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Post  Autumn Tue May 01, 2012 10:13 pm

Amon sighed softly, pricking his ears as far forward as they could go and walking a circle around Dante. "Well we aren't going to find him just standing here. He headbutted his companion playfully. "Let's keep going before anyone realizes we are gone. He urged, taking a few steps forward.

Eir started as a red husky approached her. Part of her felt standoffish as Parvati sided next to her, for fear that the female would have nothing more to say than the fabled fact that she was not to be trusted. Though, unlike what her thoughts had conjured up, the female gave a gentle smile and a few friendly words. Eir felt herself exhale as if she had been holding her breath, waiting for the scolding. "It's not the easiest thing in the world." She replied, giving a soft smile in return "I'll get by though." She added.

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Post  syd Tue May 01, 2012 10:02 pm

Parvati had been trying to get back to sleep, but she couldn’t. She figured most others were a bit restless as well. The red husky got up and sat at the exit of her den. She saw Axel and kayle on guard, talking quietly to each other…then she noticed the new dog, Eir was her name, sitting outside her den as well. She knew Eir must feel uncomfortable here still…everyone was practically a stranger to her. Parvati decided it was time to introduce herself, she felt bad that she hadn’t already. She padded over towards her and sat beside her. “Hello Eir, I’m Parvati.” She gave her a warm smile. “Not easy being the new dog, is it?” she asked, with her calm, friendly voice.

"Yea, you have a lot on your paws now, you'll get used to it though! You've only been appointee for one day, so it seems like a lot now, and it is, but you'll adjust...besides, you're not 'old' old yet. You still got two or three springs before you hit elder status, right?" Axel hated thinking about growing old...he wanted to stay young and strong like he was now.

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Post  Neodog Tue May 01, 2012 9:57 pm

Dante, embarrassed, whispered," really". He looked at his friend, at least he think he was there, standing in the darkness. "I remember seeing a few scars on his face, he had black fur, but I remember his yellow eyes the most". He looked all around. "I wish I knew his name", he sighed more to himself than to Amon. He thought he heard something but he saw it was just a bird. "This is harder than I thought".

Kayle laughed,"So now the subject is on me? Alright. Um.....I don't really know. I always liked have leadership responsibilities like on patrols and missions and I do like voicing my opinion and suggesting stuff but....being an Appointee? Now dogs rely on me and most importantly Falcon relies on me. I'm his right paw wolf. I make sure everything he says and does happens. I make sure the little things are in order and I help out on the peacemaking. I was a guardian. My duty is to fight and feed my pack,mainly, but now I have to stand back and create patrols, send them someplace, make sure everyone is safe, help out Falcon on who does what and make plans to eliminate our enemy. I barely get to fight. If I do than I also have to co-command in the same time. I can't just focus on my own problems in the battle field. Plus I'm old. I'm not that young wolf that just strolled by in here. It's a lot of pressure. I can only tolerate so much. I don't know how your mom did it, kid".

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Post  syd Tue May 01, 2012 9:48 pm

Axel smiled in the corner of his mouth, “Alright, so you picked up the clues…and yea, let’s change the subject.” He stretched his legs out, flexing his muscles before speaking again. His temper had subsided for now. “So, I never did get to congradulate you on becoming the new appointee…are you happy you were chosen?” he asked him.

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Post  Neodog Tue May 01, 2012 9:33 pm

Kayle chuckled."I use to be a ladies charmer and I still am! I know what I saw. Everyone can see the worried looks for each other, but I noticed the small details. The fur brushing, you both smile at each other and so far only at each other, and though she has to sleep in your den for the time being I'm sure that temporary accommodation is okay with both of you. Would you like to change subject?" he asked so casually.

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Post  syd Tue May 01, 2012 9:22 pm

Samara did not say anything…but she had some suspicions of what was going on with Kindle. She didn’t want to anger her any further, so she let it be…she nestled down below a large boulder and closed her eyes, not yet falling asleep however.

“What?! Huh?” Axel said dumbly, he’d been caught off guard by that…ok, so maybe he did have a thing for Eir…but was it that obvious? “We’re just friends right now.” He said, smoothing down his fur, playing it cool now. “I mean, right now, I think I’m her only friend besides Amon…she needs more time to get used to things though, and of course, this is the worst timing to be new in the pack.”

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Post  Neodog Tue May 01, 2012 9:17 pm

Kindle glared at her before answering,"I'm fine. Just a small ache. I just need sleep". She walked away, wanting to void any more questions. Kindle knew eventually someone had to know, probably the whole pack.

Kayle shrugged."That's all we can do. Guard doing does involve some standing here and there. In the meantime we can come up with any strategies for any situation that could occur or we can talk about something fun and relaxing like how it is between you and that girl, Eir". The artic wolf mix smiled, a playful gleam in his eyes.

ooc: Sorry it's short

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Post  syd Tue May 01, 2012 9:07 pm

ooc//Hey guys!

bic//Samara had noticed kindle leave…but when she came back, she stood up. “Kindle, is everything alright?” she whispered, walking to her side…for some reason Samara sensed Kindle was not ok.

Axel let out another sigh..."I know...I guess his decision makes more sense..." Axel's young, slightly brash mind still was set on the idea of killing Kain though. The rest of the pack slowly was returning to their dens, it was going to be a long night. "What is our strategy Kayle? Are we just going to sit around and wait for them to come to us, living in fear of their attacks?" There was a bit of a fierce tone in his voice, it wasn't directed at Kayle, but the nightwatchers being here again were causing his rage to surface.

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Post  syd Tue May 01, 2012 12:23 am

Ooc//ok, Night Neodog! I have to go to bed too Autumn! Night! (:

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Post  Neodog Tue May 01, 2012 12:19 am

Kayle nodded."I agree with you, but what if he had others to back him up? Just one move from us and they could have killed one or more of us. Kain is skilled, he wouldn't put himself in danger. Let's say he did die. His appointee would just take over as leader. How do we know he isn't any worse? Or the other Night Watchers might go search for Bane if he's alive, and then what? I wanted to kill him too. They took my daughters and killed my mate. And for what? For laughs? They did horrible things, Axel. You and your sister were there to witness it first hand. Also remember the state Dakota was in. He sneaked out and traveled down the mountains and into the forest when he was covered in blood and wounds. What your father did was for the best. Right now we have a chance to rest up and strategize to prevent fewer deaths as possible and to kill as many of them as possible".

ooc: I'm going to bed. Night guys.

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Post  Autumn Tue May 01, 2012 12:16 am

Eir huffed softly and readjusted herself, She knew she would be unable to sleep tonight. It had been so long since she had slept alone that it seemed she had forgotten how. She stood, giving a brief stretch before making her way out of the den that smelled of Axel. She glanced around. Looking to see if everyone else had disappeared into their dens to sleep or if some were just as restless as she. She would have volunteered for a watch rotation, but the more reasonable part of her knew that Falcon didn't trust her to do such a thing.

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Post  syd Tue May 01, 2012 12:07 am

ooc//ok! Goodnight tim and Shadow!

bic//Falcon heard Seth speak up to volunteer for the second shift, “Alright Seth, thank you…get some rest now so you aren’t tired tomorrow from staying guard, they’ll come to wake you in about two or three hours.” He told him. “I’m going to try to rest now…wake me immediately if you sense anything wrong.” He told them, before heading to his den.

Axel sighed…”We could have killed him easily though…the less nightwatchers the better, especially the leader.” He commented. He wanted to kill all of them, they all deserved it. They killed for a sport, so why should any of them deserve to live?

Zira nodded her head, “Yes, I feel pain. They’re growing so big now it’s unbearable…” She growled a bit, showing her discomfort, she sense Lucifer was a bit worried. “Don’t be worried though, I can deliver them on my own if I have to.”

Samara had noticed kindle leave…but when she came back, she stood up. “Kindle, is everything alright?” she whispered, walking to her side…for some reason Samara sensed Kindle was not ok.

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Post  Neodog Tue May 01, 2012 12:06 am

Good night Tim Smile Nite, Shadow!

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Post  Shadow Tue May 01, 2012 12:05 am

ooc: G'nite Tim.

I'm actually off for the night too guys, school tomorrow. Nite guys!

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Post  Tim Tue May 01, 2012 12:00 am

Lucifer shook his head, “No, I haven’t. Kain, didn’t give me much insight on what his plans were, but I assume he will be back within the next day or too…” He was a little concerned about Zira telling him she had mild contractions, it had to mean they were close to being born. “Do you feel any pain, or discomfort now?” he asked her, he hoped she answered with no…for one Samara was not here…Stella knew some things about herbs, and medical business, but other than that he and a few others were the only ones here.

ooc//Sorry guys, I have to go to sleep...I'll try to be on tomorrow. Goodnight.

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:56 pm

Kindle slipped out. when she was far enough from them she moaned in pain."Damnit. Just wait a little longer". She moaned again. She tried to take deep breathes to calm down. She laid on the ground and closed her eyes. "I think I rather have someones jaws around my throat", she complained. Finally the pain flooded away. "This better be worth it". She walked back into camp, No one has noticed her leave, if they did they didn't care.

Kayle walked out with Axel. "Are you going to be alright? You seem a bit agitated. What your dad did was for the best. I hope you know that".

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Post  Shadow Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:50 pm

Bic: "Sounds like a good plan." She agreed as she let her pelt brush his. "Perhaps, we can show the kids the meadow?" That was there place after all. She could still remember the day they first met all those springs ago, almost like it was yesterday. Oh, how time went by so fast.

Seth overheard Falcon telling Axel he would sit guard tonight and decided to speak up. "I can guard tonight after you two." He nodded to Kayle and Axel. No way would he be able to sleep with the idea of a rouge roaming the forest.

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Post  Autumn Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:49 pm

Amon glanced around, though he was finding it extremely difficult to see. It was almost as if they had stepped straight in to the darkest shadow. She shivered, stepping closer to Dante "Do you even know what this... friend of yours looks like?" He asked.Searching the darkness for any sign of the male.

Eir sighed softly as Falcon approached, but nodded to him respectfully. "Stay safe." She replied simply before walking to the den and slipping inside. She curled into her ball at the back of the den, for some reason feeling colder without Amon or Axel beside her.

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Post  syd Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:45 pm

“Have you heard any updates, or signals from Kain” Zira questioned. “I swear, these pups are due any moment, I may have had even a few mild contractions, which means they are coming soon..I want him to be here.”

Falcon nodded, “Alright, thank you Kayle, and yes, I’ll go fetch Axel. He saw his osn across camp about to enter his den. “Axel!” he called.

Axel was about to enter the den after Eir, when his father called him, “He’s probably putting me on nightshift Eir…try to get some rest if you can, I’ll be back later tonight.” He wanted to just lie in his den with Eir now, but he had to listen…he turned and approached his father. “Yes?”

“You’re on night watch with Kayle for the first shift, after a few hours, find two more dogs to swap with you.” Falcon instructed them both.

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:38 pm

Kokoro licked his mate. " I promise you that after all this I'll take the day off and we can all go someplace where we have some privacy for family time. How does that sound?" Somehow Kokoro can still grin in joy when they are in a crital situation. "We could visit the lake and take a swim. It's finally getting warm around here. Maybe we can stay the night there and watch the stars and tell stories".

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Post  Neodog Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:33 pm

Kain was back at there temporary camp. Kindle glared at him but turned back when Kain met her eyes. "I could kill you right now for doubting my leadership. I don't have to tell you that I actually have a plan. I'm not just making crap up". He hoped up onto the raised rock platform. He laid on it, looking at the stars.He thought about Zira and her pregnancy. She was due anytime. He hoped it wasn't tonight or tomorrow night. He wanted to be there. If he had to he would get rid of any runt that could weaken his pack.

Kayle came up to Falcon."I can take the first shift. Maybe Axel should take the shift with me. He obviously needs something to do and I can watch him. Remember, I had Dakota as a son".

Dante smiled. He quickly ran into the forest. He couldn't believe it had gotten darker. his eyes adjusted but he still had difficulty seeing. His other senses were useless. There was no scent or sounds to go by. "It's me! Dante" he whispered loudly. "See anything, Amon?"

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Post  Autumn Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:32 pm

Eir looked at Axel for a long moment before letting her gaze drift to the den she had seen Amon enter. He must have gone to check on Dante. The two were becoming great friends and for this she was glad. She nodded to Axel. Though she was not really tired, or needing much rest, though she could tell that Axel needed a bit of time to calm down and gather his thoughts. "Of course" She responded turning and making her way into the den.

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Post  Tim Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:24 pm

Reese took his eyes off the tall grass after another moment, it was probably just the breeze, and the new dog…Amon was his name, seemed to be looking for something in it. Finally everyone had seemed to calm down a bit…Reese included.

Lucifer was in the midst of dragging a fresh caught deer back into the clearing when he heard Zira calling for him…she’d been anything but pleasant since she became pregnant. Without a word though, the brute climbed up to the alpha females den, ready to get her something if she needed it. “Yes Zira?” he asked. She was in the back of the den…he wondered just how close she was to delivering, it’d been so long since they had pups within the ranks of the nightwatchers, but, it was about time they did.

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Post  Shadow Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:17 pm

Bic: Shadow smiled at her mate. "It's not that's just I feel like we never spend any time together anymore." She mumbled realizing how whiny it must have sounded. "I think me, you, and the kids need to just spend some time together soon." She didn't add on to the fact the had been a nervous wreck thinking about losing one of them the whole time. She knew they could all handle themselves and would probably be offended a little if she said other wise, she was simply a mother always worrying.

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Post  Autumn Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:13 pm

Amon smirked nodding to Dante "Well now that you mention it..." He paws before batting Dante's ear "Of course I'm coming. I'm not letting you go by yourself, and Eir will get over it." He replied, sniffing the ground once more before remembering it was more likely that the Night Watchers would find them before they found the Night Watchers.

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