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Post  Autumn Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:46 am

Eir's gaze eyes flicked to the pup of the group, and she fought the smile pulling at the corner of her muzzle. She would have spoken to him, in nothing less than a friendly manner had it not been for the slightly older female shooting daggers in her direction through her stare alone. Eir stared at the female for a moment, finding herself wanting to instinctively take a few cautious steps back to throw a bit of distance between herself and the female. Her link to the female was broken off as the eldest male, obviously the father of the three younger canines, spoke. His growl had quieted, but still his tone was icy and cold, a clear signal that she was not wanted, nor welcome here. She felt her heart plummet to her stomach at his words 'Leave immediately' But they had been traveling for days with little food. She knew Amon could not run on his own pupish energy for all that much longer, and she knew they would not be allowed to hunt upon the pack lands.

Eir found herself gritting her teeth and biting back the urge to argue with the male. It would be no use. At any second they could easily have the rest of the pack upon her and if they weren't to stay here, they would need to find somewhere to shelter. She could feel Amon's gaze at her backside, of course he had moved up closer, it wasn't like him to follow directions. She drew in a shallow breath and reluctantly dipped her head to the eldest male " Of course, I'll be on my way then." She replied sharply. As she turned to step through the bushes, her gaze caught the eldest of the brothers and she paused for a moment, watching him. He seemed in thought and she could have sworn she had seen him mouth something along the lines of 'wait' but that was not something she could afford to do. Not with Arun right behind her. She would move slowly for a while, in order to allow him to catch up, but she dared not stay where she placed the pup in danger. She flicked her tail at him, a sign that she had acknowledged his words before disappearing through the bushes.

"Eir... are we staying here tonight?" Amon asked, glancing up at her, his multicolored eyes showing every ounce of fatigue that he tried to hide. She sighed softly, nudging him along "I don't think so, Amon." She replied softly, glancing over his shoulder to look for the male.

Aww, I haven't roleplayed in about a year until I had joined Justin's guild.

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Post  syd Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:27 am

ooc//I agree, you are very good at writing Autumn! (:

bic//Falcon watched closely as the bushes began to shake…a female emerged, she seemed polite, and was showing respect. His growling ceased as she explained herself to them…her reasoning seemed plausible, and Falcon really was in no mood to argue with her. He ignored Dante’s comments, then nodded his head in a curt fashion. “I believe what you are telling me, but do not intrude upon our territory again…” His spoke in a serious manner. Falcon was not fond of strangers…he’d learned not to trust them so easily. He was sure these dogs were harmless, but that was no excuse for him to let them think it was ok to trespass without fair warning. “Please leave immediately.”

Axel was about to say something, but his father spoke first. Obviously Anayu and Falcon wanted this female to leave right away, but Axel knew she was harmless…you could just tell. He looked at his father, then back to the female…”No Dante…we do not trust strangers.” He said, in a flat tone…he could see the female was about to turn and leave, before she did, he mouthed quickly “Wait, don’t leave yet!” None of his family members saw, just the female did. He hoped she could read lips…he didn’t know why, but something about her enticed him…he wanted to talk to her, once his family was gone.


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Post  Neodog Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:18 am

ooc: It's true! You know how to construct and organize your sentences well. Also your descriptive. I've been roleplaying for years and I still feel like I fail lol

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Post  Neodog Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:17 am

Dante, who was not hostile at all, remained calm. He looked at the female's face. She was sincere and innocent. By her words and tone she was truly sorry and is quite aware she has shown disrespect."I'm Dante", he suddenly said."What's your name?"
Anayu stared at her brother."You don't introduce yourself to stranger, little brother! They could be scamming us. They could be working for those black devils!" she hissed, obviously still in rage over her mother's death.Dante ignored her.He looked at her dad then to her brother.Waiting for their responses."Big brother, I can see you believe they mean no harm, right?" he asked. Anayu glared at Axel.Ready to slap him if he gave the wrong response.

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Post  Autumn Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:07 am

Aww thanks Smile

Eir could already hear the growls arising from the pack on the other side of the shrubs "What are you doing?!?" She hissed, pushing Amon to his feet " Get back, and /try/ not to slip." She growled. She knew they didn't have much time before the rest of the pack was alerted to their arrival. All she could think of was to get Amon as far away as possible, as quickly as possible, The thought of his safety overruled her other senses. To her, Amon was practically her brother, He was all she had left in the big wide world.

" Eir, We wont get away. If we run, they'll only attack us." Amon was clumsy, but he was sensible, she would credit him that much. Of course she had already known this, but a part of her panicked at e fact that had not simply waltzed into the pack lands, but had interrupted a burial. In her home lands, that alone warranted severe punishment. She felt herself cringe at the harsh, booming sound of a male's voice, demanding that they show themselves. /and so it begins/ She thought to herself, releasing a sigh before baring her teeth at Amon " You move without my say so and I'll personally skin you myself!" She threatened in a voice barely above a whisper, staring him down for added emphasis before turned and shaking her fur, slowly emerging from the bushes, her tail and head dipped in a respectful greeting to show she was of no harm to them " I apologize, we did not mean to intrude on such a sacred time. I mean you no harm, nor ill will. My companion an I chased a deer onto your land by mistake." She paused, staring at the small group while awaiting their reply.


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Post  syd Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:53 pm

Falcon nuzzled his son...he still wanted to talk to him about grieving later, but he would do that after the rookie ceremony...just as Falcon was about finished packing the dirt, he heard a commotion! His ears perked up and he whipped around to face the direction in which it had come from. He snarled, afraid it was the night watchers! But then he caught the scent, and he knew it could not be the scentless brutes. The scent was unfamiliar, so Falcon continued to snarl. He could not risk being friendly to strangers, especially in these times. "Who's there?! Show yourselves!" He growled...if they were outnumbered, and these intruders were looking for a fight, Falcon knew he'd just have to howl, and more pack members would come to his aid, so he was not afraid. His eyes narrowed as he waited for the intruders to reveal themselves...

Axel too was caught off guard by the noise! He turned around as well, waiting to see who could possibly be behind the bushes...his dad was being hostile, but somehow, Axel got the sense they were not in danger.

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Post  Neodog Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:50 pm

Anayu stopped crying. Immediately she positioned herself, ready to attack."Night Watchers", she muttered.Her claws sank into the earth, flexing her toes, anxious to rip into their throats. Dante shook his head."I saw them only once but from stories they wouldn't make a stupid mistake.... in stealth" he added, thinking of the female Night Watcher who deliberately came out to steal him.

ooc: Sorry short post.

You write really well Autumn!!!

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Post  Neodog Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:42 pm

Dante never took his stare away from the grave, even when it was filled with dirt. He didn't know why he couldn't stop staring. Something was bothering him, he didn't know what.

Anayu cuddled up with Axel again, crying some more. Not as much as before but she still shed.

Dante walked up to his dad."I'm sorry", he whispered.

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Post  Autumn Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:36 pm

"I can't believe you let that deer run right past you!" Amon could practically hear Eir's stomach growling as she scolded him for letting their dinner slip by. It had been a harmless mistake, and yet, here the two of them were, Hungry, Thirsty, and searching for a place to shelter for the night. How was it that he always managed to screw things up? Always managed to come in last. Eir had been trying hard to teach him to fend for himself, but a small part inside of him was afraid that if she was to think that he didn't need her she would leave him to his own demise. Eir had found him on her travels from the northern lands. "The White Hills" she had called them when she told her story of tribal pack life in what he could only picture to be a frozen wasteland. She had come across him further inland when she, for whatever reason she kept hidden, had left her home in search of a new one. He had been much younger then, hidden away by his mother in order to save him from the brutality of the pack he was born in to.

"I'm sorry." Eir glanced up as he spoke, looking the Shepherd over. He looked thoroughly disappointed as his lack of hunting skills, but she could not for the life of her stay irritated at the younger male for any length of time. "It's ok. We'll find something else I'm sure." She reassured him, though a little nag in the back of her mind continued to persuade her otherwise. She snuffled through the shrubs for a moment before exhaling deeply, something smelled off. Her muscles went rigid and she looked to the smaller canine. " It smells.. different." She urged, taking a few steps forward before muffled voices reached her ears. Dear god! They had been so enveloped in their chase with the deer that she had failed to recognize scent markers that screamed that a pack lived here. Quickly she placed herself between Amon and the others. She knew it was only a matter of time before they would have caught their scent, the wind was not in their favor. If they ran, the sound, along with the fact that they were running would only initiate and attack, there was no way they could hold their own against an entire pack.

She was about to attempt to ease away quietly when the scent of death hit her as well, rushing memories from her own he back to her mind and she found herself lowly inching forward, ignoring Amon's shushed warning. Her nose poked through the shrubs until she could clearly see a couple of canines surrounding the lifeless body of a female. She felt her breath catch in her chest as she watched. Not only had they intruded on a pack, they had intruded at a most sacred time. Now she simply prayed they could moved further away unnoticed. She took a few steps back, but as she went to turn she found herself ramming into Amon, causing him to trip with a loud 'oomph'. She cursed him under her breath, knowing there was no getting away now.


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Post  syd Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:31 pm

ooc//I know, I'm getting a little emotional too!! XD

bic//Axel went last..."Mom...I can't express to you how much I love you...I know I didn't say it enough, but I couldn't have asked for a better mother. Like Anayu and Dante said, we all admired you leadership skills and strength...I was a pain as a pup, and thank goodness you were such a good mom, or I would not be who I am today...I love you mom...and I know you will always be with us. We'll all continue to make you day we will all be reunited again, but until that day, I will miss you dearly, mom." He lowered his head...a few tears slid down his cheeks as well, the first he had shed since her death.

After a few more moments of silence...Falcon took one last look at his beloved mate. Her body was drained of life, but somehow, she still looked so beautiful to him. "Farewell Rine..." He then began to kick the dirt over her body, he was forcing himself to do so...he did not want to do this...he could not believe he had to part with her...her last trace of existance gone. He clenched his jaw, holding back sobs of bitter anguish.

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Post  Neodog Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:18 pm

ooc: You're making me cry, Syd xD

bic: Anayu nodded." I always dreamed of becoming pack leader one day,one reason being is because of you, mom. You're so strong. No matter what happened you had things in control. You made me feel safe, like everything was going to be alright. I wanted to be able...." she stopped momentarily. She took a big breath, then continued," I wanted to be able to make others feel safe too. I wanted to be strong like you and dad. I wish you were still here so you can watch me, Axel, and especially Dante grow. I love you".

Dante stepped up." I looked up to you and my whole family. All of you are so strong and leadership material. I only hope I can be that way, to make you proud. I promise to work hard and to keep things in order like you would have done.Good bye mom, rest in peace".

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Post  syd Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:06 pm

ooc//Hey Autumn! (: Yea sure that is fine! Just jump right in! ^^

bic//Once Falcon could see everyone had finished he walked over to his mate's lifeless body and slumped her onto his back...Waving his tail for his children to follow, he proceeded out of the camp, walking not slowly, but at a fair pace.

Axel sighed...he followed his father out of the camp and back to the cemetery along with Dante and Anayu. In another few minutes, they were back to the grave they'd just finished digging.

Falcon approached the grave...he noticed the marigolds...Axel and Dante had chosen the spot for a reason, he realized. Slowly, carefully, he slid Rine's body into the gave. A soft thud could be heard when she hit the earth, but she looked at peace...a few tears slid down Falcon's face...he took a shaky breath. Seeing his mate in her grave, getting ready to bury her was having a great emotional effect on him now. "Rine...I will always love you, there is nothing that could replace the void in my heart without you being here....but I know it will grow smaller in time, I know you would not want me to mourn forever...I will take care of the pups..." he glanced at his children. "Axel and Anayu will continue to be the great guardians we taught them to be, and Dante will as well grow to be a magnificent guardian, I promise you." his words were short, but sincere and filled with emotion. He looked at his children, waiting to see if they wanted to say any last words.

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Post  Autumn Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:05 pm

Thanks. Basically All I have left Is their history and description. But their pics are here;
That's Amon.
That's Eir.

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Post  Neodog Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:57 pm

ooc: Yeah, that's fine Smile

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Post  Autumn Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:56 pm

I may join ya'll with my two dogs. Is that ok, even if I haven't finished their apps?

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Post  Neodog Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:49 pm

ooc: Same here lol Too many characters and a lot of cliche lol

bic: Austin said his goodbyes, blessing her soul. Nanu said her own prayers in her native language.She bowed in respect. One by one everyone said their goodbyes, sharing memories, blessing her soul, and crying.Anayu tried so hard to stay strong.Only a few tears escaped her grip. Dante stood by with her family. He stood as still as a statue, staring at her mother, watching and hearing the goodbyes.He gave away no tears. His solemn face also as still as stone.

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Post  syd Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:40 pm

Axel entered the camp with Anayu...almost everyone was awake now, and knew of what had happened, maybe not exactly, but his father would soon explain it to everyone. "Dad...we finished digging the grave. We can proceed with the funeral now." Falcon did not respond for a moment, it was as if he did not want to accept that he would have to bury his mate now, and was buying as much time as he could. "Dad?"

Falcon looked at his son, and only nodded. He rose to his paws and slowly approached the rock near the center of the camp where he made his announcements. He barked loudly for all to gather, and to awake anyone else if there was still any asleep. "As you have all noticed...Rine is dead..." His voice was bitter. "She was killed last night by one of the night watchers." He waited for all the gasps and nervous whimpers to die down. "I arrived at the scene too late to save her last night...strangely, the wolf that killed her protected Dante and I...I'm not sure why he did that, but all we can be sure of is that nightwathers have indeed returned, and we need to be extra careful...Right now, I am going with my pups to bury Rine...everyone...please say your last words now." He stepped off the rock, and waited for his pack members to finish saying what they felt needed to be said.

**Pretend my characters said their last words, I feel like I'd just be repeating the same thing over again if I typed it all out! XD**

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Post  Neodog Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:28 pm

Anayu stepped back.It took her a few seconds but she calmed down enough." Yeah..." she whispered.She continued to walk with her brother.When they arrived at camp they saw nearly everyone was awake and murmuring among each other on how her death has occured. "...a street dog. She was in a gang...." "Night Watchers! I heard they were back!" Anayu ignored the comments and questions. She walked through the crowd to stand by her father. She rather let Axel do the talking.

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Post  syd Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:17 pm

ooc//ok! that's fine! (: And Dante is up now! The lines looked sort of off on that picture, so I left them out!

Want to continue the rp? I think it was your turn to post!

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Post  Neodog Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:08 pm

ooc: Ok, I'm working on Aiden's info update. I won't give it to you till after the plot though because his info kinda spoils a small event.

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Post  syd Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:04 pm

ooc//I'm working on getting Dante's info back up right now! ^^

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Post  Neodog Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:59 pm

ooc: Hey Syd ^^

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Post  syd Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:59 pm

ooc//I'm back! (:

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Post  Neodog Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:59 pm

ooc: Ok Syd.

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Post  syd Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:58 pm

ooc//brb guys! My sister needs to use my computer for an English project because hers caught a virus. >:/

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