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Post  Neodog Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:34 pm

Dante saw the confused countenance on Amon." you want to eat that rabbit of yours? You must be hungry. I can go for a magpie. I didn't eat very much today this morning", he told him. He turned his head, seeing his sister walk toward them."Axel! I thought Falcon told them they are to leave the territory! Remember the last time you brought a visitor? Sapphire got murdered and her 1 day old pups got kidnapped. Who's to say we can trust them?" she accused, giving Eir an icy cold glare.She turned it on Axel.

"Careful, big brother. She's sensitive since mom's death.Tread carefully", he whispered to him.

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Post  syd Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:15 pm

ooc//I think we should leave it alone for now, but if it still looks messed up tomorrow afternoon, then I will try fixing it again!

bic//Axel wondered for a moment about Amon's question..."Yes, I think Falcon will give you a mentor too, once you are more settled in." He said. "But until he does assign you a mentor, you can train with Dante and I as a rookie, so that you don't miss out on a week or two." he reassured him. He decided he'd talk to his dad about that within the next few days. He was not about to approach him now with that question, but after a few days, Axel hoped he'd be back to his normal self.

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Post  Neodog Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:11 pm

ooc: Want me to try or do you want to leave it alone?

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Post  syd Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:57 pm

ooc//Ughh!! I don't know what it;s doing right now, but I'm guessing it will look normal by itself tomorrow, since it changed to my background by itself hours after I tried putting the new layout up! The layout I made looked really cool, but it wasn't showing up! And now it's showing up by itself in pieces! XP

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Post  syd Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:54 pm

ooc//that's weird, because i restored it. The background I made is the one that's here now, but it wasn't showing up when I put it on before, so I just restored the layout! :/Idk why it just decided to pop up now! I'm going to restore it again until I can figure out how to make the changes work right, because I was having issues with it earlier today! -_-

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Post  Neodog Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:49 pm

ooc: i didn't touch it at all! I thought it was you. When I came ealier it was normal but when I came again it was like this!

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Post  Autumn Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:47 pm

Amon didn't visibly sulk like Dante, but he was inwardly pouting to himself. Why wasn't he allowed to leave camp? Was this was pack life was like? Constricting with *gasp* Rules? He had never been told he couldn't go out of camp, then again he had never been /in/ camp before. He huffed, glancing around before listening to the rest of Axel's words "Do I get to be a Rookie too?" He asked nodding to Dante's speech about victorious rabbits? Was that what he had said? He took a moment to shoot Dante a confused look, but focused back on Axel, awaiting his answer.

Eir watch Amon. She could see the distaste all across his features at being ordered to stay within the camp boundaries and she knew right at that moment that pack life was going to be a hard adjustment for him, though she couldn't say it wouldn't be difficult for her as well. Amon spoke of being a rookie and she glanced at Axel, waiting for his response. It wouldn't hurt for Amon to train like the other pups his age, it would definitely help him fit in, but she strongly doubted that the alpha, having just allowed them onto his territory, with a warning of course, would allow him to train with his own pack members.

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Post  syd Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:36 pm

ooc//Hey guys! Woah, the layout changed! Did you edit it at all Neodog? Because I didn't leave it like that, lol!

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Post  Neodog Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:06 pm

ooc: Won;t be on for awhile.Got a lot of work to do.

bic: Dante moaned, he understood why but he still silently complained."Fine", he finally said.He sighed but soon he was back to his happy self."Let's eat first. I'm sure victory will taste better when you take a bite out of your rabbit". His stomach growled in agreement. He loved rabbit but he was in the mood for magpie at the moment."Maybe tomorrow we can go hunting again".

Saara chuckled, the thought of her pack mean to a poor pup was ridiculous! "No", she said simply, letting her Aussie drawl take in effect." You're perfectly safe here. The worst would be if my leader came to yell at me. He's not in the best of moods but don't worry. After your den you are welcome to stay in my den with my family. I'll handle my leader".

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Post  syd Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:44 pm

ooc//Hey guys! Ignore it if the website looks messed up for a while, I'm playing around with a new layout, so it might look weird! lol

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Post  syd Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:43 am

Axel blushed slightly under his fur when Eir licked his muzzle. "You're welcome." he replied. He smiled warmly back at her before looking at Dante. "No Dante, stay in the camp...Dad's not in the best of moods, but he still is going to make you a rookie soon...we can start training the next day, plus it's getting late." he warned. The last thing he wanted was for Dante and Amon to go out in the forest alone now...

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Post  Sarah Wed Apr 04, 2012 12:05 am

Nova paused and looked around the camp, it was full of all kinds of dogs and some she didn't recognize.
"Umm, okay...Thanks! I guess..." she barked
"Do you think people will be mean to me here? " She asked Saara.

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Post  Neodog Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:13 pm

Kayle slightly frowned but then cheered up again."At least you're away from such a brute. I would ask you to stay but I have no authority for such a thing and I assume you are aware of the unfortunate danger my pack is going through". He looked back as if he could see Ronnie playing around with the other pups."I'm sure the dogs here will make sure no pup enters the forest. I'm sorry Dante had to bring you here at such a bad time".

Dante looked at Axel and Eir. I guess they wanna be alone he told himself when he saw how close those two were of each other."Amon, what do you want to do? We can go to the meadow, the river, the lake, go hunting, walk around, or stay here in the camp", he informed his new companion.

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Post  Autumn Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:32 am

Eir watched the alpha carefully nodding to him as he finished speaking with a warning "I'll do no such thing." She responded, nodding to him respectfully before letting her gaze flick to Dante as he apologized " There is no need to apologize for a leader thinking of their pack's well-being. I would have probably done the same had I been in his position." She gave the pup a gentle smile before straightening her posture a bit "Thank you Axel." She said softly, licking his muzzle in a thankful manner.

Amon stood still as stone as the alpha stared at them. He remembered bits and pieces of the Gang's alpha, but If his mother had hid him away from the city pack he had to have been worse than this one. He hadn't even realized that Dante had spoken to him until he glanced over and the male was staring at him expectantly. "Oh! Uh I'll just take it to the fresh-kill pile." He responded, picking up his catch and walking it over to the moderately sized pile. He dropped his rabbit at the bottom the returned back to the others.

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Post  Tim Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:08 am

Kayle seemed to be living a comfortable life in the forest. She usually did not talk about Ronnie’s father, but no one really ever talked to her enough to ask…but she decided she’d might as well tell him…”I don’t know where he is now…we were never really together, just in the same gang for a while. He was abusive.” She paused. “Ronnie was not planned…if you know what I mean.” She said, and she left it at that. “I ran away as soon as I got the chance, and I’ve been on my own ever since…it’s just, experiences in my past have lead me to be untrustworthy of others, and cautious which is why I get so anxious.” She looked at the ground…remaining silent.

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:43 pm

Kayle chuckled," I lost count. Maybe 2 springs. I've been here a long while in other words. Just like you I'm a single parent. My step daughter Alexia gave me two grandpups and my two other daughters are growing up strong as pack protectors." he answered." I hope you won't mind if I ask what happened to the father".

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Post  Tim Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:37 pm

"Thank you, but I'm alright." Elise replied. She thought about what he said about Ronnie, and he was right, she could hear his laughter...rarely did she hear him laugh like that. It made her heart ache slightly...hearing you child's laugh was one of the greatest sounds in the world, and hear she was feeling like she was hearing it for the first time. She snapped out of her moment of thought. Kayle was charming alright. She tried to think of something else to say, to at least make herself seem more likeable, rather than the ball of nerves she was right now. "How long have you lived here?" she asked softly.

ooc//Night Syd!

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:20 pm

ooc: Ok, Night Syd!

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:19 pm

Dante saw his dad's anger still held in his eyes.He was about to say something else but he thought it best otherwise."Thank you,father. You won't regret it". He still looked at him sternly, not wavering at all. When his father left he said,"Sorry", his eyes still on his dad. Why couldn't he trust them? Sure there were a mistake or two in the past but this time he was sure it won't be any of those times.He turned his head to face Amon, his countenance revealing a soft smile." You can out your rabbit on the prey pile over there or you can eat it now", he told him.

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Post  syd Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:07 pm

ooc//Ugh! I have to go to bed now guys! But tomorrow is my last day of school before spring break, so I'll be able to stay up late for a week! Woooh!!!!

bic//Falcon was about to snap at Dante, but Eir spoke first. He sensed her fear and submission, and he calmed himself down a bit. He may have been angry, but Falcon was good at controlling his anger. “Eir…I will let you stay, but only because my son’s point’s are valid. There is danger out there, and I do suppose it would be wrong to send you away now.” He paused then looked at Dante, but then his eyes focused on Axel. “But just remember Axel, you can’t simply welcome strangers into the territory…you do remember Lakesha…and Zira, don’t you?” he waited for his son to respond.

“Yes…I do remember her.” How could he have forgotten her? She betrayed the pack after they took her in, and treated her like family. And worse yet, Zira had betrayed them even worse by killing a pack mate. “Eir and Amon are not like that…Amon is just a pup, and if it makes you feel better, I won’t let either of them leave the camp without supervision until we can fully trust them.”

Falcon didn’t respond for a moment…”Alright, that sounds fair…” he eyed Amon and Eir for a moment longer. “Don’t make me regret my hospitality…” he said, said, his voice a bit low.

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:04 pm

Kayle laid down. He heaved a sigh of relief." I'm getting old. Can't seem to stand for long periods of time anymore", he said," But you're young and for one so young living in the city it is obvious you are doing your job. I heard you had a good son, even now I think I can hear his laughter. Hopefully that won't be the last time. Did you eat? I can go fetch you something if you wish it". Kayle was always a charmer around the females, mainly because it just felt natural, even when he was young.He continued to smile at Elsie. It has been a long while since he met another female or dog for that matter. Not many come by anymore.

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Post  Autumn Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:57 pm

Amon stood tall beside Dante, the thoughts of possibly becoming a Rookie and training under the pack care enticed him. He wanted to know more about how they worked, how they hunted, and the daily goings-on of every day pack life. He looked at Dante as Falcon approached them, obviously angry at their second appearance into his territory.

Eir Flattened her ears as close to her head as possible as she stood slightly beside Axel, yet a bit behind him. Falcons irritation definitely did not make her feel like she wanted to stay here any longer. She glanced at Axel, then to Falcon, deciding perhaps she should speak "Falcon. I am Eir. I apologize for causing you any distress and irritation, but Amon and I are tired and have traveled a long way. Axel informed us of the dangers around this part, and in return for the safety of a pack, I pledge my alliance and help in any way to keep these dangers at bay." She said softly, Tilting her head down a bit and looking at the Alpha. She could feel her nervousness itching at her skin, fear of the alpha sending the whole pack at their flanks to chase them away.

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Post  Tim Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:56 pm

Elise smiled, a bit more genuine this time. “It’d be nice to smell like this all the time…but it’s the lavender.” She replied, she was able to un-tense her muscles a bit…she was feeling more comfortable around Kayle than she had around any of the other dogs in the camp. “Ronnie does seem very happy here. He’s delighted to have food, and dogs his age around, I can tell.” she glanced out of the den, hoping to maybe catch a glimpse of her son…but she knew he was fine. It did brighten her spirit a bit to see her son so content.

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:52 pm

ooc: No problem, Syd. I recommend hearing the whole album the two songs came from.

bic: Dante also stood confident in front of his dad." He's right, dad. The Night Watchers would kill them, or better yet, use them. We can't do that! Mom wouldn't allow that to happen, not in a million years!" he argued."Today Elsie and Ronnie will go back to the city, so Eir and Amon can use the guest dens. You know it isn't right to leave them out there alone. I thought we were raised to help the needy or was the pack's teachings wrong?" he told him. He wasn't afraid to look at his dad in the eyes. The worst he can do is yell at him and send Eir and Amon away, but he would go with them to make sure of their safety. He could take them to the cave. No one has to know.

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Post  syd Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:44 pm

ooc//Oooh, I do like the first two the most Neodog! (: thanks! I'll have to go look around on I-tunes at some of those bands, thanks Neodog and Tim! ^-^

bic//Axel smiled a bit as Eir's fur brushed against his. He sort of felt like he was protecting her in a way, which was partially true. "Yes, I'm sure." he said, with confidence. "We have these two other dogs who are not part of our pack staying with us right now, and my father allowed why not two more?" He entered the camp with the rest following him closely. It didn't take long for Falcon to spot them...

Falcon's fur stood on end when the unfamiliar scents entered his nose. A snarl escaped from his lips. He looked the entrance and saw his two sons, walking in with two more fact, they were the ones Falcon had just warned not even an hour ago to leave his territory. The amount of strangers in the camp had Falcon at his wits end right now. What did Dante and Axel think this was? A safe haven for any outsider that just so happened to be in need of help. He was boiling inside, but he kept a calmer, yet obviously angry look on the outside as she approached his sons, and the two new dogs. "Axel...why have you brought them here?" He stared at his son, his eyes held a look of pure frustration...Axel had sided with him on asking these two to leave, so why were they now standing in his camp?

"When we got back to camp, I had second thoughts about asking them to leave, dad. Since the nightwatchers are around now, they would be in great danger out in the forest alone tonight, so I offered for them to come back to camp with me...please understand know how dangerous it is at night right now, I didn't want to risk leaving them for dead!" Axel argued, his voice was firm, and he looked his father straight in the eye.

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