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Post  syd Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:24 am

ooc//Hey guys! (:

I think I should probably change the news/updates board to ascending order instead of descending, that way the most recent stuff is at the top!

bic//Once Falcon saw that everyone was gathered, he knew it was time to start the ceremony. "Dante." He called his sons names, summoning him to stand beside him on the rock. He noted he was sitting next to the newcomer, but again, he pushed it to the back of his mind, in this moment, he should not be concerned with the matter.

Axel nodded, "He's been excited about becoming a rookie since he was at least two moons old." he said. Axel thought back to the time when he was a rookie. It was such a great time in his life. It usually was a good period in any dogs life. Training with your friends, and just being young was what made it all so much to look forward too. He remembered his mentor, Dakota...and again, he wondered what ever became of him. But he pushed the thoughts away. Falcon was now starting the ceremony and he looked excitedly to Dante when his name was called.

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Post  Neodog Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:40 am

ooc: You guys may have noticed a new forum name 'Calendar' please visit Updates/news forum for info on it.

Every now and then do check for any updates so we may keep the forums as separate as possible. For now on, if any changes happen I will not post here to inform you that there is an update or some news. The only exception is if there is any must read important info put up then I will direct you guys to the Update/News forum.

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Post  Neodog Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:49 pm

ooc: Nova was eating and asked her if the pack dogs are mean. Sarra said no.

Today it's raining! I like the rain and all but it's been cold long enough here! I want sun!

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Post  Sarah Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:38 am

Okay! I'm back! Smile
Wow... No posts since yesterday.
Annnnyways, where where we with Saara and Nova?

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Post  Autumn Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:56 am

Amon followed Dante to the front, and sat near him at the front of the pack, ignoring the worried hushed voice of Eir telling him to step to the back. He didn't want to be back there. For starters, he couldn't see well from the back of the pack, and he wanted to sit beside his friend. Eir sighed softly and seating herself beside Axel, averting her gaze from the alpha and the rest of the pack member's as she did so. She could almost feel their gazes hot on her pelt as if they could blame her for some sort of 'untrustworthy' act just by looking at her. She flicked her ears, determined to not let the others see that she was indeed beyond uncomfortable. She straightened up her posture, wrapped her tail around her legs and pointed her gaze forward, ignoring all those around her. "Dante looks so excited." She mused, watching the small pup at the front.

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Post  Neodog Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:24 pm

Dante stood near the front so he can easily walk over to his father and present himself in front of his own pack. The young male was slightly nervous but excited. He temporarily forgot his troubling thoughts from just a second ago. "Thanks", he whispered to his brother. He really enjoyed Amon's company. Nothing would be better than to train alongside the older pup. Maybe he knew some moves that was different from the ones here.


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Post  syd Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:18 pm

Axel glanced over in the direction Eir was looking, he had seen her grow rigid…but he didn’t see anything. He shrugged it off as being unimportant. “Yes Dante…” He looked to Amon, “Amon, I’ll make sure you become a rookie as soon as possible. I’ll talk with my father tomorrow, don’t you worry.” He had already promised Amon he would talk to Falcon, so he was certainly planning on it. He then turned his attention to Eir when she asked him if she was allowed to view the ceremony with the rest of the pack. “Yes, of course you can watch!” He gave her a reassuring smile, he could sense she was feeling a little unwelcome, and he didn’t blame her…”Rookie cerimonies are meant to be fun, so hopefully this will lighten the mood a little bit, come on.” He walked with her towards the center of the camp. He sat down not far from the rock and patted his paw on the ground, motioning for her to sit next to him and wait for Falcon to speak.

Falcon waited for the pack to gather his eyes scanned the camp as he waited for everyone to approach. His fur stood slightly on end as he looked at all the new faces standing before him…he noticed Axel motioning for Eir to come close to him. He looked away, and was able to calm himself. This was Dante’s rookie ceremony, and even though he wasn’t in the greatest of moods lately, he still wanted it to be a good, memorable experience for his son, so he swept his thoughts and emotions away for the time being.

Samara waited with the rest of the group. She listened, but did not speak. It was not her part to add input. She remained hidden, almost as if she were a living shadow.

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Post  Neodog Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:06 pm

Dante was busy with his thoughts. It took him a few moments to realize he was spoken to."Huh? Oh, uh. Nothing. It must have been a bird or something", he replied. Part of him felt like they were being watched. Part if him was scared if this was the last time or one of the last times he'll see his pack members alive, another part of him hoped that the black wolf that killed his mother and yet saved him and his father would show himself tonight. He resisted glancing back at the group of trees. "Dad has it under control", he told himself.

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Post  Autumn Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:03 pm

Its understandable.

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Post  Autumn Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:03 pm

Amon looked up expectantly towards Axel before hearing Dante's second set of words. Who was he kidding, he has just stepped foot into the pack. Eir and himself were the lowest of the low as of now. He took a glance at Dante once more, what was the other pup looking at? " What do you see?" He asked, unable to see anything in the blackness of the shadows. He had notice Eir suddenly become rigid as if she too had noticed something there. He shrugged, taking a moment to sniff the ground, but finding nothing more that the scents of the trees, the earth, and the pack wolves.

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Post  Neodog Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:02 pm

ooc: I feel like I should apologize it isn't very active here.

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Post  Neodog Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:45 pm

Dante looked at his new friend, then back at his brother."Can he be rookie with me?" he asked.In the corner of his eye he thought he saw a slight movement, when he looked nothing was there.All was quiet aside from the usual noises of other creatures.His attention was back to his brother."Nevermind. I know what you're going to say", he added. He looked back once more. Again nothing.

Kayle smiled at Elsie."It's time for the ceremony.I'm sure your son is at the front of the crowd with all the other pups". He slowly got up."Ladies first", he said, standing by the entrance.

Kain along with his trusted group hid among the shadows.He awaited for his messenger to arrive.The gleam of the moonlight reflected on his canines as he smiled."Report", he ordered. Kindle had informed him of the new comers she has witnessed."The pup is weak from having to survive on his own along with the female, however it is uncertain if he is of any importance to them yet, except for the leader's two sons". Her yellow eyes danced with flaming excitement before she spoke again."Axel has shown obvious signs of affection for the husky and she too returns the affection. I believe if we take the pup and the young brother both will be devastated enough to go looking for them against even his own father's orders. Falcon was not happen with the new comers arrival. We can always capture the two elder dogs, use the female against Axel and use his kidnapping to weaken his father and the pack itself".

Kain listened and thought.After many moments of deadly silence he answered."No. Too complicated and for now, unnecessary. We will continue to follow our current objective. We WILL follow tradition". And that was that. No one else spoke or made a sound. They just mingled within the darkness, hidden away from light itself, in wait for the perfect moment to strike.

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Post  Autumn Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:34 pm

Eir had been sitting watching the others until an eerie feeling crossed over her. She stood rigid, the fur along the back of her nape and back rising. She flicked her tail and slowly turned to peer over her shoulder, a growl in her throat, though when she looked she could see nothing, smell nothing, feel nothing. It was as if whatever was there vanished with the breeze, though she couldn't be sure that anything was there to begin with. She shook her pelt, attempting to lower the bristling furs on her back before thrusting her ears forward at the sound of the howl. It was Falcon, the leader and father of The three siblings she had bet thus far. She nodded to Amon, and nudged him forward to walk behind Dante before looking at Axel. She was growing tired, She felt as if the whole pack would be pressing down on her at this gathering, as if they all thought she were some type of Sark, or witch. "Are you sure we are welcome to participate in the gathering, would it not be better if we stay behind?"

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Post  syd Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:55 pm

bic//Axel nodded...he knew everyone was on edge now, and it was very bad timing...he was fully aware of that. "Let me show you to my den, that's where you'll both be staying, and maybe it'd be better if we hang out in there until everyone calms down a bit." he said to Eir, and Amon.

Falcon was overwhelmed with all that was happening right now...just last night he had failed to save his mate from death, Dante had witnised the death, and Falcon was concerned about him now, and to top it all off...there were many new dogs in the pack right now, and he was not pleased with it at all. Of all times, why now must he be letting new comers reside within his pack? He took a moment to collect himself, and his thoughts..Dante still needed to become a rookie, Falcon didn't want to hold that off any longer. He was angry at Axel...maybe he should not allow him to be Dante's mentor as punishment...but he decided against it. He stepped onto the rock in the center near the center camp, it was almost nightfall, and he wanted to be done with the ceremony soon. He barked loudly, letting the pack know he was calling a gathering.

Axel was about to turn and lead Eir and Amon to his den, but he heard his father bark. "That means we're all supposed to gather before him..." He looked at Dante. "Looks like you're going to become a rookie." he said, and smiled.

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Post  syd Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:34 pm

ooc//Hey guys!! Sorry I wasn't on for the past few days, I have been super busy! XP

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:36 pm

Kindle watched the pack as they lived there lives. Though away from Axel and company she was still able to hear them crystal clear despite all the talks among other dogs.She hid among the shadows of trees. Her jet black fur stuck out slightly out of the dark grey shade but no one knew of her presence. She left no paw prints, no scent, no sound, not a trace of her very existence. Her casual side smile began to form.New comers, more blood, more fun. She looks to be over 2 Cycles (years) old. A husky. Skinny from starvation and yet she still appears strong. Considering her pelt she is from the snow lands. A loner, maybe once a pack member? Maybe abandoned since birth or a young age. No matter,she has been on her own for sometime. The male looks about 3 seasons (9 months) old, more or less. Small in height, not strong but not weak aside from starvation, and he seems light in weight. Long fur. Also from the snow lands? Her yellow eyes glided over to another pup she has never seen. The dingo female she has seen from the previous conflict was with this pup. The interaction appeared odd for this pack in particular. Another new comer? Also looks to be close to 3 seasons of age. Short fur, from someplace hot? Coat color could mean she's from the mountains. A burn on her left ear. Also appears weak from starvation. She soon spotted Ronnie, another pup she has never seen but dismissed him. He interacted well with the other pups and seems to blend in well with the pack. Mostly likely born within the pack. She told herself. The wind was not helpful today. She couldn't scent the newcomers to be sure they are newcomers, but all other evidence such as the slight display of ribs and the harsh confrontation between the leader and company and then his daughter and company was enough to be sure. Anayu certaintly gave the new female terrible looks. Kindle heard her mention the phrase 'hope your trustworthy'. "So we scared the pack this bad, huh? Maybe tonight we strike or we gradually scare them to death. I shall report to Kain for his final decision. Maybe we can get their youngest son this time. Then later kill off the eldest children as a welcoming present", her voice was so low it became part of the breeze that blew against her fur. She was soon gone. Off to report her findings.

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Post  Autumn Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:41 pm

Eir watched the female turn and walk away, though not without issuing one more harsh warning to the two of them. Had this pack really been scarred so bad that they constantly sat in horrid fear of any that crossed their paths? How could a couple of creatures shake up a full pack so much? She huffed, brushing off the female's threat and glancing around, memories of the small pack they had formed in the northern territory forming in her mind. It was similar to this pack, but oh so much different. The alpha, or as they called him, the chieftain, was a tyrant to put it nicely. She remember his facial expressions, which seemed to always be formed into a snarl, clearly as if she were staring right at him. She remember being a small pup and watching the Obea, the wolf responsible for getting rid of malformed pups, carry away her only brother to a 'tummfraw'. A tummfraw was a place where the Obea abandoned what her pack called cursed pups, or in their language 'malcadhs', and left them to die. No one was allowed with the Obea when she took the pup, and the mother of the pups was not given the luxury of protesting to this cruelness. It was pack law... and that was that. She gulped, realizing she had drifted off into dark memories of home and shook her head, blinking away the cloud of sorrow that seemed to cloud her mind. She looked at Axel and nodded " No need to apologize, I know it must be nerve-wrecking for all of us." She replied softly.

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Post  Neodog Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:10 pm

Saara waited as Nova ate, probably for the first time for a few days.When she asked, Saara simply replied,"You ask to many questions for a guest, sheila. Yes, she was a friend and no she was much older than you. I won't answer the rest". Saara contained herself. The last thing she wanted was to talk about the Night Watchers in so early in the day. She looked behind her. During the whole time she was here she heard Falcon and then Anayu lecture Axel at what a mistake he has made, bringing in strangers. She saw Anayu only looked at the older one of the two. She left the pup alone in some ways, directing her anger and anguish at the husky. She e must be from the snowy mountains I've heard Kayle talk about. Maybe he can make her feel more at home. It's nice meeting a dog that comes from the same or a similar place she thought. She looked back at Nova."Do you have any injuries? " she asked.

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Post  syd Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:23 am

ooc//Sorry for the poof, I had to take care of my neighbors dogs! DX And I have to go now too, I should be on tomorrow at some point, night guys!

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Post  Sarah Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:04 am

"Okay!" Nova howled and darted towards the pile of prey and picked out her piece and dragged it away and began to chew on it. When she finished she padded up to Saara, "Who died?" She asked. "Where you friends with them? Where they my age? where did you bury them? How did they die?" she sat wagging her tail eagerly at Saara.

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Post  Neodog Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:04 am

ooc: Sorry guys. I have to go!

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Post  syd Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:57 pm

ooc//Hey Justin! (:

bic//Axel was about to bare his teeth at his sister, but he controlled himself. "I didn't welcome Zira." he said, with a snide tone in his mind, but he didn't say that aloud. "I know, Anayu...but if we left them alone out there tonight, the night watchers probably would have killed them, you know that." he said, his voice a bit hard. "And not everyone is out to get us..." he looked his sister right in the eyes...her gaze was unfriendly towards Eir and Amon...he knew it must be extremely uncomfortable for the two of them now, being confronted by Anayu upon their arrival...but they could move past it. Axel just had to smooth talk it a bit, especially with Anayu. He was a glad to see her turn and walk away. "Every one's a bit on edge today, it;s just bad timing is all...but my pack mates are truly nice dogs...they're just being over cautious is all, they will see you are trustworthy soon enough." he said, trying to reassure them.

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Post  Neodog Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:49 pm

Saara nodded sadly."No, he's probably one of the nicest dogs you'll ever meet. There's been a death in the pack and he's sad about it". She cleared her throat." There's the prey pile. Welcome yourself to something. I'll then take you into my den to rest in".

Dante frowned."That's right. Falcon gave consent. You should take a day off, big sister. Today's been an overwhelming day".

Anayu looked at Eir but then immediately glanced at her younger brother."Fine. Just be careful". She looked at both of her brothers like a stern and worried mother would.She gave Eir one last look."Harm my brothers or my pack and I will hunt you down. I hope you are trustworthy". She walked away, heading to her mate once more.

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Post  Autumn Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:44 pm

Amon Gave a broad smile to Axel before turning to Dante " Oh yes! I'm so hungry I could eat a moose!" He laughed, trotting over to where Dante stood before glancing over as another female approached, speaking to them in awfully angry tones but he found that her cold gaze focused strictly on Eir.

Eir had been watching the pups when a rather harsh female voice caused her to glance to her left. She immediately recognized the young female as being the one she had see with Axel and Dante, their sister she guessed. She was about to offer a friendly smile when her gaze met with the young female's icy cold glare. She raised an eyebrow before flattening her ears to her head and wrapping her tail around her legs. Was this to be the continual greeting from all the pack members? Oh dear, she hoped not "Falcon has given us permission to stay, and I can assure you that Amon and I mean no harm to any residing here." She responded softly, though she still felt a bit of resentment towards the female at the accusation that she would commit such a horrible act.

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Post  Sarah Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:39 pm

Ooc//Hello everyone!

Nova relaxed a little, "okay!" she barked and trotted after Saara.
"Is the alpha mean?" She asked "He sounds mean" she murmured.

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