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Post  Neodog Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:48 pm

ooc: We got un-active again really fast!

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Post  Neodog Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:48 am

When his eyes first laid on the monster zipping by, he took a step back. So the stories weren't an exaggeration! They move faster than anything I've ever seen. Dogs live near these things?! Dante couldn't stop staring at them."Is it safe to cross? They don't seem to stop, in fact, I think they're going faster!" he told Kayla. The rookie took a deep breath, wanting to relax his mind and his tense muscles.With sudden determination he stood up straight, ready to face the challenge. He is putting his trust on his packmate, she's been to the city before, she would make sure they don't get squashed by these things! "I'm ready when you are guys", he said aloud.

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Post  syd Sun Sep 01, 2013 1:17 pm

"It's pollution, the monsters give off a foul smell, and theres other things too that add to it. But you start to not smell it after you've been there for a while." she said, their noses would adjust to it, and they would start to not notice it after a little bit. Kayla was excited, the city was fun, she had had a good time when she went with Aurora. They didn't go far though, and Kayla knew they should not go far today either! From what she understood, the inner city was where the vicious gangs resided. In the heart of the city, slums even. Kayla just wanted to explore the outskirts, nothing too dangerous there! In another 10 minutes they had made it to the road...she watched as monsters roared by, a horizon of square outlines and tall shapes lay before them, "We have to cross but we have to wait until there are no monsters...we don't want to be squished after all, they can run you right over and not even look back!"

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Post  Neodog Sun Sep 01, 2013 12:49 pm

"Yeah, I can smell it", he said as he shook the rest of the dirt off his face, moving passes his embarrassing fall. "Does the whole city smell like that?" He asked. He never quite realized the sights wouldn't be the only thing different, the scent too was different. He never knew there was such a thing as 'bad air'. Not only did he scent something foul, but when he breathed it there was something about it that felt like part of this stench was clinging onto the air molecules themselves. It was....smoky, like a fire yet not like a fire. He wasn't even in the city yet! How much worse will it get?

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Post  syd Sun Sep 01, 2013 12:35 pm

ooc//Sorry for not being on guys! I had to finish up a lot of summer work! XP

Kayla burst out laughing when Dante fell face first into the ground, she saw him get up so she knew he was okay! "Smooth one!" she giggled, she ran over to him and brushed her fur against his trying to help him get some of the dirt off, a good shake would take care of the rest. "Try not to do that in the city, it will hurt a lot more landing on concrete!" she teased. She then took back the lead as they came closer and closer to the city borderline. She could smell the air turning fouler as they got closer, in the distance she heard the rumbling of the huge monsters with the glossy pelt. She knew they'd come across a big road soon, and then they would have to be careful. "We're getting pretty close, can you smell it?" she asked the two rookies.

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 29, 2013 3:59 am

Dante followed the others,"I'm comin', I'm comin'" he said aloud. He barked in glee. He finally gets to see the city! For so long he has seen strange mountains that seem to touch the sky. The dogs that live there must be also strange, or would they be similar? Are all gangs bad? Or are there good ones like with packs? The curiosity was too much! There have been stories of about the streets, whatever streets are. He has heard about metal monsters that move with such speed, apparently if you blink 100 of these monsters pass by. There are the tales of his mom and her ex-mate Venom fighting off flesh hungry dogs, sometimes ones that foam in the mouth and give you a stare you swear would spell your death. Then, of course, there were stories about Dakota, sneaking into the city now and then to train. The older dogs say he learned to climb trees! Like a squirrel they say, more specifically like a cat. Cats are common in the city. Maybe he'll meet one. What does a cat look like? He heard they look like dogs, but smaller and with pointed ears. Are they so different? Would forest cats be any different from a city cat? So much came into his head. Dante saw something brown, and long. He swerved to the side, tripping and falling flat on his face. He turned his head back, he a had came close to hitting a tree. He didn;t know what was worse, the tree or a face full of bramble and wet, muddy grass.

Austin was happy to see Eir got accepted. He bowed his head before leaving, not seeing if they had noticed. He smiled and even chuckled to himself. The joy on Eir's face was priceless! Then, his mouth opened wide and out came a roar. It was a soft roar, a yawn really. He had forgotten his shift was over. It was time to sleep. He felt weary to sleep during the day, when they can get attacked. But it would be worse to be tired at night, the period of time the wolf-looking demons had the advantage. He very quickly entered his den, slamming onto his bed. Not realizing how much he had missed his bed and the tranquility of slumber.

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Post  syd Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:25 pm

ooc//It's okay, I have posts like that too! lol

bic//Falcon didn't say any more, but he watched her bound over to Axel and tackle him, she was very excited and happy no doubt...he couldn't hold back a little smile any longer before turning his attention back to Duke and the conversation they were having.

Axel let out a gasp as Eir tackled him, he laughed with her. "Calm down you big pup!" he barked, he smiled, "But that's great, he finally eased up! How'd you convince him?" He teased, he licked her ear with affection..."Too bad Amon just left to miss the news...I bet you can't wait to tell him, he'll be so happy, and you know that means Falcon will assign him a mentor soon too!" He was so glad his father had decided to let Eir and Amon stay, he knew in the end Falcon wouldn't say no, but it was great to have his official approval. Eair was glowing with excitment, and her vibe transmitted to him as well, he was so happy for her.

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Post  Autumn Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:11 pm

Eir had to work hard not burst with excitement and maintain her composure. "Falcon, I swear to you, you will not regret Your decision. Thank you" she bowed her head graciously as she backed away slowly before turning and bounding straight for Axel. She pounced on him, rolling over him and tipping happily "we're in the pack. He accepted us!" She almost squealed with delight.

ooc: sorry its so short

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Post  syd Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:03 pm

Falcon didn't reply for a moment...he stood firmly in front of her...truly in his heart he could not refuse her, especially in these was not in his nature to be cruel, though times he wished he was, it could have served his pack well in the past. He glanced across the clearing and saw his son watching with all his attention...he looked back to Eir. "Yes, you may stay and be part of this pack, just know this is a commitment, and I, as long as every other dog here expect your undivided loyalty. Don't make me regret this decision." he said, he could not bear to have another traitor among his pack.

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Post  Autumn Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:31 pm

Eir sat silent for a moment. This wasn't going to be easy. She didn't dare sit before him without Falcon doing so himself. she sighed before standing straight once more "Falcon, I truly mean you or your pack no harm. Had it not been for Axel finding us in the words... Well I shudder to think the fate we may have met." She paused, glancing over his shoulder at the pack members "I was hoping we may be allowed to stay... With your permission of course."

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Roleplay page 2 Empty Re: Roleplay page 2

Post  syd Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:16 pm

Kayla giggled as Amon tackled her down, she grabbed Amon's ear too and tugged it back, not too hard though. She pushed him off her playfully then stood, her tail wagging as they waited for Dante to catch up, "I know a good place to explore...and hunt! Me and Aurora went looking around this place once, it's pretty neat...have you ever been around the city before Amon?" she asked. The city was a completley different environment for all of them, but, she wasn't sure Amon had even seen it before!

Falcon nodded slightly, "Thank you, it is much appreciated." he said, he didn't return the smile, but you could hear the tone of approval in his voice. He knew he had been hard on her, but times were tough, and after the several times they were crossed by allowing outsiders within their pack, Falcon did not trust strangers so easily anymore...he knew she meant no harm to him or his pack, but he no longer would allow himself to be so welcoming to new a way, he expected his pack members to act the same way, but there were a lot of friendly characters that would not be hostile...he didn't discipline them for it, but he did expect them to be more weary.

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Post  Autumn Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:59 pm

Amon perked his ears as Kayla spoke of the river "but we're not..." He began then paused, watching Kayla wink at them. He sat confused for a moment before it kicked in "oh. Right, the river"he barked as he stood to bound after her. Another adventure, he couldn't wait. He playfully pounced on Kayla as he reached her, tugging her ear before looking back at Dante "c'mon slow poke." He jeered.

Eir stood proudly, her head tilted slightly in respect as the alpha stood. She took a step forward dropping the rabbit gently at his feet before stepping back again "I apologize for interrupting, sir" she spoke softly, yet her time was gentle and steady "I've brought this rabbit, my first catch in the first as a thank you for allowing Amon and I to stay here for the time being. I do hope we have not caused you any inconvenience."she gave a light smile before tilting her head once more, preparing herself for him to dismiss her.

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Post  syd Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:42 pm

ooc//Hey guys! Sorry I wasn't on the past few days I've been working late! Razz

bic//Kayla she paced anxiously waiting for Dante and Amon to follow her, "Come on you two!" she barked, looking back in the camp, what was the hold up? She figured maybe they were weary about telling the other guardians they were going near the city border, but they didn't have to say they were going there...and she was a guardian, it's not like they weren't safe. She saw Amon glance over to Eir, he must not want to tell her...she picked up on it. "The river isn't that far!" she barked again, and winked.

Falcon turned hid head from Duke to look at Austin, and the new dog Eir. The tall dog stood up when he heard she wished to speak to him, he looked at her, his eyes showed no emotion, yet he did not have as much as a hostile air about him..."What is it you wish to speak to me about?" he asked, studying her another moment.

Axel stood up finally, maybe it was time to go out and do some hunting...he heard Kayla barking to Amon and Dante about the river...he needed to do some training with his little brother soon, "Hey Dante, hurry back from whatever you're doing and well do some training later!" he yelled, making sure he would hear him. Then his attention was diverted across the clearing to where Eir stood by his father..."Wonder whats up..." he said in his mind, watching how Falcon would react.

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Post  Neodog Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:39 pm

ooc: I know how you feel. It's not the same to rp with a phone than with a laptop or computer.

bic: Dante hasn't been near the city before! His half-brother hardly comes to visit, so he never had an excuse to go. "That sounds great!" he replied. Near the entrance, he saw Eir and Austin. "We can't go the usual way though, Austin will stop us for sure and like Amon said, Eir will have his hide! Lets pretend we're going to the river. The city is straight ahead from there, right?" he said.

Austin was surprised, but happy for her. "Planning to give it as a peace offering? Axel is right, you are not only beautiful, but smart and brave too". Before he lead the way the look of humor and mischief sparkled in his eyes." I over heard him speak to himself once". Without another word he walked over to Falcon, guessing he is usually where he is, near the center of the camp where he can see everything and everyone. He wasn't there however. He directed his nose to his den, then followed it until his eyes caught what his nose saw already. His leader was talking to Duke under a tree. Maybe this wasn't a great time, but he didn't want to postpone this moment the husky has decided to face. He turned to her," He is talking to his half-son about an important matter no doubt. Be polite and respectful and all will be well", he smiled brightly at her, exuberating  with confidence and support for her. When they reached Falcon, he slightly bowed his head."Falcon, Duke, I am sorry to interrupt you both, but Eir wishes to speak to you, sir". He stepped back, giving his maybe future packmate her chance to speak.

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Post  Autumn Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:22 pm

Ooc: yeah it was beyond embarrassing, but not horrible. Haha.

Bic: Amon bristled with excitement and eagerness as Kayla spoke of going to the outskirts of the city. Eir had refused to pass through the land of towering concrete walls and had strongly decided against gong anywhere near them. He couldn't fathom why. "this is going to be awesome!" He chimes bounding a few steps to the entrance "but we have to be quiet. Eir would have my hide of she knew!"

Eir sat silent, listening to Austin tell of the Strange look

Oocing dog and her rat companion. Such a strange pair indeed. She felt herself laughing softly as the rodents distaste for Axel was brought up. She could definitely see Axel and all his aloof ways trying to capture the rat. "what a sight that must have been!hilarious I'm sure."she paused and looked at her rabbit. A small plan hatching in her mind. Maybe... Just maybe. "Austin. Could you take me to Falcon?" She asked timidly.

Ooc: sorry for the shortness. I hate my phone.

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Post  syd Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:18 pm

ooc//lol, wow that's funny Autmun!! XD I think I would have laughed too if I was the deputy!

bic//Kayla looked around, Falcon seemed occupied at the moment..."You know what, I'm a guardian, let's just go look for some prey by the edge of the forest, if anyone is looking for us, they'll catch our scents, and the sun is up, we're safe now!" Her tail wagged, "come on you two, I'm leading this hunting patrol!" she barked, and with that she ran out of the camp, she stopped after a few yards waiting for the two rookies to catch up with her. ""Let's go towards the city border, we might meet up with some of the dogs in Duke's alliance and make new friends!" Kayla giggled, she'd always wanted to go around there but never had a reason to.

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Post  Neodog Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:55 pm

ooc: I'm sure they did lol

bic: "Hm? Oh! That's Nanu", he answered," And that rat is Bubu. Those two are always together. Nanu is blind you see, so Bubu helps guide her. The thing is she can 'see' fine all on her own by sensing energies or something, but those two enjoy being together. The rat isn't useless, he's like an extension to her vision. She can send him off to explore any small crevices or holes." The red dog then laughed,"In fact, he's like our little spy! Who would think rat and dog can coincide together". Amused by Eir's confused and surprised expression, he added,"She's from E...E....Ejarp? No, E-Ejel! No....some desert place. Nanu is a little superstitious. Her culture worships all these different gods and follow some weird rituals. But don't mind her. She can be a bit cranky, but she's a nice dog deep down". Austin then thought of a little fact the husky might enjoy."I can't say much about her rat though. Bubu is nice to everyone here in the pack, except for Axel. Those two don't get along very well. I must say I side with the rat, I would hold a grudge too if a 50 lb dog tried to eat me".


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Post  Autumn Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:35 pm

Ooc: about an hour. We tried prying the cuff open, tried picking the lock etc. finally broke down and called a deputy. They got a laugh out of it.

Eir gave a "shame on you glare to Axel before realizing that Austin had picked up on their silent conversation. She felt her face burn hot with embarrassment as she focused her attention back on him. "oh ummm I believe I may have met him" she stuttered slightly, trying to put Kayle's name with a face. Which want too hard, her knowledge of the pack members was limited to the very few she had crossed paths with since arriving. She was about to ask what he looked like when a rathe r odd looking dog appeared, tailed by ... Was that a mouse? She stood dumfounded, trying to figure out what was going on. why was this mouse chasing that dog? Her head tilted to one side as the dog spoke, then continued on its way. She waiting a moment until the pair was out of sight before taking her eyes back to Austin "ummm... What was that?" She asked.

Among thumped his tail wildly on the ground as Dante rambled off possibilities of their adventures. They were near endless. Excitement welled within him until a sudden thought smacked his brain. "a patrol? Oh Falcon wouldn't allow me to be on a patrol... Would he?" He questioned.

ooc: of there are errors look over them. I'm on my phone and auto correct hates me.

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Post  Neodog Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:17 pm

ooc: Omg, wow Autumn. I'm sure it must have been funny unless your the one cuffed! At least you weren't cuffed to a chair or bar or something,right? I might have reacted differently than you, but hey, at least you're free now! For a moment, I thought you were going to say that is why you weren't on yesterday, too busy trying to free yourself. How long were you cuffed?

bic: Austin could see the joy in her as she pawed her rabbit. He remembered his first catch, he chuckled a bit on the memory. As he looked at the young female he noticed her eyes, bright with glee, shifted its focus from her catch to something behind him. Curious, he looked behind him. The only thing in that direction was Axel. He  quickly turned back to Eir. He had noticed those two together a lot, but never paid much attention to them. He figured Axel was only being a good dog, showing her around, keeping her company to help calm the nerves......but maybe that isn't all that was going on. Upset at himself, he pushed away the suspicions. It was his sister that enjoyed gossip, not him. And who cares if they are together? It made no difference to him, it could affect Falcon, but for now it was harmless. Nothing to focus on. What he should be focusing on is looking for invaders. The sun was rising higher and higher now, so soon his shift will be surprisingly over. It didn't even feel like a few hours passed by. "That's interesting. Have you met Kayle, our new appointee? He too is from the snowy lands, but he rarely ever talks about it", he commented. A jackal then passed by Austin. Nanu, feeling the dog's glance, turned her heard towards him and said," I am off to bed. Bubu and I have found nothing to worry about. Ra is reborn, casting his light upon the demons and darkest of evils. For now all is calm." She then continued to walk away. Austin always found it strange she had a rat companion, Bubu, but as he had told Eir earlier, everyone is a bit off here. He watched the grey haired rodent scuttle alongside his canine friend, squeaking sleepily it seemed, to her. Do they really understand each other? he asked himself, knowing he won't get an answer any time soon.

Dante yawned again. Boy, was he tired! Smiling once more, or at least trying to as his muscles also appeared to be too tired, asked Kayle,"So what do you have in mind? Are we going hunting? Maybe help the medicine dogs look for herbs?" he gasped,"Will we be part of a patrol?! Looking for Night Watchers to scare off and fight?!" He practically jumped back onto all four paws, his tail swishing left to right like is it was powered by a motor.

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Post  Autumn Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:36 am

Ooc: so who wants a good laugh? My husband is a security officer at the hospital I work at and when he got home from work, playing around he cuffed one of my hands then realized he didn't have the Key on him. So... We had to call an officer to come unlock it. The officer says "well just be glad it want one of those middle of the night cuffings" im mortified.

Has Austin replied to Eir?

Among glanced at his friends then around the camp. Everyone was stirring, poking their heads from their dens or in three case of the dogs on night patrol, heading to bed down. Everyone seemed to have something to do. Except for him. he was practically tankless, hadn't even been accepted. So which did he want? Sit around camp all day and watch everyone or head out for a but of fun with Dante and Kayla? "Of course I'm in! Why wouldn't I be?"

Ooc: sorry it's short. I'm on my phone. We should have the pups run into done mischief.

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Post  syd Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:31 am

ooc//Okay! Gn Neodog! (:

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Post  Neodog Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:24 am

ooc: Going to sleep now. Gn Smile

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Post  Neodog Sat Aug 24, 2013 12:35 am

Dante wagged his tail. He yawned. His mouth gaped as wide as it could."Would that be ok? Doesn't Axel suppose to teach me stuff? He is my mentor". Dante was still excited about it. He wanted to learn something now, and he could help Kayla with her guardian duties! His bum flopped right onto the group, forcing him in a sitting position. He has never felt so tired before! "I could use the work or play to energize me", he laughed. He turned to his friend,"Are you up for it, Amon?" he asked.

Duke sighed. Night Watchers were such a pain! "So I guess you didn't get a good look at this rogue, then?" Duke laid his head on top of his paws, stumped at their situation." And it's not safe to go out there. The Night Watchers could still be here. And should we really take such a risk for a little theory of mine? Maybe the medicine dogs have had a vision. It doesn't hurt to ask".


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Post  syd Sat Aug 24, 2013 12:26 am

ooc//That's okay Nedog!!

bic//"Of course I do! But, guardian things can still be fun!" Kayla barked, "You guys should come with me to do whatever Falcon or Kayle needs me to do!" her tail wagged back and forth in excitement. "I could teach you guys some tings too, it'd be like killing two birds with one stone!" She spotted a near by small rock and kicked it at Amon with a little giggle. "See, just like that!" She could tell it would be a nice day, all the better for getting their duties done, and having fun too!

Falcon sighed a bit, "Dante's alright, but I think he hides the way he feels about it from me...I know he feels guilty, and I don't want him have to carry that guilty feeling with's not good, but when it happened, I was in my den asleep. I didn't know Dante had gone out, and Rine noticed he was gone first and left without waking me, by the time I arrived it was too late..." It didn't proivde much useful information for seemed they were only left with Duke's theory..."I would like to perhaps scope out the possible rouge, but it would be nearly impossible, seeing as he or she was a night watcher, and will probably only be out at night, let alone even in our's too risky to go scouting at night."

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Post  Neodog Fri Aug 23, 2013 11:58 pm

ooc: Hey guys, I can only stay for an hour or so. I have to sleep early for class tomorrow :/

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