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Post  Neodog Fri Aug 23, 2013 2:20 pm

ooc: Aww, it's ok Autumn! You have a lot on your plate!

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Post  Autumn Fri Aug 23, 2013 10:05 am

Amon groaned as he stretched, blinking the sleep from his eyes. Sleep... Sleep?when had he fallen asleep?he glanced up at Kayla just as she bounded back out of the den, expecting the two of them to follow suit.a soft whisper of a chuckle escaped his muzzle as he nudged Dante, feeling his friends hesitation. "all work and no play makes for a big ol grump" he encouraged before standing and making his way to where Kayla stood, tail heavily beating the ground. "don't you have some guardian stuff to do?" He teased.

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Post  syd Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:58 am

ooc//It's okay autumn!! Perfectly understandable! That has to be a lot to handle!!

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Post  Autumn Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:49 am

Ooc: I've got a preschooler, a 6 month old and im a nurse at a hospital lol I'm normally exhausted by the end of the night. Sorry I left yall hanging.

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Post  syd Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:44 am

ooc//Lol nice autumn! XD But yea, we waited for you to continue with Kayla Dante and Amon!

And sorry I didn't come back last night like I said I would! Our internet was out, I think my mom like accidentally unplugged the ethernet chord or something! XP

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Post  Autumn Fri Aug 23, 2013 7:41 am

ooc: yall are going to laugh at me. I woke up to a half types post.

I'll put in a post a little later

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Post  Neodog Fri Aug 23, 2013 1:17 am

ooc: Ok Smile

bic: Duke lowered his eyes before looking back at his step-father."How is Dante? I haven't had a chance to see him, but he must be devastated. I say we try to think of some other way to gain information, before coming to Dante. I don't want to force him to think back on that time. Were you there Falcon when it happened?", he asked.

ooc: Sorry, short post.

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Post  syd Fri Aug 23, 2013 1:05 am

ooc//I'll be back in like an hour!!

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Post  syd Fri Aug 23, 2013 1:02 am

A look of deep though crossed Falcon's face. What Duke had just theorized made sense..."I can't imagine a nightwatcher would bother to protect him, but if it was the rouge you could be correct. I still don't understand the reasoning behind protecting him, but perhaps you're right, if the rouge already betrayed the night watchers then I suppose he or she would do such a thing possibly." Still though, it didn't make much sense, but he felt they could be onto something. "I wonder...maybe Dante knows a little something more...though I'd hate to bring it up o him again at this time." He didn't want to trouble his son any more than he already was, but maybe they could find a few more hints, or possibly answers.

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Post  Neodog Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:49 am

Duke was silent for a moment. As if suddenly awoken from a trance he looked at the widow, puzzlement scrawled all over his face."I've heard about that last part...but I thought it was a rumor. Why would a Night Watcher protect Dante? It couldn't be because he was a pup, they kill anybody in their way whether pup or elder. And it can't be because there was no use for his death. He is your son, it would devastate the pack of their leader can't function due to the strong grief over your dead mate and young son, plus they later kidnapped him did they not? The Night Watcher kills Rine then protects Dante....he practically betrayed his own pack!" Duke couldn't make heads or tails of this. It just did not make any sense whatsoever! The doberman the stood up suddenly, he looked down at Falcon."Wait, Kain. Remember what he said yesterday? There is a rogue. We can't be sure he is telling the truth, but what if it is? And if it is true then could that rogue be the one who protected Dante? I can't imagine the Night Watchers tolerating such behavior of moral goodness". He continued to glare at Falcon, waiting for his reply, a little excited to have made one possible connection in this tangled mess of events.

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Post  syd Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:24 am

ooc//Yea I know! DX But I do need to eliminate some, even though i don't want to!

bic//Falcon sighed, he sat down beside Duke. He was trying to come up with a good way to start what he had to tell him, but really there was no easy way to talk about it. "Well...I think you know generally what happened, but Dante went out into the forest that night...Rine went out to find him, and she was attacked and killed by one of the nightwatchers trying to protect Dante..." he remained silent for a moment as he thought about how the event had affected Dante...he was worried about Dante, and he wished he had more time to focus on his son right now, but with all that was going on right now, Falcon had a lot to take care of, but he could not push Dante aside either. He glanced at Duke, waiting to hear what he had to say, or if there was anything else he had to ask.

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Post  Neodog Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:06 am

ooc: That reminds me. We better start choosing who will die and who will live! I have a hard time eliminating my characters.

bic: Duke sensed Falcon coming. As he waited for a few moments for him to arrive he continued to eat his rabbit. He ate very slow, his mind focused on blocking the negative thoughts. He soon had to lower the mental wall. He looked straight into Falcon's eyes, and said,"I'm sure you know what I would like to talk about. Please, sit. It makes me feel uncomfortable with you standing over me like the grim reaper." Duke looked down on his meal, and took another bite.

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Post  syd Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:54 pm

ooc//Yea! I thought that was it too, but as I'm on facebook, and I click on my profile, that's the link in the url! Weird!! D:

And oh yea!! Sorry I forgot! Razz

bic//Falcon awoke soon after the sun had risen...he looked around his empty den, and he could feel Rine's absence more than ever. His heart sank...but he swallowed his pain. There was a lot going on right now, and Falcon had a lot to do to make sure they were prepared for the nightwatchers...they could strike at any time, and Falcon could not bear the thought of htem taking any more of his guardians lives, though he feared it was nearly impossible to avoid fatalities in the upcomming battle. Falcon knew what they were up against...but it was his job to have them as ready as possible. He stood and exited the den, the fresh air helped to clear his mind a bit before he spotted Duke in the camp eating a piece of fresh kill form the pile. He walked slowly over to the doberman...his deceased mate's son. "Good morning Duke." he sat down next to him, the breeze blew his long fur softly. "So, I suppose there are some things you would like to discuss with me." certainly Duke wanted to know all the details...

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:44 pm

ooc: It doesn't. I think because it says Sydney Toth 77 in the URL. Duke is already in the pack lol He went to it after Venom told him the news of his mother.

bic: Duke walked out of his den, a yawn escaping his mouth. He stood tall even as he slouched. Strangely he was well rested. He stretched out his body, lowering his upper half then lowering his lower half. After a good fur shake he wondered toward the prey pile. It was low as usual. He noticed everyone has been holding back on their meals, wanting to save as much food as possible. He grabbed a rabbit. Another day in the sun and it would become a waste. The doberman laid under the many tree shades around the camp. Chewing his rabbit, he gazed around the area. A few dogs were up, the others must still be asleep, if they gotten any. He was on the lookout for Falcon. They needed to talk about the recent events. Duke never got a chance to hear the official report about his mother.

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Post  syd Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:32 pm

ooc//Sure!! Are you going to make Duke come to visit the pack?

lol and I know!! Does my link to facebook work when you click on it though? Cause I tested it and it didnt!

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:16 pm

ooc: How about we rp Duke and Falcon?

You read my mind Syd! I was thinking of linking facebook onto the site.

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Post  syd Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:29 pm

"Hey I hear voices in there." Kayla whispered a bit louder." she poked her head in the den further, Amon and Dante were talking, she also noticed another sleeping dog...she hadn't met her before. But she focused her attention back on the two rookies. "Hey come out here!" she said again, hoping she wasn't speaking loud enough to wake up the sleeping collie. She bounded back outside, waiting for Dante and Amon to follow her, her tail wagged. There was a crisp morning breeze that tousled her thick black fur, she lifted her head a bit, enjoying the feel of it. She too wanted to help out the pack in any way she could, but she'd also like o have fun while doing so.

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:15 pm

Dante smiled, feeling as if he had to use all of his effort. He didn't get much sleep last night. He looked at Desi, whom was still sleeping,"We should talk outside", he whispered. Dante's head was aching. He hid his response to the pain, he didn't want to ruin anyone's good mood. It was a new day. Wait. A new day?! We should be helping the pack. A battle, maybe a war, will be coming soon. How can we just play? Axel has to train me, now! Dante panicked slightly. It was so unlike him. He was normally calm. Even during his capture the night before he kept a cool composure. Axel hasn't taught him anything yet, he's been busy with other tasks. It frustrated him. He needed to help! Not because he is the leader's son, but because he is a member of the pack. A pack survives when all members work together. So why should he go play? His head hurt more. He was a rookie, his duty lies within the pack, but he was still a pup, he should enjoy his puphood while he still can. This could be one of the last times he'll be with Amon and Kayla. I wish I slept more he told himself.

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Post  syd Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:03 pm

ooc//Okay! (:

bic//Kayla blinked her eyes open as the sun entered in through the cracks in her den. She let out a yawn, already the newly appointed guardian was full of energy...she knew she was a guardian now...but she could swear she still had the mind of a pup. She stood and walked briskly out of her den...she wondered what Amon was up to...she caught his scent and followed it to Coralin's den...she peered in. "Coralin?" she asked soflty, not wanting to make a disturbance incase anyone was sleeping, but this is where Amon's scent lead too, and Dante was in here too..."Party in the medicine dog den?" she whispered quietly to herself, then giggled a little, but then stopped herself and remained quiet waiting for a reply.

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Post  Autumn Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:58 pm

Ooc; sounds good to me

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:57 pm

Within a few moments, Kain already caught 2 rabbits, a squirrel, and a doe. This was pup play to him. Nonetheless his pack needed the food. Though it is a small pack consisting of 24, they all ate pretty heartily. With all they do they needed the energy. He couldn't keep his mind off of his plan. They would do it soon, very soon.

ooc: Super short post, sorry :/ Should we skip to morning?

Sure Syd!

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Post  syd Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:53 pm

ooc//Yaay!! Want to make like Dante, Amon and maybe Kayla do something?

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:49 pm

ooc: I know! It's great 3 of us are on lol

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Post  Autumn Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:48 pm

Ooc: all on at the same time, what a treat. We should come up with a twisty

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Post  syd Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:46 pm

Zira nodded, she watched as Kindle returned to her den...she glanced up at the mountain slope to where Samara's den was...they'd both have to speak with her later today....she then looked further upwards to where Kain stood...she wondered if he suspected Kindle, and if he did what would he do...she could not imagine what he would do if he found out what their plan was...she was risking things for herself too, but her her instincts as a mother overshadowed all else right now.

ooc//sorry that was short!

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