that Kokoro and Reese gathered around her. "I'm going to get Seth", she told them," He's fast and strong. We'll need it". Within moments they soon had 5 dogs, plus Kayle. If that is he won the argument.

ooc: Sorry it's short.

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Post  Tim Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:05 am

Dali heard Anayu's breath start to slow, and he knew she was going to sleep. He laid down beside her, and rested his head on his paws. A slightly chilly breeze stirred his fur as it blew in through the entrance, but Dali welcomed it. He closed his sightless eyes, he was not yet tired, but it was nice to rest his eyes. After a few more minutes, Dali's ears stood up straighter. He heard the sound of urgent voices, clear and crisp. He was glad Anayu was asleep, because it was Axel and Falcon he heard arguing, Kayle was speaking as well...he strained to listen more closely, again it was unintentional easedropping, but now that he was listening, he could not restrain himself.

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Post  Neodog Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:27 am

Anayu's crying slowed down to a soft whimpering. She heaved, waiting for her heart to slow down along with her mind. She took in Dali's scent. It always comforted her.She then took a step back. She had to laid down. All of a sudden her mind felt light. A sort of drowsiness came over her. Anayu opened her jowls to let out a big yawn. Without a word she settled herself for sweet rest. She gazed at Dali for a moment before closing them.

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Post  Tim Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:38 am

bic/Dali licked Anayu's cheek gently. He could feel the intense emotions of sadness and grief emanating from his mate. He wanted to make it better. He wished he could take away all her pain, he'd place it all upon himself if he knew it'd make her feel better. However, Dali did understand what she was going through. The same thing had happened to him. All he could do was try to say something to comfort her...but nothing would make her feel more better than time. He remained silent for a few moments more, and let her cry on his shoulder. "Being strong does not mean you don't grieve over the loss of a loved one, in fact, in makes you that much need to feel these emotions after such a tragic event in your life...if you don't it's not healthy. The next few days are going to be hard for you, trust me I know, but I will always be here by your one expects you to be happy, or already over the death of your own mother, who died just last night, so take the next few days to grieve." His voice was soft, and low in tone. The air was somber around them, the dreary shadows of night were beginning to creep slowly into the entrance of the den, cast only by the moonlight. Dali embraced the feel of the doleful night. He was now in grieving with Anayu...and he knew that the only way to feel happy again was to plummet into the depths of the most bitter depression. It's not that he wanted Anayu to feel that way in particular, but rather than trying to sugar coat the situation, and tell her everything was ok, he wanted her to do what must be done, and that was simply to grieve.

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Post  Neodog Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:19 am

Ooc: yeah. 'Ooc' stands for 'Out of Character' and 'bic' is Back in Character'. And don't worry man. We aren't going to shred you apart for not doing that. We even forget to put that. Chill dude lol

Also we'll make sure you don't die by the Night Watchers xD *Kain sneaks away* Bad boy! I said No! *coughcough*At least Not tonight! *cough*

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Post  Guest Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:54 pm

Occ. I think u guys say that from An off comment. ... sry of i messed up anything i am new at this and am curious if its ok i tried Sad

Outside of a forest Note takes a breathe of relief. Drooling over a young rabbit he whispers "finally". As he prepares to snatch his prey the rabbit runs into hiding. Note looks down in shame. " Damn it I cant even get hunting right." Note whispers.As Note sniffs the air he hears another pack of wolves. "I finally find prey and it has to be on someone's territory."


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Post  Neodog Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:26 pm

Lotus ignored his sentimential comment." I say we ignore the matter. The pack's business is not our business. The first thing we should do is visit Duke. You should stay for the night. He'll like that. I can watch the gang for a night and the morning until you come back. You're all he has now. I'm just his aunt", she told Venom as if she was leader or at least 2nd in command. Normally she wouldn't directly tell Venom what to do, but this was a different matter. "You can comfort him by telling him stories of the good 'ol days. During the times you and Rine were together. He'll enjoy that. He doesn't know Rine the street dog, he's more aware of Rine the pack Appointee".

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Post  Shadow Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:03 pm

ooc: Bleh, I can't stand testing. >.<

Bic: Viper listened carefully to Lotus, and was surprise that she had been paying attention so well. He hadn't noticed a thing, but now that she mentioned it the pack did seem a little on edge. He was about to say something but noticed Lotus crying. He was tempted to comfort her, but she probably would have died of surprise. Instead he sat down next to her and bowed his head slightly. "Rine will be deeply missed." He agreed softly.

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Post  Neodog Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:32 am

Kayle interupted Axel's and Falcon's argument. "Falcon! We both cannot be out of the camp! The Night Watchers will take advantage of that. I believe you should stay here, where it is safe and where you can watch out for the whole pack. I'll go out in the patrol and take care of things from there. Isn't that why you chose me?" His voice was stern. His father once told him 'Leaders are like babies. They cry when they don't get their way'. "I know it is absolute to find Dante but we cannot risk you. The pack already lost one great leader, we don;t need another death in a time like this! A certainly Dante doesn't need another dead parent!"

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Post  Autumn Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:30 am

Eir was going to stay in the den, she really was, but her curiosity bested her. She stood, giving a brisk stretch before exiting the den and walking towards the group. She couldn't help but to overhear " I'll assist in any way you'll allow me" She spoke softly. Falcon most likely saw her as expendable, another mouth to feed, so she didn't see where he could object.

Amon glanced around the cave before creeping closer to Kayla " but what if it's a night watcher that has him?" He questioned, walking towards the entrance and peeking out "I'm going, you can stay if you want, It's probably better that you do so you don't get in trouble." He said softly as he exited the dean, skirting around it to disappear into the forest behind it.

Last edited by Autumn on Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post  syd Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:19 am

Falcon’s eyes widened a bit when he heard what Kayle was saying to him. “What” he said, with a short gasp. He was in a nightmare right now, all of this could not be happening to him . After another moment though he got a grip. “We need to search for him immediately! I want you to assign four dogs to the nightwatch, two for the first shift, and two for the second. I am going to gather a patrol to search for my son, you’re going to come on the patrol as well….hurry!” he then turned and scanned the camp for some of the strongest guardians. “Reese, Kokoro!” He called. Once the two came over, he quickly explained what was going on. “We have to start moving now, the more time we lose, the worse the outcome could be.”

Axel lifted his heavy eyes, he was now fully awake though when he heard what Eir said. His ear perked up as he listened to the voices as well. They sounded urgent…one of the voices was his fathers’. He looked at eir, his face now held a worried look. “You’re right…I don’t like this…stay here, I need to find out what going on.” He stood and exited the den briskly. He saw his father, who happened ot be gathering a patrol. “Dad! What’s going on?” he asked.

Falcon turned to looked at Axel. “Axel…not now, go back in your den please, I need to handle this.”

“Handle what?” Axel demanded. He growled a bit, “Tell me dad, I know something is not right.” His voice was not loud, because he did not want to alarm his other pack mates, but a glow of determination held fast in his eyes.

Falcon sighed, “Dante is not in the camp, we are going to search for him now…but please Axel! Stay in the camp, I don’t want both of my sons out there in the darkness right now! We’ll find him!”

Axel snarled. “No! I’m going to help you look for him!” he held his place firm.

Kayla looked at Amon, “Amon, it’s so dangerous out there at night now…we’re basically like mice, and the nightwatchers, they are the owls.” He eyes were slightly wider with fear…”I want to help dante, but what if the nightwatchers found us?”

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Post  Autumn Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:56 pm

Amon sulked and snorted softly to himself at the older males words. He turned to walk to the dens, knowing that was not where he intended to stay. He would help look for Dante. Dante would do the same for anyone else. Once they reached the den Amon began pacing " what if something bad happened. Dante was so worried about Eir and I being alone out there, he wouldn't go out alone. We need to find him."

Eir jolted awake, plagued by horrific dreams of pups being carried off into the frozen abyss, of her brother being carried away. She was pleased to find that she was no longer in that place, but warm in a forest den. She nudged Axel awake, sure that he would want to be woken for his shift. "Axel. Something is going on." She paused to listen to the voices outside.

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Post  Neodog Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:55 pm

Kayle knew he had to report to Falcon. His scent was strong, he was near. He spotted him near the prey pile. He seemed busy with his thoughts. When he neared he spoke in a soft yet serious tone."Falcon", he started," I'm afraid Dante is not in the camp. His scent leads to the forest, no other scent joins him but that is what worries me. I know you planned to have Axel have watch but I don;t think that's a good idea. If he knew or suspected his little brother is in danger then who knows what he would do". He waited for his reply, hoping he was doing ok at his first task as Appointee.

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Post  syd Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:50 pm

Kayla still was worried, but she knew Kayle would take care of the matter. "It will be ok Amon, Kayle can handle it...we should try to get some rest." She nudged at his side, urging him to follow her to her den. She lead him there, and once inside she plopped down on her belly. "I'm not really tired yet...but we need to listen to Kayle." she said. She rolled over on her back. She wanted to think of something they could talk about to take their minds of the worrisome matter. "What's the weirdest dream you ever had?" she asked him, a bit out of the blue...but she had her reasoning.

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Post  Neodog Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:42 pm

Kayle smiled at her." Starting my duties as an appointee. Don't worry yourselves. I'm sure Dante is just out in a night stroll or out hunting by himself. You both know how ambitious and adventurous he can be. Just go to sleep." He looked at Amon,"Sorry, no can do kid. Your sister or whoever she is would kill me if anything happens to you. I don;t know her but I don't need to to know she would have her jaws wrapped around my throat if you're injured. As you grow older you learn not to mess with the ladies", he joked,"Now go to sleep, the both of you".

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Post  Autumn Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:31 pm

Amon glanced around frantically "what's happened to Dante?" He asked. He had only just seen his friend moments before and he wondered if this had anything to do with the threats bearing down on the pack "I want to help find him!" He pleaded.

Ooc; sorry for the shortness. I'm posting from my cell :/

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Post  syd Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:28 pm

Kayla nodded her head. "No, I don't mind." She looked at Amon and smiled, but when she looked back to Kayle her face returned to the serious, and worried look. She was about to turn and head to her den with Amon, but before she did she stopped herself. "Kayle, what are you going to do?" She asked, the worried tone evident in her voice, she hoped Dante was alright, this was a horrible time for something like this to be happening.

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Post  Neodog Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:19 pm

Kayle said," I thought I saw him enter his den.Maybe he's in there right now sleeping. I'll go check, in case Falcon is also inside". Kayle clawed at the entrance, signaling he was entering. When he poked his head through he saw it was empty. As he pulled his head back he noticed his scent disappeared into the forest, behind his den. He glanced at Kayla and Amon. " Both of you, go to sleep or at least retire to your dens. Pup, I saw a female I assume is your companion enter Axel's den. There is simply no room there. Kayla, do you mind letting him stay in your den for the night?" he asked her.

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Post  syd Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:11 pm

Kayla was glad Kayle had come, "Yes! We can't find Dante...I swear I just saw him talking to Axel, but Amon noticed he was he even in the camp?" she asked, trying to locate his scent among all the others. she looked at the new appointee, her eyes now held worry, because in all the dens she had peeked into there was no sign of Dante, and he was obviously not in the actual camp.

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Post  Neodog Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:01 pm

Kayle looked around the camp.He noticed Kayla looking into the dens and talking to a male pup he figured must have joined or was one of Dante's guests. "What's wrong, Kayla?" the new appointee asked her. "You look frantic. Did anything happen?"

Kain silently growled. If that mutt hadn't meddled then Falcon's kid wouldn't need to be taken away so soon. he thought. He looked at one of the females in his group."Is he captured yet?" he asked impatiently. She nodded."We are still looking". Kain almost lost it but then his anger just melted away in a flash.Soon he was that same calm and cool headed devil that he normally is. "Find him quick. Warn the others we will be moving soon".

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Post  syd Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:54 pm

Kayla paused as well...she looked around the clearing, she thought she had just seen him with Axel only a few minutes ago..."Hm...where did he go?" she asked. She ran to a few of the dens, poking her head in to check if he was there..."He's not in those dens...we should ask Axel if he knows, it's a little worrisome, because everyone is supposed to be in the camp past nightfall." He voice did not sound too concerned, because she was sure he was fine, but they just couldn't find him within the camp was all.

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Post  Autumn Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:52 am

Amon paused his play with Kayla and glanced around. He had watched Axel and Eir disappear into a den, obviously their temporary den for their stay here. But Dante was not with them. He scanned the area but could not find him. "Do you know where Dante went?" He asked Kayla. He had been here a short time, but in that time Dante was his closest friend and he had yet to see him disappear, besides, he was getting hungry and wanted to go for a quick nightime hunt.

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