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Post  Shadow Thu May 17, 2012 7:39 pm

ooc: Sorry I keep poofing. I'm multi-tasking. xD

Bic: "I know exactly what you mean!" Aurora barked in agreement. "I mean we have great guys in our pack, but most of them already have mates or they just aren't the one for me." A thought came over her. "After this stuff with the Night Watchers calms down, me and you should go out and see if we can find some new males." She didn't add if the stuff with the Night Watchers calmed down. It had to, right?

That made sense where the blood scent was coming from, he briefly hoped the female would be okay. Forest leaned into Coralin's. "We'll get through this, I promise." He told her softly. "As bad as things are now, they could be worse. I mean at least we have plenty of prey right now." He pointed out hoping to cheer her up a bit.

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Post  syd Thu May 17, 2012 7:21 pm

Kayla shook her head. "No, at the moment, I don't see any potential mates's so frustrating! What do I have to do to find a mate? I mean...sometimes I tempted to go out and explore more options, you know what I mean?" she asked, "Like, there's got to be so many other great guys out there...I feel a bit limited here, not that we don't have great guys in our pack, but I just feel like there's gotta be someone out there if there's no one here." she said, ranting on a bit.

Coralin entered the den when she head Forest's voice. She laid down close to him, their fur brushed. "Well...yes, you could say that...Parvati just brought an injured female into the camp who had been chased and beaten by the nightwatchers...she's pregnant too, and close to delivering." she sighed a bit. "There is so much going on right now, I don't know what to think of it all." she said, a stressed looked was on her face. She rested her head across Forest's back and breathed in his scent, she felt a little better.

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Post  Shadow Thu May 17, 2012 7:13 pm

Bic: "Sadly, no." She frowned slightly. She had been thinking about all the members in the pack, but no one seemed to really feel like a potential mate. "No one really seems to stand out to me." She shrugged before turning back to Kayla with a grin. "What about you?" She nudged her back trying to remember if she had seen Kayla with anyone lately.

Forest gazed around the darkness with a sigh. He had gotten a bit of sleep, but commotion outside had woken him up. He was just about to get up and see what was going on when a head popped in to his den entrance. "Oh, hi Coralin." He barked happily as he sat up. "Something wrong?" He asked concerned, the scent of faint blood tickled his nose.

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Post  syd Thu May 17, 2012 7:04 pm

Coralin nodded her head slowly...after another moment's silence, she turned around to look over her patient one more time. "She is resting...she needs rest more than anything right now...I need to go out and get some air Parvati, will you stay here with her? We'll tell Falcon this morning about you bringing her here, I don't want to wake him...he also needs rest."

Parvati nodded, "Yes, I will stay here Coralin." She laid down on the near side of the den watching over Desi. She wondered if Desi would remember what happened when she woke up. Parvati would be here to calm her down if she was unaware.

Coralin nodded her head in thanks, then left the den. She trotted out into the darkness, looking up at the moon. She slowed when she neared the center of camp...she stopped looking around to see who was up. There was Eir and Kayle, as well as Axel, all on guard. Kayla and Aurora were chatting quietly, it almost seemed strange to have so many up this late at night, but they were under unusual circumstances now, so it was to be expected. She found herself making her way over to Forest's den...was her awake too? She hoped he was...she poked her head into his den, her eyes adjusting to the even deeper darkness. "Forest?" she whispered.

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Post  syd Thu May 17, 2012 6:21 pm

Parvati sat near by as Coralin treated Desi...she hoped Desi was beginning to feel better. The wounds looked very painful, and to make everything worse, she was pregnant, and close to delivering by the looks of it. She had brought Desi a plump rabbit to eat for when she woke up, and some moss soaked with water as well. "Coralin, how is she doing?" she asked the medicine dog.

Coralin looked up at Parvati, "She should heal fine...I looked closely to see if there were any broken bones though, there doesn't appear to be any others, besides her one paw...but there are terrible bruises underneath her fur...and what makes me worry is that they are around her stomach. She must have fallen, you did say you found her near steep terrain. I'm assuming she fell fleeing from the nightwatchers, they must have done this. I'm afraid it could have affected her pups...they may be in critical condition when they are born." She spoke in a low tone so Desi would not hear, though Coralin was almost sure she was asleep now.

Parvati bite her tongue as Coralin told her the possibilities of what could have happened to Desi's pups. "That's terrible..." She would hate to find the pups were stillborn. She looked back at the collie, her face furrowed with a look of pity.

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Post  Neodog Thu May 17, 2012 1:53 am

Kayle flicked his head over to gaze at Eir. A face of silent sorrow formed his face. He looked back out to the forest as if focusing back to his duty."My deceased mate", he told her, his voice low in tone and almost absent of emotions. "I first met her incredibly injured in the forest, pregnant with Alexia and Dakota. Her mate from back then did that to her". Eir would think he was finished reminiscing he unexpectedly said," She was killed by Zira. A member of the Night Watchers". His head hung low for a moment, remembering her bleeding head. She died protecting their newborns, Kaoru and Samantha. He soon concentrated back on the job, feigning to forget what had happened.

He then thought he saw movement. It was a shadow, but it wasn't from him or Eir. There was no one else in sight of the camp aside from Axel, who was helping keep guard of the earlier invader. The wolf hybrid quickly scanned the room. For some reason he did not receive a sense of danger or felt threatened. Soon he felt as if there was no presence. He looked at Eir and Axel, they didn't appear to have noticed, if they have they were not giving any indication. He would just keep this experience to himself for now. For what reasons were unknown to him. It just seemed unnecessary.

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Post  Autumn Wed May 16, 2012 11:36 pm

Desi whimpered softly as she was set down, and moved to stand, despite the pain, though before she could, a smaller dog was upon her, smearing a pulpy cream across her pelt and wrapping her sides in a swath of wool. She watch intently, blinking slowly as she fought to fight the overwhelming exhaustion. She stared at her protruding belly before letting her head lower to the ground once more and her eyes close. The pain was slowly ebbing away and exhaustion was pushing its way into her mind, forcing her eyes closed.

Eir tilted her head as Parvati raced out of the entrance. She was about to protest, just as she assumed Kayle was when Parvati had disappeared. She sat still as stone for a moment before the rustling of shrubs and Parvati's scent mixed with the stench of blood signaled her return. Though she was carrying a smaller female, covered in the scent of blood. the female was slender, but her belly protruded from her sides, signaling the she-dog was pregnant. She would have followed Parvati in, but Kayle's voice caught her attention "Sapphire?" She asked, turning back around.

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Post  Neodog Wed May 16, 2012 1:11 pm

ooc: At school right now so I'll make it quick. Sorry if it doesn't sound too good.

bic: Kayle had heard the fant call for help but before he could take action the red husky was already on it. He didn't even had time to dispute about her going into the forest alone. He sighed. When she arrived he noticed a female, a pregnant female. A sense of nostalgia washed over him. "Sapphire", he whispered to himself, unaware of Eir beside him. Kayle knew Parvati would take care of reporting to Falcon, his concern would be their leader's reaction. Why do we get a flood of dogs after an unfortunate event has occured or is occuring? he wondered to himself.

Kain had heard from a small group that they have chased and injured a female. He had heard she is a collie, pregnant, her build, her height, and other minor details that may be important. "They gather weak dogs. This is not hinderance to us. The strength doesn't always come in numbers". He soon send a messenger to gather the rest of the pack. Kindle quickly came up to him,"May I go? I see no need to have me here now. You know I am faster than most". Not caring why she wished to go he let her off. She was one of his elite that he brought along but for now her absence won't be missed so long as it is night or they stay hidden. He walked toward Lucifer, who appeared to be sleeping, but he knew very well he was not. He whispered into his ears. His Beta gave a brief nod to let him know his message has been received.

Like the others, Kain is growing restless. He desired to take action now, but he knew it would not be wise with only 13 or so wolves here.

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Post  Neodog Wed May 16, 2012 10:51 am

ooc: sorry I haven't been on. I'll make a post later.

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Post  syd Tue May 15, 2012 11:51 pm

Parvati smiled softly at Desi " you're going to be ok Desi." the camp was coming into view. "My name is Parvati....when we get into the camp, I'm taking you straight to Coralin, one of our medicine dogs. She will give you herbs to make you feel better." she explained to her. Slowly she entered the camp, Falcon was not outside, but once he smelled the blood she knew he'd be in her back, but surely he would understand and sympathize with the expectant mother. Right away she took her to Coralin and shook the medicine dog awake and explained to her what had just happened.

Coralin in was shocked to be awoken in this way. She listened to what Parvati had to say then got straight to work gathering the herbs she needed to patch up the heavy wounds and set the broken paw. Desi was also pregnant, fairly close to her due date...coralin was it so sure what state the pups were in though, she had suffered great injuries around her sides and stomach, which certainly could have affected the pups. She chewed a soothing herb into w paste and gently applied it to the heaviest of her wounds, it would prefent infecctions, once the paste was applied, she bound the wounds with sheep wool, that would soak up the blood and stop the bleeding. "Parvati, could you grab some wet moss and a meal for her, she needs to be hydrated and fed, badly."

Ooc// ahhh, I have to go to bed autumn! I'll put Desi up in the page tomorrow, night!!!

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Post  Autumn Tue May 15, 2012 11:34 pm

Desi struggled as the female listed her paws from the ground and left her laying limply across her back. She let the dizziness set in and danced in and out of consciousness. She didn't know what this pack was like, but at this moment, she hardly cared. Either they would help her, and she would be on her way as not to be a burden, or she would day at their paws, which at this moment seemed to be a kinder fate. She blinked slowly, watching the trees go by before giving a soft laugh. "I'm Desi" Why she was giving her name at this moment was beyond her, yet she hoped to bring a lightness to the situation, a way to make herself feel a tad more comfortable in her position.

She watched as the camp came into view, and with it the overwhelming scent of dogs. The collie lifted her head, not enjoying the feeling of being helpless, yet knowing the less she moved the better off her pups would be.

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Post  syd Tue May 15, 2012 11:20 pm

A wave of pity washed over Parvati for the soon to be mother. She saw the look of pain sear across her face as she stood, and she knew walking was not an option, she was too injured, and Parvati had just noticed her injured paw. "oh dear, no you cannot walk...let me carry you..." carefully Parvati skipped underneath the female, slowly she pushed her legs up, lifting the injured dog over her back, she was heavy, but Parvati knew she should have been much heavier to lift, she was underweight which could not be healthy for her unborn pups. Slowly she began to carry the female back to camp, luckily it was not that far. "were almost there, hang in there." she said, turning her head over her shoulder. Parvati Began to wonder who had done this to the female....she suspected it was the night watchers, and she wanted to ak the female again, but she was in too critical of a condition to answer her fully.

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Post  Autumn Tue May 15, 2012 11:08 pm

What had happened? What, or who, would have done such a thing to her? It took her a moment to find her voice and even then her words were choked sobs "I- I'm so worried. I don't know what happened." She paused for a moment, as if noticing the female whom was standing over her. "Thank you!" She mustered, shaking her head as if to ward off the pain. She forced herself to stand, gritting her teeth in order to bite back the pain. Her matted fur caused her to look sickly thin, aside from the bulge of her protruding belly, which looked unnatural against her battered form.

She found her paws were still shaky, still threatening to give way beneath her weight and yet she forced herself to stay standing, if not for anything more than the hope that some dog within this pack could save her pups, could ensure that they would be OK despite the fall. "I-I'll try to walk, but I don't know for how long." She almost whispered through a wave of pain as she placed her weight on her injured paw.

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Post  syd Tue May 15, 2012 10:55 pm

Parvati had returned to her den after the ordeal with the intruder. She was just beginning to close her eyes when she thought she heard what sounded like a the desperate howl of a dog in trouble. Alarmed she stood up quickly, now fully awake. She ran out of her den, she saw eir and kayle were still sitting close together, "Eir! kayle! Did you hear that?" she asked, her eyes wide with worry and fear. This was turning out to be a very eventful night. "someone is in trouble, I'm going to go find out what it is, they are close enough to the camp do I'll be fine on my own, stay here and keep watch, just incase this is a lure fir the night watchers to get the guards off duty...but to me it sounds like someone relly needs help!" nd with that, she took off into the darkness. Quickly she ran in the direction in which the howl had come from. She barked, reassuring the dog in distress that help was on the way. Soon enough she saw a wounded female collapsed in the forest floor. She gasped and ran to her side, only then did she realize the female was pregnant, and she was in bad shape, there was steep slopes near by, Parvati assumed she must have slipped but upon looking closer, there were bite marks and scratches that could have only been caused by wolves, or other dogs, and they were fresh. "it's ok, I'm here to help you." she said to the female her voice obviously worried, but it held steady. "can you walk? Or would you prefer I carry you? I'm going to bring you back to my camp."

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Post  Autumn Tue May 15, 2012 10:41 pm

The sound of ragged breath echoed in her ears, it was uneven, as if one breath was attempting to come out of the mouth of many wolves. The shadow creatures behind her seemed to be tiring out, which was good, for she too was growing weary. She ran with a limp, favoring her front paw over all others which gave her an awkward gate. A combination of a swollen belly mixed with the pulsating pain of the wounds along her side caused her body to quiver with exhaustion. She wanted to stop running, a small part of her was begging to give up, begging to lay down and let them swarm in on her, to steal her life into the darkness. Wouldn't that be a kinder fate? No. No, those bastards would have enjoyed seeing her give in. And yet, she was sure they found pleasure in the thrill of the chase.

She had been careless in her steps, the exhausted giving way to blackness lapping at the edges of her vision. She had taken another step, only to find no ground settled beneath her paws. Her heart skipped a beat as she felt herself lurch forward, soaring through the air for a moment before crashing against the side of a cliff and slipping down the side. Her head screamed of pain, and she whimpered, giving in to the darkness surrounding her.

Either a good day had passed, or she had been out for moments, either way, she felt as if she had been trampled by a roving heard of deer. With every bit of energy she could muster, Desi stood, her paws quavering beneath her an choked back a sob after a look at herself. He fur was matted in mud and blood, bite marks tore into her flesh sending a crimson coloring over her swollen belly. She prayed to the heavens that her unborn pups had survived the ordeal, and yet, she wasn't sure she was going to survive. It took a great deal to walk, to force herself forward towards the scent of others. She wasn't far, and yet every step seemed to take her farther away. Finally, exhausted she rested to her haunches, tilting her head back to release a pleading howl for help. Hoping someone would come.

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Post  syd Tue May 15, 2012 10:20 pm

ooc//That's ok shadow! See ya later!

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Post  Shadow Tue May 15, 2012 10:18 pm

ooc: Ugh. Sorry Syd, I've got to get off. :/

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Post  syd Tue May 15, 2012 10:13 pm

ooc//It's ok! Mine are a little short too! XD

bic//Kayla nodded, "I suppose you're right, we do need to enforce our punishments a bit more...but I don't think he really meant any harm, even though he caused some." she said, and chuckled a little. She smiled then..."Change of is there anyone you are interested in, or have your eyes on?" she asked, and nudged Aurora playfully with a wink. she always loved hearing the gossip, or talking about crushes and that sort of stuff.

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Post  Shadow Tue May 15, 2012 10:08 pm

Aurora nodded. It would take some courage even if it was reckless. "I guess we have to do firm punishment now." She agreed. With the Night Watchers around they couldn't really be lenient on the loners. "I just hope he goes." She mumbled.

ooc: Sorry for such a small post. :/

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Post  syd Tue May 15, 2012 10:01 pm

Kayla nodded, "Yea! He did, I watched the whole thing, it was pretty was so foolish, but I do admire his determination." she said, staring at the uncocious dog. "I heard Falcon saying that tomorrow we're going to chase him out, and if he doesn't escape, then we will be forced to maul him...seems a little harsh to me, but I guess Falcon doesn't want to risk any spys from the nightwatchers...or maybe he just wants to keep more intruders out." she noted.

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Post  Shadow Tue May 15, 2012 9:43 pm

ooc: Back.

BiC: Aurora looked up at the sound of approaching paw steps. "Oh, hi Kayla." She smiled making room for the German Shepard mix. Giving the newcomer once last glance she turned back to Kayla. "I was just wondering about that strange dog over there. I heard he tried to attack Kayle over a rabbit." She told her, her voice full of disbelief. Something had to be seriously wrong with the poor dog, attacking a full camp of dogs and all.

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Post  syd Tue May 15, 2012 9:32 pm

ooc//ok! I'll get us started off while I wait! (:

bic//Kayla trotted outside her den. She had fun playing with Nova, but she wanted Nova to rest now and had told her to go to bed. She saw Aurora across the camp and went over to sit beside her. "Hey Aurora, how's it going?" she asked, a casual smile on her face. She enjoyed these types of casual conversations with her pack mates, and Aurora was always fun to talk to!

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Post  Shadow Tue May 15, 2012 9:25 pm

ooc: Sure. Very Happy But hang on, I have to do something real quick. XD

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Post  syd Tue May 15, 2012 9:24 pm

ooc//Back! Want to play Aurora and Kayla? Kayla is up right now! (:

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Post  Shadow Tue May 15, 2012 9:04 pm

ooc: Yeah, I'm pretty lucky. But, we've been skipping breaks so we could get out earlier. :/
Uh, not sure who to rp....Hmmm, who sounds good to you? XD
Alright, I'll be here when you get back. (:

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