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Post  syd Sat May 26, 2012 1:42 pm

ooc//Aww! Sad Those evil school administrators!

And I'll be back in a little bit Tim, I'm designing a tattoo for my dad's friend! ^^

bic//Parvati smiled, "Okay okay, we won't race." she said, she left the camp behind him and matched his pace to walk beside him. "I always love coming to the lake in the summer...everything really is beautiful this time of year. I wish it could be like this forever." A butterfly floated past Parvati's face, and she was tempted to chase it, but she restrained herself. She found she was in a good mood despite all the turmoil.

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Post  Tim Sat May 26, 2012 1:28 pm

ooc//My school is always late letting us out. They just want to torture us longer.

bic//At first, Dali really did not feel like going to the lake...but he could hear the enthusiasm in Parvati's voice, and he knew that if he said no he would disapoint her. Spending time with Parvati usually made him feel better anyway, so it was probably best if he went. "Sure, I'll go, I could use some cooling off." he said, standing up. "We're not racing though!" he said quickly, before Parvati could even suggest it. He knew she was always the one to challenge someone to a race before going to where ever it was they were going. He smiled softly at her, then exited the camp, he caught the scent of the sandy, muddy water very faintly on the breeze, and began to follow it. That was how he knew where he was going.

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Post  syd Sat May 26, 2012 1:18 pm

ooc//Oh, I guess you're the last one out then, I get out June 12 ! Hehe! ^_^

bic//Parvati sense Dali was feeling a bit down...but instead of lingering on it, she decided to just offer up her suggestion without saying anything else. Maybe having some fun in the lake would do him some good. "Perfect! I was wondering if you would like to come to the lake with me to have some fun, it's hot out, and it's a beautiful what do you say?" she asked, if he refused, she would drag him there with for his own sake she hoped he answered yes.

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Post  Tim Sat May 26, 2012 1:11 pm

ooc/I get out June 15, but the last week is all finals tough.

bic//Dali laid down in a cool patch of dirt beneath a tree. The air was hot and humid. Summer was here, and already Dali missed the spring. He rested his head on his paws and closed his eyes. All that was going on right now, and all that had happened had left Dali feeling anxious, and depressed. Last night, his horrible memories had come back to haunt him...and again the twisted, suffocating knot of sadness had returned to his chest. He could feel it there now. Anxiety was giving him the same feeling. He tried taking a few deep breaths, to lessen the physical feeling, but it came back shortly. He then heard someone approaching him and he buried the emotions to the best of his ability. It then just looked as if he was tired. His sister now stood beside him, as cheerful as ever. He wished he had her attitude, and outlook on life. "No, i'm quite the opposite of busy actually...why?" he asked, sitting up.

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Post  syd Sat May 26, 2012 12:57 pm

ooc//I'm good! Just bored, and dying for school to end already! Am I the last one to get out? When do you get out of school Tim?

bic//Parvati awoke with a yawn. She blinked the sleep from her eyes and looked around the den. Desi was gone, and she assumed she was with Coralin, because Coralin was not there either. She stepped outside, it was a beautiful day. The sun was hot already. It gave her the urge to run to the lake...but of course she needed someone to come with her...she saw her brother across the camp. She walked over to him. "Hey busy right now?" she asked, and smiled. Her tail wagged.

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Post  Tim Sat May 26, 2012 12:52 pm

ooc/Nothing much, just the same old. How are you?

And sure. Dali and Parvati?

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Post  syd Sat May 26, 2012 12:42 pm

ooc//Hey Tim! (: What's up?

Want to rp someone? I think most of my dogs are open, besides Coralin at the moment.

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Post  Tim Sat May 26, 2012 12:36 pm

ooc/Hey guys. I'll be on for a little while today.

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Post  syd Tue May 22, 2012 11:19 pm

Axel groaned, then got up and followed Eir out of the den. He picked up the weasel and brought it over by a tree and plopped down. "Weasel's meat is much to lean you know." he said, "But, I know you're just trying to be difficult, so I'll suck it up." he said with a smile before taking a bite.

"I will do my best to make sure they are healthy when they are born...I do believe there could have possibly been damage done to them from your fall, but they are still living." Coralin reassured her. "And they can still be healthy if the delivery goes smoothly." Soon they had arrived at the stream. Coralin took a drink of the cold refreshing water. It was a nice morning, and the water was still chilled from the night, the sun had not yet warmed it.

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Post  Autumn Tue May 22, 2012 11:09 pm

Eir smirked. "If you want rabbit, then I want weasel. You woke me up, I'm not going to make it easy for you!" She laughed as his stomach growled loudly and stood, giving a long stretch before stepping out of the den. Already, the pack was bustling about. The new female was leaving the camp with the medicine dog, and the other dog was still unconscious. Falcon was not going to be happy when he woke up.

Desi frowned "Well that just sounds.. awful." She mused, taking in the scent around her as if she would actually be able to scent the night watchers, to know if they were near. She didn't understand why they had chased her so brutally in the first place. "I do hope they will be here in a few days. I worry so much about them.

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Post  syd Tue May 22, 2012 10:50 pm

Axel sat down, he smiled, "I wanted you to eat breakfast with me." he said, a smug look on his face, he was obviously pleased he had managed to wake her up for this. "Alright it's your choice, rabbit or weasel...personally I'd go with the rabbit." he added in, he nudged her and winked. As if on-Q, Axel's stomach growled, "Well come one, don't keep me waiting much longer!"

"By the looks of it, your pups will be here within the next few days." Coralin told her, "But...the nightwatchers are a vicious pack of wolves who kill for sport...they have terrorized our pack before, and killed many, and they have returned. Why...we don't know. We managed to drive them out before, but they have a new alpha now, and we're not quite sure what he has planned. That is why it is unsafe to be alone, especially at night. They are masters of stealth...I'm glad Parvati found you when she did." From what she had heard from Parvati, it had been a close call.

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Post  Autumn Tue May 22, 2012 10:40 pm

Eir huffed, swatting at him once more before rolling over to face him with a furrowed brow before slowly sitting up, blinking the sleep from her eyes "Ok! ok, what do you want?" She asked through a yawn, giving him a sleepy smile. "You woke me up, so it better be worth it" She added with a soft laugh, pulling at his ear playfully.

Desi nodded, not bothering to argue with the female about going on her own. To be honest, she was terrified of doing so. As Coralin spoke, she shook her head. "No, He hadn't explained that. What is... a night watcher?" She asked, taking in a deep breath. The waddling motion she had taken into her walk seemed to take a lot of energy out of her. "Ooh. I hope these pups are born soon. I'm exhausted." She chimed.

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Post  syd Tue May 22, 2012 10:29 pm

Amused, Axel kept going at it. "Aww, come on you little hedgehog, it's time to get up!" He playfully batted her fluffy tail, "You know I'm just gonna keep doing this until you're so annoyed you have to sit up and stop me!" he continued to bat her tail like a kitten playing with string. Eir was obviously not a morning dog. He just hoped he wasn't about to wake up a 'grizzly bear' though.

"You're very welcome...and yes, there's one not far off from the camp...let me come with you though...I don't like the thought of anyone going out alone, even at day time, especially in your condition." she said. She began to lead Desi from the camp, she walked a slightly slower speed than normal so that Desi could keep in pace with her. "Did Kokoro explain to you it was probably the nightwatchers who attacked you last night?" she asked Desi as they made their way to the stream.

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Post  Autumn Tue May 22, 2012 10:18 pm

Eir groaned, covering her ears with her paws "I wouldn't mind that one bit!" She mumbled, not bothering to open her eyes as she swatted one paw in his general direction. "How you've even managed to move this morning is beyond me." She added, curling into a tighter ball of fur to ward off further prodding from the male, though she doubted it would be that easy.

Desi gave a gentle smile and nodded to Coralin. "I'm very sore, but otherwise feeling much better. Thank you so much for your help last night. I don't think I could ever repay you." She yawned before looking around once more. "I'm very thirsty though. Is there maybe a pond or lake around that I could get a drink and wash off? My fur looks terrible." She glanced at the matted state of her fur and frowned.

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Post  syd Tue May 22, 2012 10:09 pm

Axel's stomach was beginning to growl a little...he was tempted to grab a meal for himself right now and eat...but then again, he would like to eat with Eir. He walked back to his den quietly and looked inside, Eir appeared to still be sleeping, she was turned over now though, her back facing away from the walls. A small smirk appeared in the corner of his mouth. He walked over to her and bite her ear gently, giving it a tug. "Wake up sleeping beauty, the sun's rising, don't want to be the last one up now do you?" He said, a little taunting tone in his voice, he shook her shoulder with his paw.

Coralin turned her head when she saw someone emerge from the medicine dog den out of the corner of her eye. It was Desi. "Good morning are you feeling? Did you finish up that rabbit we left you?" she asked, trotting over to the collie, as if she were about to begin checking up on her all over again...Coralin coudln't really help it though, it was medicine dog instinct.

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Post  Autumn Tue May 22, 2012 9:05 pm

Eir hadn't even remembered falling asleep. The night had been beyond long and she had struggled to stay awake, so as soon as she stepped into the den she passed out. Now, the sun was shining through the entrance and straight into her eyes. She grumbled, rolling over to place her back against the warming sunlight and to shield her eyes. No part of her wanted to get up yet. She would have been perfectly content sleeping half the day away.

Desi yawned and blinked the sleep from her eyes. At some point, she had drifted into a dreamless sleep, which she was thankful for, but now the morning light had roused her. She glanced around the den, noticing that Parvati was still sleeping and the male medicine wolf was no where to be seen. However she could still smell him along with Coraline. Slowly she stood, fighting against the stiffness of her joints and the soreness of her muscles with every step. She shook herself vigorously and exited the den, gazing at the unfamiliar place that Parvati had brought her to. There were dogs all about, some leaving the camp area, and others just rousing from their dens. She suddenly felt very out of place and alone. She had come from the city, surrounded by two legs, that was until she was dropped off at the edge of the forest, left alone with nothing but her unborn pups. She sighed softly, listening to the rumbling of her stomach.

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Post  syd Tue May 22, 2012 5:39 pm

Coralin stepped back out of the den when she saw Kokoro signal to her to speak with him. She listened to the report he gave her on Desi, and she was glad to hear all was well with her for now. "Good, I'm glad she's doing ok...she's going to have to stay here at least until her pups are born, and old enough to walk...I'm just worried though about complications with their birth..." she paused, and then glanced over at the unconsious dog, she then nodded her head in agreement with what Kokoro said...she didn't know what they were going to do with him, she knew Falcon was angry about his arrival in the camp last night...and then she remembered Falcon still did not know about Desi.

Zira opened her eyes when a voice drifted into her was Kindle. "What is it?" she sighed...upon looking closer though, she noted something was not right with Kindle...she say up slowly, a task that was a bit more difficult do to her swollen belly. It was evident now she wanted to know what was going on.

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Post  Neodog Tue May 22, 2012 12:05 am

Kokoro came out from the back of the den. He nodded in greeting, not wanting to wake up Desi. He walked outside, signaling Coralin to talk to him outside. Parvati was too asleep and she seemed to be having one of the most restful sleeps she had in a while. Once outside the Shiba Inu said,"Checking up on our guest? You did most of the work, I gave her a few poppy seeds to help her sleep and i gave her an old blanket I found last week to keep her warm. She ate a bit of the rabbit that was given to her. Other than that everything has been fine. Though I am a bit worried about that unconscious dog over there".

Kindle made it to the Night Watchers camp before the rest. They would be here shortly. She moaned in pain but quickly ignored it to the best of her ability. She slowly walked into her female alpha's den. "I need to speak to you", she said.

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Post  syd Mon May 21, 2012 5:31 pm

ooc//Hey everyone! (: Hope everyone had a good weekend!

And yes, let's say it's morning now!

bic//Axel had gone back to his den with Eir to rest once their shift was over. He'd fallen asleep rather quickly. Last night had been pretty eventful. He awoke the next morning, letting out a big yawn. He blinked the sleep from his eyes. He looked to his left, Eir was still sleeping. Quietly, Axel exited the den, he'd grab something for he and Eir to share for breakfast once she woke up.

Coralin had finally been able to fall back asleep last night once she had gotten settled in with Forest. A ray of sunlight filtering in though the den landed on her eyes and woke her up. She felt comforted when she caught a breath of Forest's scent again. She then remembered she should go check on Desi, and see how she was doing. Parvati had stayed with her last night, and she would have told Coralin if something was wrong, so she assumed everything must be ok...but she wanted to check to be sure. She exited the den, careful not to wake Forest, and then made her way back to the medicine dog's den. "Anyone awake?" she called in softly.

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Post  Shadow Mon May 21, 2012 4:02 pm

ooc: I think I'm okay with that.^^

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Post  Autumn Mon May 21, 2012 8:55 am

I don't have a problem with that.

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Post  Neodog Mon May 21, 2012 1:35 am

ooc: Um, can we time skip to morning?

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Post  Tim Sun May 20, 2012 12:54 pm

ooc//Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been on, there's a lot of shit going on. I'll be on for a little while today though, and I read up on most of the stuff I missed, so if anyone gets on I'm here to RP.

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Post  Autumn Thu May 17, 2012 11:42 pm

It's all good, Later.

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Post  Neodog Thu May 17, 2012 11:40 pm

ooc: I gotta go. Sorry, Autumn.

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