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Post  Autumn Thu May 17, 2012 11:39 pm

Desi released a sharp breath, which she had been holding as the male checked her over. There were heartbeats, that was great! She had been set at ease, until the male offered her a pawful of seeds explaining that they would make her sleep. Sleep meant succumbing to those awful nightmares, nightmares of faceless creatures bearing down on her, sharp teeth searing her flesh. She accepted the blanket, but shoved the seeds away with her paw, shaking her head "I don't want to sleep"

Amon stretched his legs as he peered out of the den, Parvati had ushered in another female into the camp, and he was sure Falcon would not take kindly to this once he awoke. "Dante look." He said quietly as they carried the new female into the medicine den. "What do you think Falcon will have to say to that?" He added.

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Post  Neodog Thu May 17, 2012 11:31 pm

He lightly slide his paw over her injured stomach, careful not to undue the bandaging or smear the ointment. He took quite a bit of time feeling the pups, checking for any sign of movement or any sign of bad news. He then placed his ear against her stomach. After some time has passed he looked at her and reported." I do hear faint signs of heartbeats. They may have been injured but it is hard to tell right now until they are actually born. My guess would be that because you are so close to giving birth the pups are very much responsive at their current stage so maybe they are frightened of tonight's events. I will check them tomorrow and have the other medicine dogs check on you as well to know their opinions. For now just focus on resting." He walked out to go back to his den where he kept the blanket. He soon came back. He placed it on top of her, then grabbed a few seeds. "Eat these. They will help you sleep and stay asleep to assure full rest".

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Post  Autumn Thu May 17, 2012 11:14 pm

Desi relaxed at his smile, settling back down once more. She nodded "Yes a blanket would be wonderful, if it's not too much trouble" she added before frowning slightly "You are a medicine dog, no? I smell the herbs on your fur. My pups... I haven't felt them move since I was chased. Do....Do you think they are ok?" She asked shyly.

Sorry for the short post.

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Post  Neodog Thu May 17, 2012 11:06 pm

ooc: Alright Shadow Smile

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Post  Shadow Thu May 17, 2012 11:03 pm

ooc: Dang guys, I gotta get off for a little bit. I'll be back on in about an hour.

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Post  Neodog Thu May 17, 2012 11:03 pm

The light colored shiba inu smiled a little at her, his eyes gleaming with joy somehow. "That is why you are lucky. Those devils can be quite troublesome. I wouldn't like seeing a pretty face like yours dead along with your unborn pups. We've had enough deaths for today. If you're cold I have an old blanket that I keep for emergencies", he told her. His face was concerned, serious, yet soft and kind. It was obvious he cared for others and didn't care if they are strangers or not.

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Post  Autumn Thu May 17, 2012 10:57 pm

Desi glanced up, suddenly apprehensive, as a male entered the large den. He was about her size, and he too smelled of herbs which set her once bristling fur back at ease. She stared at him as she spoke to Parvati about the medicine dog whom had been with her prior to waking up. She gazed at him sadly nodding slowly "I know. I don't think I could thank Parvati enough for bringing me here. I- I'm not even sure what happened." She said in almost a whisper " I was walking and then I was being chased, b-but I couldn't seem them." She said softly, resting her head on her paws.

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Post  Shadow Thu May 17, 2012 10:42 pm

ooc: I know! XD Haha, okay I will in a second. =3

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Post  Neodog Thu May 17, 2012 10:39 pm

ooc: How are you?! It feels like forever since we talked! send me a pm Smile

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Post  Shadow Thu May 17, 2012 10:34 pm

ooc: Hiya, Neodog! =D

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Post  Neodog Thu May 17, 2012 10:30 pm

ooc: I am back! Hey Shadow!

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Post  Neodog Thu May 17, 2012 10:21 pm

ooc: My computer is dying. I'll be back with the charger! lol

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Post  Shadow Thu May 17, 2012 10:13 pm

ooc: I'm back, Syd. =D

Bic: "I never really though about having a taller mate..." Aurora trailed off as the image of having a handsome mate appeared in her brain, except for her towering over him. "Err...yeah I definitely want a taller mate!" She giggled.

Forest curled up around Coralin and got more comfortable. "I'd love to." He told her softly. He let his surroundings engulf him and knew he wouldn't rather be anywhere else other than with Coralin.

ooc;: Sorry, small posts. T.T

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Post  Neodog Thu May 17, 2012 9:54 pm

Kayle smiled as he heard the two dogs chat. "I'll go get us something to nibble on. To get our strength going and all". Really, he just wanted to leave them alone. He was obviously the third wheel and the older adult in a space of two young adults. "I hope Falcon calms down for their sake", he mumbled to himself, far enough to be out of earshot from the two.

Kokoro awoke. He couldn't go back to sleep. He figured he might as well get a meal and get to work. There must be something he can do like get rid of any spoiled leaves and plants or check stock and make a list of what to get more of. Before he neared the den he was greeted by a familiar scent. He trotted over, expecting the worse. When he entered the den he saw the silhouette of Parvati and a new dog. "We are getting plenty of visitors today", he commented in a playful tone. He saw the work done and noted where most of the injuries and worse injuries were. Within a second he figured out what was wrong and why. "You are a lucky dog", he told her. He glanced at Parvati. "Did Coralin give her any poppy seeds?"

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Post  Autumn Thu May 17, 2012 9:32 pm

Eir laughed softly "I thought about it, but who am I to crash your party? That might be rude of me" She called back, giving a light hearted laugh before standing and stepping towards him, skirting the unconscious male as she closed the couple of steps towards him. She seated herself beside him, glancing back at the entrance to camp.

Desi smiled gratefully "Thank you. And thanks to your medicine dog I am feeling a great deal better. I hope I've not been too much of a burden" She muttered sheepishly, nosing at her belly absentmindedly. They had not moved since she began her run from the scentless monsters. Why had her pups not moved?

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Post  syd Thu May 17, 2012 9:21 pm

ooc//I'll be back in a little while Shadow! I have to make cookies! Smile

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Post  syd Thu May 17, 2012 9:00 pm

"Hmmm....I want a guy that's brave, and takes'd also be good if he was funny and could make me laugh all the time, I'd really like that." she said, looking up to the sky as she described her prefect mate. "Look wise though, I want him to be taller than me, and have a shiny coat that is short in length...I don't know why, but I just like the look of short fur." she said and giggled a little.

Coralin nestled her head back into Forest's side, she cuddled closer to him...sharing his warmth. Right now, she felt like everything was fine, when she was with him. She felt drowsiness overcoming her, and she yawned. "Tomorrow, would you like to come with me to gather herbs...I want to have an overstock, just in case." she said, her voice soft.

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Post  syd Thu May 17, 2012 8:52 pm

Axel had been zoning out as he leaned against a tree bordering the camp, but when he heard Eir call something to him, his ear's perked up and he looked over at her. "Oh, I'm having tones of fun over here by this tree, you should come join the party!" he barked, a smile in the corner of his mouth...she'd must have had her attention on him, his tail wagged slowly.

Parvati noticed slender collie had awoken. She looked a bit startled as she sat up suddenly, but she then seemed fine. "Well, I brought you here, but our medicine dog Coralin patched you up, and yes, the moss and rabbit are for you... How are you feeling, I was really concerned about you when I found you." She hoped Desi was feeling a least a little bit better, but she could only imagine what it must be like to suffer those wounds and be pregnant at the same time.

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Post  Shadow Thu May 17, 2012 8:50 pm

"Hmmmm, I want a dependable mate. One who makes me smile and who I can just have fun with." Aurora sighed at the though, wondering if she'd ever find her dream mate. "What about you, what do you look for in a guy?"

Forest smiled as Coralin's scent waffled over him. It was always sweet and smelling of herbs. "Well one of us had to lead." He chuckled. Dune was always a follower and Tracie would go wherever they went. A bit of sadness washed over him. Back when they were pups everything seemed so much simpler he sighed.

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Post  syd Thu May 17, 2012 8:43 pm

Kayla's tail wagged...Aurora was right, they didn't have to say anything, and besides, they were both guardians, so they could make their own one could tell them not to leave the camp. "So, what do you look for in a, what would your dream guys be like?" she asked. Kayla was in one of those girly moods were all she wanted to talk about was boys and love.

Coralin laughed softly, she could definitely see Forest as a pup leading his siblings into trouble, "You would be the one to do that." she said, "I bet you drove Tristie up a wall, there's always at least one troublesome pup in a litter." she lifted her head to look at him so he did not have to strain his neck so much, she reached her head towards his and licked him on the cheek softly.


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Post  Autumn Thu May 17, 2012 8:39 pm

Eir sighed as Kayle spoke of his deceased mate. It was such a terrible way to lose a loved one. "Life's too short" She replied softly, peering over her shoulder. So many dogs were about, though it was late at night. Eir didn't see how they could be up at such a late hour, she was having enough trouble staying awake. She looked back to Kayle, whom seemed distracted before glancing at Axel, watching him closely as he stood watch over the unconscious dog. "Don't have too much fun over there!" She joked, feeling she needed to lighten the mood a bit.

Desi groaned as she slowly came too, her breath quickening of the last remnants of her nightmares chased her back to reality. She could see nothing, smell nothing, and yet, they were on her trail, nipping at her flanks. She hadn't realized she had crossed an invisible border, how was she supposed to discern a border that had no scents. Suddenly she sat straight up, panting before she realized her surroundings were quiet, and she was in a warm den. Her gaze settled on a hefty hare and a wad of moist moss and she licked her lips before greedily partaking in the items.

After a moment, she let her eyes scan her surroundings the den smelled strongly of herbs and her sides were patched up, along with her paw. The pain had subsided for the most part, but a bit of anxiety still held in her being. She paused on Parvati's form not far from her, then back to the wounds "Did you do this?" She asked softly.

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Post  Shadow Thu May 17, 2012 8:27 pm

Bic: "I never said we have to tell the pack." Aurora winked. "Of course we'd have to wait for things to calm down." She added again. "But then we could go searching." They wouldn't be able to search for too long, or the pack would get worried though.

Forest craned his neck to look at her. "Well, lets see..." He paused trying to think of some good memories. "Me, Tracie, and Dune were forever getting in trouble in our puppy hood." He chuckled softly at the memory. "Most of the time I'd always lead them into trouble. Like this one time I had this great idea that we could sneak out of camp and explore the forest on our own....We got caught of course."

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Post  syd Thu May 17, 2012 8:11 pm

Kayla's eyes lite up with excitment, when she heard what Aurora mentioned. "I was just thinking the same thing, especially since I'm old enough for a mate now...not that I want to rush into anything, but I really do want to explore!" she said, a smile on her face. "But where do we look though? We'd obviously have to leave our territory, and I get the feeling our pack mates would not approve of the idea...the two of us leaving, looking for guys...yea they wouldn't like it." she said, and giggled a little. And like Aurora said, they'd have to wait until things with the nightwatchers died down, or stopped all together.

Coralin smiled, she was glad Forest was trying to see things in the positive side now, especially when everything was going so wrong. "I know...and everyone in the pack is healthy too, so that's another good thing." she was trying to point out the good things now too. She shook her head a little, she wanted to clear her mind, and talk about something else, or nothing at all. "Tell me some funny, or fond memories from your puphood Forest...I came here as a young adult, I never asked you all that much about what you were like as a pup." she said, and smiled softly at him.

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Post  Shadow Thu May 17, 2012 7:45 pm

ooc: M'kay. I'll be here when you get back. =D

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Post  syd Thu May 17, 2012 7:44 pm

ooc//that's ok! Brb, I gotta eat dinner!

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