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Post  syd Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:12 pm

Axel nodded slowly, "I're probably right, it's just frustrating...we could have so easily killed him, and that would have probably caused some uproar for the nightwatchers, because they'd have no leader then."he didn't want to think about those bastards anymore..."Let's go back in the den, I think they're gone for the night, so maybe we can get some rest now." he suggested to her.

Zira lay in the highest cave on the side of the cliff that overhung the nightwatchers camp. She growled in her discomfort. She felt like these pups would never be born, she hated being pregnant...and where was Kain? Shouldn't she be getting an update by now? "Lucifer!" She called, Kain had ordered the Beta to remain in camp while he and the patrol were out. "Lucifer!" the bitch snarled again.

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:08 pm

Dante scooched over."It's ok. Thanks for coming. Eir might be mad at me", he confessed to him."I'm worried something could happen to you. The Night Watchers took my siblings when they were pups and practically starved them and hurt them. Are you sure you want to come?" he asked.

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Post  Autumn Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:57 pm

Eir sighed softly, knowing the situation was frustrating for everyone. "sometimes, Axel, the needs of the many outweigh those of the few. Falcon is just trying to protect his pack. I'm sure that wolf, Kain, did not come alone." She almost whispered as not to be heard from the others. She stayed beside him, listening to the conversations of the pack.

Amon casually walked out of the den and sniffed the ground before stalking towards the tall grass. He had noticed one of the pack members glancing at the grass, and figured perhaps making it look as if he was stalking a rodent or a hare would dispel his attention. He leapt into the bush, almost crashing into Dante "sorry, someone was looking." He admitted.

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:40 pm

Kokoro met Shadow's eyes. He walked up to her. "Are you ok? You look a little scared if you don't mind me saying". He saw Austin was busy in his own thoughts. Nearby he spotted Aurora."Is it the kids? They'll be fine. They've been trained for this. I'll watch out for them as best I could when we go into battle. If it makes you feel better I can give them some jobs to help out the medicine dogs".

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Post  Tim Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:40 pm

Reese stood near Falcon and the others, he was more than glad to see Kain leave...he had revealed osme information to them, whether they found it useful or not, Reese still thought it needed to be taken under consideration. Form the corner of his eye, he thought he saw movement in a patch of tall grass by the edge of camp, he looked over, focusing his eyes in the dark...was he just paranoid now, or had something actually moved?

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Post  Shadow Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:32 pm

Bic: Shadow nodded at her son as she watched Kain leave. She didn't bother saying anything, she could see Falcon didn't want to do anything foolish and dangerous. He was taking the safe root and Shadow couldn't agree more with his decision. The thought of a rouge on the loose worried her dearly though, they needed to do something about that soon. They couldn't be expected to live their lives in fear all the time. Sighing she sat down and looked around for Kokoro to see how he was doing.

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:29 pm

Dante nodded. He peeked out. Their eyes were where Kain stood. He walked quietly between them. He hid in a nearby group of tall grass and flowers.Amon could just walk straight out. Their orders wasn't to guard him, just Dante. "I'm beginning to discover being the leader's son has its disadvantages", he told himself. He awaited for Amon to come out. He hoped he would meet his savior and not another Night Watcher.

Kain paused. A chuckle slipped out."If you;re going to kill me, then do it now". There was silence. Only the crickets and occasional rustle of leaves from the wind. "You could have been something, brother. If only you and I were raised the same way. Who knows. If I shared your life I would be just like you, successful, have friends and a family that cared. But of course that wasn't enough for you was it?" Another chuckled came out from his throat,"You wanted power, strength, to make up for all the mistakes in your life. How pathetic. If you change your mind about anything you know how to find me. We train you well of course, but you had that talent in you in the first place. How ironic." Kain walked on. He heard the very faint sounds of running paw prints dispersing from him.

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Post  syd Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:18 pm

Falcon stared after Kain as he left…that was not what he had been expecting, for one, Bane was gone, how could that be…though it actually made him a bit relieved to have that monster gone. He didn’t know if he should believe Kain though…Once he was gone he spoke to everyone who was there and listening. “We will continue to stay in camp at night, and have two guards on post at all times…no one is to leave camp alone anymore, take at least three dogs with you, even in day time, if there really is a rouge, then we’re not taking any chances. It’s not safe to be alone. As long as we stay together, we have them outnumbered…so for now we are safe with our numbers.” He hoped that had comforted his pack a little, but he was sure they all still felt uneasy. He was tempted once more to go after Kain, but again, he knew better. Acting recklessly like that would only get someone killed.

Axel was angry at his father, how could he have not taken this opportunity to kill Kain? He could have just given a signal, and he and the other strong guardians who were all surrounding him now could have taken him down once and for all. “What an idiot.” He growled under his breath, when Axle was angry, you could always tell. He wanted to snap at his father now, but when he felt Eir’s tail brush his flank, he looked over to her and calmed down. He let out a frustrated sigh.

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Post  Autumn Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:14 pm

Eir stared at the male, a emotionless icy stare looking over his every feature, committing the shadow wolf to memory. She watched Axel spring forward, his hackles bristling with the promise of a threat towards the male, but Falcon quickly turned on his son with a authorial snarl. She watched as the male retreated before taking a few steps towards Axel, flicking her tail against his side as a gesture of comfort.

Amon glanced out of the den once more. The gaurds had been distracted, as was everyone else at the sudden visit from the Night watcher "If we are going to go. Now is our chance. " He muttered, stalking a few steps out fo the entrance.

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Post  Tim Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:04 pm

Dali stood at the edge of his den nervously listing to the confrontation. So many horrid memories came flashing back though his mind when he heard that icy voice. He was a pup, lying on a cave floor dying from hypovolemic shock. His leg was snapped, nearly in half, the bone exposed, the flesh mangled and twisted. His fur matted and drenched in his own warm, sticky blood…he should have died that night…He couldn’t bare to think of it any longer, he snapped out of it, and focused back on what was happening right now. His heart was pounding quickly…adrenaline had set in. He didn’t know if he should fight or flee should a fight break out. He was no fighter, he never had been, his blindness prevented it, but he cringed at the thought of fleeing and leaving his pack mates. He continued to listen to Kain speak…a rouge packmate? Dali wondered what this was about. He didn’t trust a word Kain said though. His intentions for coming here could not be good, so why should they even bother listing to him, unless this was some sort of indication to something…but what?

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:59 pm

Austin stood besides his mother."Sorry, I was checking out the message they left for us". His attention was soon taken by Kain."Why doesn't Falcon order an attack?" he asked. He was aware there could be an ambush but.....he just wanted to see him die very painfully. If he hadn;t had any sense he would rush at him right now. "I hate waiting", he mumbled.

Kain smiled at the pack leader."You should teach your son some manners. I don't Rine would like his behavior. Enough chatter. I just came to let you know Bane is gone. I'm the new leader. I hope you excuse some of the sloppiness. Perhaps an experienced leader like yourself can show me a few tricks.No? Well that's too bad. As a present I'll give you some information. One of my pack members has gone rogue. You should watch yourself, Falcon. Sad to say I should have seen this coming. If you see him, feel free to kill him. He's no use to me anymore now that he killed your mate and has gone crazy", he turned back to leave. He turned his head around, a smile still glued to his face,"Don't even try attacking me. I have you trapped. Even if I die my pack will still remain here. Goodnight". Before Kayle could prepare for a sudden ambush Kain suddenly disappeared from sight. It was as if he was never here. "That was strange. What are our orders?" He asked Falcon.

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Post  syd Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:44 pm

Falcon barred his fangs as he saw Kain approach him, he was tempted to fling himself on the enemy right this moment, but he let him speak, he was clearly outnumbered, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t still be deadly, so Falcon knew better. His eyes burned with pure hatred and disgust as he looked Kain straight in the face and let him speak.

“What the fuck do you want?” Axel snarled at Kain, he spat in his direction after he had finished speaking. He was glad to hear Eir could fight, she may have to soon.

Falcon barred his teeth at Axel, urging him to shut up. “Why are you here Kain? Explain yourself now, or we will not hesitate a moment longer to kill you.” He spoke with a cold and bitter tone towards his nemesis. He was waiting for an ambush to take place soon, so he hoped everyone was ready, this was probably all part of the plan, as soon as Falcon, or anyone else tried to spring ay Kain, the other nightwatchers would come in from all sides and attack.

Samara watched with shock when Kain stepped into the camp. “What is he doing?” she hissed, looking at Kindle…did he expect them to know what was going on though his mind right now?

“I don’t like the sound of that.” Kiah said, she was growing nervous…”If he doesn’t come back by morning, we’re going to have to pay the pack a visit to make sure everything is ok, I have a bad feeling.” Kiah said…

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:33 pm

Dante was thinking, he almost missed Amon's words." Yeah, I haven't figured that out yet. Except we can wait till they are distracted then we can sneak out...well run out. Hopefully in training I'll get better at this stuff", he said. He was only good at making plans when he wasn't kept in an enclosed room where the only way out was guarded by a great dane and a husky. "Maybe we'll have to wait till a fight breaks out. I hope it doesn;t come to that though".

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Post  Shadow Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:31 pm

ooc: Thanks. Yeah, they're no fun. :/

Bic: "Honestly, I have no idea." Venom told her the truth. "They were quite on edge when we arrived and left. That's all I really know, sorry." He wished he could tell her more, he didn't like the pack too much, but he did respect his son's pack and mate. He would give them all the information he had.

Shadow's back bristled up and she snarled as the Night Watcher wolf stepped into camp. How dare he walk in like he was an ally and not an enemy. She stepped in front of the surrounded Rookies looking around for her son.

Seth shot forward as Kain walked in. Back bristled and icy blue eyes filled with angry fire. No way was this guy coming in here and acting like everything was fine and dandy.

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Post  Autumn Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:26 pm

Eir's ears pricked up at the sound of a howl. The pack was about to be thrown into battle. She took in Axel's worried expression. "Axel, I may not be amazing at hunting in the forest, but if my birth pack taught me anything it was how to fight." Eir was a sweetheart in general, but she could be a force to be reckoned with when fighting.

Amon flicked his ears forward and the sound of a warning howl. He poked his nose out of the den and glanced aroud "I think your Night Watchers found us first." He noted, turning aroud to await Dante's response.

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:25 pm

ooc: I hope you guys feel better soon. I never had a migraine before, just some bad headaches.

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:19 pm

Kayle felt a wave of uneasiness. He looked around, expecting them to come any time. When he looked back to where most of the dens were, he saw the howls alone woke them up. "Austin! Shadow! Make sure the rookies are still here!"

Nanu stood her guard up, she looked to her right and left. She heard nothing so far and felt no energy signature. "May the Goddess protect us", she mumbled in Arabian.

Kindle smiled."Aren't they cute? Running around and organizing guards". Though she was happy deep inside she grew some doubt. All her life they used their skills in stealth. That was their advantage. Were they going to suddenly change to a more offensive strategy? In reality she didn't know what her leader is planning. She was so use to the traditional ways or at least the ways of Bane. He had been leader for so long that was all she knew. She wasn't sure she liked this change. Suddenly she saw Kain step into the camp. "Is he crazy?" she said aloud.

Kain walked straight to Falcon. He saw a group of dogs approach him. Their fur raised high, teeth bared, and their eyes in total focus on their enemy. He paused just half a yard from the outline of the camp. He was close to the den Dante was staying in with Amon. He saw the guards there. He suspected it was either Falcon's son or mothers and pups quivering in fright. "This isn't a very nice welcome. I expected better of you. I hope Dante is safe and sound. My subordinates tell me how he escaped without a scratch. You have yourself a strong son there". His gaze fell on Axel,"Looking as strong and stupid as ever. Where's your sister? Did she die as well along with your mother? Oh, so sorry for your loss by the way". Somehow he stood coolly surrounded by 30 something dogs ready to attack in the heart of enemy territory.

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Post  syd Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:19 pm

Axel nodded, “He is the leader of the Alliance, they live near the city in a warehouse not far from—“ Axel cut his sentence short when he heard the howling. The fur stood up on his neck…this is just what they used to do…”That’s them…” he looked out through the brush surrounding the camp into the dark forest as if expecting them to come lunging out that them at any moment. “Eir…you do know how to fight?” he asked her.

“That’s terrible…” Kiah said, trailing of a bit at the end. The Izbian hound could only imagine what her mate must be feeling right now…”Are they in danger now Venom?” she asked, a look of concern swept over her narrow face. She felt a knot forming in her stomach knowing that Duke was over there, and the nightwatchers were present.

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Post  Shadow Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:02 pm

ooc: Yeah, but my sister has something similar and it's much worse. Although we have different symptoms I think it might just be a bug. >.<

Bic: "The Night Watchers attacked Rine's other son, Dante, and Rine protected him. Her wounds must have been too bad." Venom explained going over all of what Kokoro had told them. "I assume the Night Watchers are still giving the pack problems."

ooc: Sorry not a great post. :/

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Post  Autumn Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:59 pm

Amon peered towards the entrance before ushering Dante further back into the den "Well of course! But how are we going to do it? The guards will know if you so much as scratch a flea." He explained, reclining to his haunches. He was willing to help Dante figure out who this mysterious Night Watcher was, but he wasn't sure how they would be able to do it.

Eir glanced to the doberman, Duke, Axel had called him. He did somewhat favor Falcon, though not all that much. She nodded to Axel "He's not from your pack though? He smells different." She noted, looking to the male.

Sorry it's so short.

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Post  syd Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:53 pm

Flaco ran over to where kayle was just outside of the camp. He gasped when he saw what was in front of them. A baby deer was dead, badly mutilated and nearly decapitated. He looked around quickly when he heard the eerie howls, he let out a soft growl, "they're going to do something, probably attack" quick! Wake everyone up, we need to be prepared incase they attack soon! " falcon quickly ran back into the camp, he barked loudly, there was no use trying to be quiet, the night watchers obviously knew where they were.

Kiah looked shocked whe she heard the news. "rine is dead? But how?" she hears what he said about thnpack being in trouble' "does it have to do with what you said about the pack being in trouble?" she asked...she was tempted to go after duke and help the pack as well.

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:51 pm

ooc: I hope so. Does your parents know?

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Post  Shadow Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:45 pm

ooc: It's much better, I don't really think it's a migraine anymore, just a slight headache. :/ Right now it's at the front of my head and my eyes are burning. Bleh, it might be a cold I dunno.

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:43 pm

ooc: How's your migraines, Shadow?

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Post  Shadow Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:36 pm

ooc: Yeah, I know how that is. :/

Bic: Venom looked up at the sound of a dog approaching and his name being called. It was Duke's mate. "Kiah." He dipped his head. "I wish my visit had been under better circumstances. I just found out that Duke's mother, Rine, passed away. I came as soon as I heard to tell Duke. I had a suspicion that the Pack was in trouble and he went right away. He told me to tell you he was sorry and he would be back." He told her the best he could.

Shadow looked up as Kayle called Falcon, he had found something. Instantly she got prepared and listened to what was going on. A second later howls echoes through the forest around the camp, sending goosebumps up her back. It was perfectly clear that whatever was going to happen tonight was upon them now.

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