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Post  Neodog Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:22 am

Ooc: sorry I wasn't on. I just had to take a nap! Syd is right Tim, you can always p.m her or me if you have anything to talk about. It's nice to get things off ur mind for a little while. That's what I do with Syd Smile

Bic: Anayu was in her den, she had entered shortly after the ceremony. She quickly heard her mate come in. She got up and hugged him, feeling him embrace her."I'm sorry", she mummbled."I should be happy for Dante and for Kayle, but I can't get over my mom's death". Anayu was so close to her, Rine had taught her to be independent and she always gave her the right advice or words needed to get her through a struggle."I want to be strong, like my brothers, but I can't.......I just can't...."

Kayle chuckled at the question,"Absolutely nerve racking", he replied with a wide smile." It's one thing to be only a member and have some leadership responsibilities over a small patrol or to help advise Falcon, but it's a different matter when I'm practically in charge of a whole pack of 30+ dogs and I'm Falcon's number one advisor. I'm pretty much his backbone.I assume you wouldn't like to take this job off my back would ya?" He jokingly asked.

Dante left Amon alone with Kayla and he saw Axel was busy with Eir. He never did quite understood the act of flirting or mating. He knew why it was necessary but how it worked, the process of it seemed confusing and a lot of hard work. "I guess I'm the odd one out in a flock of love birds", he told himself. He decided he should go to sleep. It wasn't that late but there was not much to do. As he walked toward his father's den he thought he heard a 'psst'. He looked around. He then saw a flash of yellow light, though it was small, he almost missed it. He looked around again, to see if anyone paid any attention to him. When he was sure it was secure he walked over to where he saw the light. "Stop right there", said the voice,"Whatever happens tonight, stay in your den". "Why?" asked Dante, not really questioning the stranger but just curious of what events he was talking about."You don't need to know. Just stay safe. If anything happens I'll protect you. I have a promise to keep". "Are you that stranger from last night?" Dante asked but soon he realized he was gone.Within moments Dante walked into his den. He was confused if he should tell his father what he has learned. Surely he would be upset and he would want to know how he has gain this information. "Coralin", he suddenly said," She's a medicine dog. She could say she got a vision. He'll believe that". As he ran out he felt something grab him. He was soon whisked away. He was in the forest, his body hanging from someone's jaws. 'How could no one had noticed? His father's den was close to the edge of trees but not that close, there was still enough distance to notice someone entering through there. Soon he was dropped onto the ground.He couldn't see the stranger, just yellow eyes. "Damn dog just had to meddle with our plans. The rest of my crew will catch him. You stay here, pup. Got it?" Dante nodded his answer. Apparently, even in near darkness, the male saw his nod. Dante immediately realized he was in a hostage situation. 'This would be a good lesson to add into training', he calmly thought. For now he would listen his captor. He was anxious to warn his pack of the upcoming event that seems to now be unfolding, but he couldn't. As the leader's youngest son this male and his crew had leverage. Unfortunately he has to wait for the time to go into action, whatever and whenever that may be. "Axel really should have trained me today", he whispered to himself. If the male heard him he didn't seem to care to show he did.

Last edited by Neodog on Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:38 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Post  Autumn Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:55 pm

Eir yawned and agreed, blinking sleepily. It was not yet night, but she had traveled far with little rest and it seemed to finally catch up to her. He curled tighter, yet scooted closer to Axel, resting her tail across his as she closed her eyes, drifting off to the steady rhythm of his breathing.

Amon shook his head "Well if you hadn't had put it.. that way. I could have. You just wait. I'll win one day!" He challenged headbutting her in the side. "I do think I'll like it here." He mused, pawing at her tail playfully.

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Post  syd Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:45 pm

Kayla smiled, then giggled as he tripped over his own paws it looked like she had won the 'charm off'. "What were you saying about me lacking charm?" she asked, and batted her eyelashes. she liked Amon, it felt like he fit into the pack already, and he'd only been here for less than a day.

Axel rested his head on his paws. He closed his eyes slowly. "We should get some rest while we can, my dad will be coming in here soon to wake me up." He slowly felt the heaviness of sleep begin to overcome him.

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Post  Autumn Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:21 pm

Amon's ear fell flat against his head and his jaw dropped a bit as Kayla Whispered in his ear. "Well, uh.. I-I um... I think Eir is calling me." He backed up slightly, stumbling over his own paws and falling backwards onto his back. Good lord, if he wasn't already embarrassed enough that just iced the cake. He flashed an embarrassed smile. He would have easily been able to charm her, had she not turned it into a challenge.

Eir smirked "I know it's a hard concept to grasp. I wouldn't have believed it either had I not done it?" She yawned, and let her eyes drift half closed but that was short lived as Axel scooted closer. If she could have blushed she certainly would have. She forced a smile, slightly uncomfortable with the closeness of the male. It was not an action she was used to, though she did understand Amon would need space as well. She cleared her throat "So I've heard." She replied softly.

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Post  Tim Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:14 pm

Ooc/Alright, I’m just going to type something out for some of my characters since it has been a while since I rped some of them.

Bic//Reese was glad to hear of Kayle becoming the new appointee. The tall Dane could not have agreed more with his leader’s decision. Kayle had always been a hardworking dog, and being one of the senior guardians, the other pack members already looked up to him with more respect. He wanted to congratulate him on the matter. He spotted the new appointee on the other side of the camp resting below a tree. He approached him with long strides. “Congratulations Kayle, how does it feel to be the new appointee?” he asked, and smiled.

Dali’s spirits had been lifted temporarily by the ceremony, but not long after they had plummeted back down to a dark abyss. His sensitive ears had long before detected the sounds of new voices. Eir and Amon were their names, he’d heard Axel talking to them…he hadn’t been trying to easedrop, but he couldn’t help but overhear everything. Blindness had given him the gift of super sensitive hearing, so in a way he could not control it. He had mixed feelings about the newcomers. Personally he did not mind, but it upset him that Anayu was upset over it. His mate had already been dealing with so much the past few days, and now it just seemed more was adding to it. Thinking of her made him want to be with her. He detected her scent, he wanted to make sure she was feeling ok.

Riley had gone back to her den once the meeting was over. She layed half in, and half out of the den. She noticed a new dog playing around with her half-sister. It looked as though they were already friends, and it brought a smile to her face.

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Post  syd Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:06 pm

Kayla opened her mouth as if to reply, but then she shut it, and flashed a sly smile. "You say you're the master of charm, hm?" She poked him back with one of her claws. "So charm me, Mr. Prince charming." she whispered in his ear.

Axel titled his head, like a puppy that didn't understand something, as she explained to him. "Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought of snow as something that could keep you warm." He laughed a little bit too at his own ignorance, "I'll take your word for it though." He smiled back at her, a bit enticingly. "You know, the best kind of warmth is body heat though..." He scooched closer to her, their fur touched against each other's. "I hope you don't mind, Amon is going to need some space though."

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Post  Autumn Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:46 pm

Amon's jaw dropped and he blinked hesitantly You're making that up. You're not a Jumbalug...Be cause you." He poked her in a joking manner "Lack charm!" He teased, reclining back on his haunches with a soft laugh "I know charm, after all, I am the master charmer" He raised his eyes brows and smirked waiting for a response.

Eir found himself laughing at his astonishment "Mmmhmm! It is cold if you step in it. But if you burrow under it, and get yourself covered completely Your body heat warms up the small place. We only dug the dens big enough to curl up in. Smaller space meant warmer space." She smiled, flicking her ears as she talked.

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Post  syd Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:36 pm

Kayla sat back up, "the Jumbalug is the creepiest creature you will ever hear of...It is an upright creature with sharp teeth and a protruding spine with wings. It's skinny, and has a hairless body...but most scary of all, it can has two forms, one being the original, which I just described, and the other being a pretty black coated she-wolf. She giggled a bit, "The transformation only happens at until the sun goes down, the creature stays in the form of the lures in it's victims with the charms is has while it's in that form.,,the victims never see it coming." she paused for dramatic effect.

"What? The snow kept you warm, how does that work?" Axel asked, he'd never heard such a thing. "Whenever I step in snow, I feel like my paws are going to freeze off." he said, and chuckled a little. "You're telling me you slept buried beneath it?"

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Post  Autumn Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:21 pm

Amon laughed as she looked around nervously, but as she did he found himself doing the same thing. Was someone else around. "A Jumbalug? Alright, what is it?" He asked with a coy smile, stepping off of her and sitting nearby.

Eir drew in a deep breath and exhaled heavily aking in the scents of the den, the place she would be staying until given her own den, she supposed. She wasn't sure how they worked. "Amon is very personable." She noted with a smile. "Where I come from, we burrowed under the snow. Surprisingly, it would stay rather warm" She noted in amusement, smiling at him.

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Post  syd Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:06 pm

ooc//Hey Tim!!!! *Hugs* I'm sorry to hear that! Sad things will get better for you, don't worry! You can pm me if you want to talk about it or anything, sometimes it makes me feel better when I type out my problems to Neodog! Hehhe!

Want to join our new chatbox convo?? (:

bic//Kayla screamed with half surprise, and half playful delight as Amon pinned her to the ground. "I new you weren't a deer, you're a scootaloo!" she barked. Then her eyes narrowed, and she looked around as if though she was nervous. "Have you ever heard of the jumbalug?" she asked, raising her brows a bit.

Axel nestled down close to her. Though, he didn't appear as much like a fluffy ball of fur. He could hear Amon and Kayla's playful barks coming from outside the den. "Sounds like Amon's got a new friend." he commented, her bright blue eyes stood out among her features in the dim light, and for a moment Axel was captivated, but he snapped out of it.

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Post  Autumn Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:54 pm

Amon sat up and released an astonished [i]'gasp'[/] He circled around her, a frown on his expressions "A Scootaloo is an awful creature, known to live around the water. It has huge ears..." He sat up on his hind legs, raising his paws to look like ears "And huge fangs!" To this he growled, giving a clear view of his ivory canines "It's claws can be as big as your head! And it attacks...Without warning!" He leapt at her, knocking her to the ground and sitting atop of her, pawing at her nose and laughing softly.

Eir nodded in acceptance. Axel was quickly becoming her favorite amongst the pack, though besides Dante, he was the only one she knew. She gave a soft trickling laughed that echoed off the wall of the cave and stepped into the darkness within. She circled once and curled her paws beneath her to wrap herself into a fluffy ball. She glanced up at him, waiting for him to do the same.

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Post  Tim Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:52 pm

ooc//Hello Syd and Autumn. I'm sorry I haven't been on these past two weeks. Things have been sort of difficult. I've been having some really bad days recently. I just didn't have motivation to do anything, I apologize.

I'm going to read up on some of the stuff I missed, so I may poof for a few minutes.

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Post  syd Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:41 pm

Kayla grunted a little as she was thrown off, he was stronger than she had thought. She landed on her side, but stood up quickly, unscathed. "A Scootaloo? what is that?" she asked, her ears perked, she was clearly intrigued. It sounded like some sort of made up creature, but nonetheless she still wanted to know. She kept on the defensive though, just in case Amon decided to strike, thinking she had let down her guard.

"We can all fit in there, it may be a little snug, but it will be fine. Besides, I'm sure my dad will have me on the nightwatch tonight anyway. He's going to have two dogs up at all times to keep guard of the camp now, so there's almost no doubt in my mind he'll choose me...of course there will be a shift, but...why don't we test it out." A slightly flirtatious smile on his face, then entered the den once she had moved aside. He went as far back as he could, giving her room to enter.


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Post  Autumn Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:24 pm

Amon released a soft 'oomph' As the she-wolf pinned him. He gently nipped at her ankles. "Yes! And awful dangerous creature. Though no where near as dangerous as the fabled Scootaloo." He smirked, figuring she wouldn't know of this 'Scootaloo'. He kicked at her belly, hard enough to force her off, but not hard enough to hurt her.

Eir gave him a gently smile, her ice blue gaze scanning the interior of the den before she stepped through. It was warm and cozy and had an almost overwhelming smell of Axel clinging to the walls. "But, where will you sleep?" She turned around to look at him, concern in her eyes "I wouldn't feel right taking your den." She admitted, reclining to her haunches.

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Post  syd Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:06 pm

"Hey don't worry about it...and you'll fit in with the rest of the pack soon enough. You know...the dog, Kayle, who was just made appointee...he was not born in our pack, he joined us 2 springs ago...maybe longer, but it was before I was even born. So if that makes you feel better, we do accept new dogs as our own after a moon or two." Axel approached his den, he stepped aside standing next to the entrance. "Ladies first."

"Oh lord! A deer with fangs!" Kayla exclaimed. She jumped back, dodging his 'attack'. "Yep, I was born here! It's a pretty nice place, I think your gonna like it!" she smiled, and leaped for him, pinning him against a patch of moss on the ground. "So you're some kind of mutant talking deer are ya?" she asked playfully, her voice a bit giggly.

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Post  Autumn Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:58 pm

Eir nodded to him and followed him to his den, walking slowly beside him "Thank you, again, for all that you're doing for Amon and I. I can honestly say I have never seen such kindness." She said softly, her tail brushing the earth as they walked.

Amon raised his rump and wiggled it in the air, baring his teeth playfully. If he was a pretend deer, he was an awful scary one. "I'm from the city... well Kinda. That's where Eir found me. But she's from the Endless Ice lands." He replied leaping at the female "Were you born here?" He asked.

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Post  syd Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:47 pm

Axel turned his attention back to Eir. "Well, the sun will set soon, so now we just get to relax, reflect on the day and all." He realized he had never gotten a chance to show them his den. Falcon had called the meeting right when he was about to. "Looks like Amon is busy..." He saw Kayla circling him playfully, he figured it would be easier for Amon to adjust, it always was for younger dogs, but he would do his best to get Eir adjusted quickly as well. "But why don't I show you to my den, that's where you'll be staying after all."

Kayla giggled, "Where ya from, Amon?" she asked, still circling him slowly, now she was crouched lower, in a hunter's crouch. Her pale yellow eyes narrowed a bit, she was pretending he was a deer at her mercy..."You better answer me quickly!" she barked, her tone still playful.


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Post  Autumn Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:11 pm

Eir Gave a soft chuckle at Dante's massive amount of question. She had to give it to him, the young dog had an abundance of spirit, and that, she admired. She noticed that Amon had not followed Dante over, but that he saw now seated watching a black female, whom was circling around him in a playful manner. She was pleased that we was so easily integrating himself into the pack, something she was finding a bit difficult. She was unsure of how to react to such a smooth working pack when her pack had been so dysfunctional. She looked to Axel "What happens now?" She asked softly.

Amon Tilted his head as Dante darted off to confront his brother. He had only known Dante for a short time, but he didn't have to be beside him to know that he was pummeling Axel with questions. He had watched a female, right about his age walking up to him and gave her a half smile. "I'm Amon, and yes. I'm new!" He pawed at Kayla and she circled him.

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Post  syd Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:28 pm

Axel looked at Eir, his eyes said it all "I told you he would." he gave her a little smile before turning to Dante. "Believe me I know you are excited to start training, but let's hold off on it for tonight, and don't argue with me, I'm your mentor now and what I say goes, ya got that?" He shoved him on the shoulder lightly. Axel did not want to risk being out late right now.

Kayla was excited about all the good news. Dante was a rookie now, and even though she only had a moons left of training, it'd be fun to train along side him for the last moon. She had noticed the two new dogs, and she wanted to greet them...the younger looking male seemed to already be friends with Dante. Once Dante had darted away from him to go talk to Axel, she sprung up and made her way over to him. "Hey, you're not a familiar face." she said, and smiled. The glossy black she-wolf circled around him as if sizing him up, but it was in a playful manner. "I'm Kayla." she said, stating her name. "And you are?"

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Post  Neodog Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:33 am

Lotus finally looked at Venom."Don't be angry. I'm sure they were meaning to tell us. She died last night after all." She faced with the wind so her voice wouldn't be carried over, nonetheless she also spoke in a lower tone."Have you noticed? I feel some tension in the air. At first I didn't notice it because they seemed to be celebrating for something or someone, but then as we circled around them and the pack was going back to their own lives I thought i saw a few somber faces. I thought it was because of Rine's death but it wasn't necessarily sadness I saw. It was fear. The pack is worried about something, if I'm right, then right now they are too preoccupied to worry about spreading the news of my sisters death. Maybe her death is involved in their problems. Kokoro said she tried to protect her son,which she did, from someone. They didn't say who and they didn't say if this was an enemy or just someone as simple as a stray", she told him."I don't want to butt into their business despite how much I wanna know exactly how she died.The pack, no matter how helpful to others they are, are prideful on the fact they are capable of protecting themselves. But I saw some new faces, if something was going on then Falcon wouldn't let them join his pack unless of course they've been here long enough since we haven't visited the pack for several months". Lotus then chuckled, 'hearing' now what all was said by her mind."Rine was always the smart one. I guess it took me up until her death to finally think of such theories". A tear dropped down her cheek, falling onto the stone.

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Post  Shadow Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:13 pm

bic: A small tingle of anger ran up Venom's spine. Did the pack not plan on telling anyone at all? That could have easily contacted either the gang or Duke's group. It was Dukes mother after all. What if they didn't show up today? Would they have never have told them? Sighing Venom shook his thoughts away, he was just confused was all. "I'll go check on him once we leave." He agreed softly as he sat down next to Lotus.
Shadow gazed at the two dogs, pity running through her. Rine would deeply be missed by everyone, it was truly devastating. She slowly laid her head on her paws, her ears wide open to the forest behind them, making sure all was clear.

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:37 pm

Ooc: it's ok Shadow Smile

Bic: Kokoro paused, turned back, and with an unemotional stare into Venom's eyes did he say,"No". He then continued to walk away, hiding behind the bushes and trees to give them privacy without losing sight of the two city dogs.

Without looking at her companion she told him," You'll have to tell him sooner or later. You are his father after all". Lotus couldn't stop hersel from looking at her sister's name engraved on the stone that surrently sits on her grave. She couldn't even blink.

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Post  Shadow Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:16 pm

ooc: Sorry Neodog, I got caught up in some stuff.

Bic: Venom listened to Lotus, he couldn't say it any better then himself. He and Rine may not have left each other on great terms last time, and may not have been even friends. But it was a definite loss to him for what they once shared. He did always care for her deep down. He was watching as the two pack dogs turned to leave at Lotus's word when something hit him. "Does Duke know?"

ooc: Sorry, this is such a small post. xD

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Post  Neodog Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:29 pm

Dante happily answered," I'm going to ask Axel if he can teach me fishing! Maybe later we can start learning how to fight. I could always use a fighting partner that isn't quite as big as Axel". Dante ran over to his big brother."Let's go fishing! It's hot and such a good day and the fish should be abundant by now, swimming happily without a care in the world, but once you teach me how to fish those fishes will be dinner and I'll make sure to bring lots of fish along with deer! Yeah! Deer! We can go hunt for a deer again and soon I'll be able to take one down by myself! I'll be the first rookie to do that, just watch! In no time I'll be a better hunter and fighter than most young guardians here!" Finally, Dante stopped to catch a breath. "So what do you say, Axel? Great plan, right? You're not gonna ask me to wait till tomorrow because it's gonna get dark in an hour or so will you? If so let's go now! The sooner I learn the better I'll become! " Dante gazed up at his big brother, waiting for a reply or for him to move his big butt to the lake or river.

Kayle walked over to his tree. He had to think over what just happened."Me...appointee? I guess I can do it. I'm determined to take charge if I have too but surely there are better, younger dogs that can do this job". He laughed."Listen to me talk. I use to be ambitious, ready to do what I can to survive. Of course I can do this", he told himself. He laughed at himself again, thinking how silly he has become, worrying about age. Humbug!

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Post  Autumn Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:20 pm

Amon cheered along with the crowd and pawed at Dante as he returned "Congratulations! I know you're excited." He beamed with happiness, Amon had always been easy to please. He was overall good natured and easy going. "So what are you going to do now?" He asked.

Eir nodded to him, her blue eyes focused on Axel. " Looks like you'll have your work cut out for you. I'm sure you'll teach him well." She replied. Her gaze shifted to the husky like dog whom had been appointed Appointee. She watched him for a moment, giving a cheer with the rest of the pack but quieting down quickly. Her gaze swept over to Amon, who seemed to already be adjusted into the pack, he had no qualms at all with being in the center of the large group, while Eir preferred to linger in the back.

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