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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:43 am

Characters - Page 3 Jinxnewpic
Name: Jinx
Gender: Female
Rank: Outsider
Breed: New Guinea Dog
Age: 5 Springs; 1 Moons
Mate: None
Kin: Unknown
Appearance: Jinx is a light tan dog with a darker brown or red shade on top. Her paws are white. She has a strong, yet slender form. Her coat is smooth and short. She is a medium sized dog with dark brown eyes that are somewhat narrow. Something unusual about her is that her ears are rounded making them look more like bear ears than dogs. Her body is littered with scars from all the battle she has been in. She has a huge scar on her stomach from a fatal wound, and several other large ones from other fatal wounds she received.
History: Jinx grew up in the city living with numerous gangs of dogs; she never became loyal to one. She eventually decided to try something new and she moved to the forest where she lived in secrecy, no dog ever knew she was there, she is a master at keeping herself hidden most of the times. She does however sometimes go back into the city for some fighting and action. She eventually joined Venom's gang when she became his mate and returned to living in the city. After many moons of living with Venom and the gang, Jinx was happy there. However, after a while, she slowly began to fade back into her old ways of cunningness and treachery. She felt like Venom was letting the gang become weak, and at the time, the gang was so small, so Jinx wanted to add more members and possibly expand the borders. She went out late one night by herself and met Red and her gang. The two made a deal that they would combine their gangs; however there was more to it than that. Jinx had decided to betray Venom and she and Red decided, that after a few moons, of the gangs getting to know each other, they would declare themselves as leader. And it played out just like that, except jinx was counting on one thing to happen...As she and Red declared themselves leader, she fought with Venom, they injured each other badly, and Venom and the rest of his gang moved out, Jinx and Red had taken over. Shortly after though, Red ordered one of her gang mates to kill Jinx because Red all along wanted to be the only leader. She was already terribly wounded from her battle with Venom, so she was nearly killed after that. The next day, Grady and Thorn found her dying in the dumpster, they didn't know who she was, so they took her back to the Alliance, when they got there, Duke was angry to see her for what she had done to his father's gang. They let her stay though, and she miraculously survived. She regrets everything she did, and she vowed to get vengeance on Red. When the battle between Red's gang and The Alliance broke out, Jinx killed Red.
Personality: Jinx is a great liar; she can look any dog straight in the eye and tell a great lie. She knows how to get what she wants and has been known as a traitor. She is rather mysterious, sometimes she appears, and when she goes, it's nearly impossible to find where she went. Jinx has also been known to crave violence, she grew up around it, and that is what she is used to, and she is a deadly fighter. Jinx can also be mean and nasty if she wants to, however if she truly likes a dog, then she will forever remain loyal to them.
Roleplayed By: Syd

Posts : 339
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 29
Location : California

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:46 am

Characters - Page 3 Banenewpic
Name: Bane
Gender: Male
Rank: Loner
Breed: Wolf Hybrid (Mostly wolf)
Age: 6 Springs; 2 Moons
Mate: Open
Kin: None
Appearance: Bane is an enormous black wolf. Though he is a hybrid of some other large breed of dog, he does not show any dogs traits at all. You wouldn't even know he has any dog in him at all. Bane's fur is a dark, velvet black. In the light though it can look like a dark brown in spots. His fur is dense and thick, and it conceals him very well during the night as he melts right into the shadows. Bane's size is colossal, and at first glance his size can be unnerving. He is strong and powerful, and his bite can inflict much physical suffering, he is able to snap limbs with a single bite. Bane is not only remarkably strong, he is fast and agile too. It's a mystery how such an enormous creature can creep through the forest so quietly and undetected. Bane's eyes are a prominent golden color. Anger is expressed frighteningly well in those eyes when he is angry. His harrowing stare can be enough to make a dog flee in terror. His voice is low and deep, and sounds like the terrifying voice of a cut-throat killer.
History: Bane was born into the Night Watchers pack. His father was the alpha at the time, so his chances of becoming the alpha in the future were strong. Bane proved over and over again that he was the only one suited to be Alpha. He could defeat anyone who challenged him, and when his father grew old, Bane took over as the alpha by force. Bane had proven himself to be a great leader, though overtime he became more like a tyrant. The rest of the night watchers feared him, and they had good reason to. After many many moons, Zira and Kain, two nigtwatchers, grew tired of Bane's tyranny. Together, with the help of Dakota and Altair, they defeated him in an ambush. Bane fled, severely wounded. He wanders alone now.
Personality: Bane is merciless. Whether it be the strongest and proudest guardian, or the smallest and feeble pup, he will not hesitate to torture them beyond the pain their mortal souls have ever experienced. Bane has all the qualities needed to be a great leader, he is strong, commanding, brave and very smart. His expects the Night Watchers to treat him with total respect, and all that come before him as well. Bane is a master at pounding fear into the hearts of his prey as he calls them. He has many warped and disgusting ways of frightening the innocent. He is proud to carry on the traditions of the Night Watchers. He loves to hear the blood curdling screams of his prey, and the sickening sounds of torture and killing. Bane is dangerous and lethal creature, but he is more calm and understanding when it comes to his own pack. He is very strict when it comes to loyalty though, and if anyone would cross him, he would be sure their life would come to an end. He has a short fuse, so many dogs fear angering him. He can be kind though to the ones he is close to.
Roleplayed By: Tim

Posts : 339
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 29
Location : California

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:55 pm

Characters - Page 3 Kain
Name: Kain
Gender: Male
Rank: Alpha
Breed: Timber Wolf
Age: 2 Springs; 8 Moons
Mate: Zira
Kin: Deceased. Former members of the Night Watchers.
Appearance: He is a black furred wolf with dark red stockings. He has green eyes which seems a little unusual.He is lean but very powerful in strength.
History: He was born into the Night Watchers. He has always dreamed of becoming the leader or at least deputy.Soon his hard work and loyalty paid out.Bane had promote him as deputy the day before they arrived in the Aurora Pack's territory.His father died from protecting him from a severe punishment that he earned by play attacking the leader. His mother died from old age but she was extremely cunning and one of the best, he has worked hard to obtain her skills.
Personality: Kain has strong determination.He will chase down his prey through any obstacle no matter how long it takes. Once he is assigned a mission he always does his best. He takes his missions seriously. He hopes of proving himself to be the next leader some day.Although he enjoys having the rank of deputy he would love to be the next leader in line after the great Bane.He has great respect and loyalty for all his comrades but sometimes he will challenge them if they doubt his skills. Kain enjoys torturing the innocent, sometimes he enjoys it so much he gets carried away. His favorute part is biting into the throats of others and feeling the terror in his victims as they scramble their paws in a desperate attempt to escape. Kain is one not so mess with. He has trained himself to be one of the most powerful.
Roleplayed By: Neodog

Posts : 339
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 29
Location : California

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:59 pm

Characters - Page 3 Ziranewpic
Name: Zira
Gender: Female
Rank: Alpha Female
Breed: Wolf hybrid
Age: 3 Springs; 10 Moons
Mate: Kain
Kin: Deceased.
Appearance: Much like the majority of the Night Watchers, Zira's fur is jet black, giving her a gothic like appearance. Zira is rather thin, it is natural for her, yet she is strong. The fur on her neck is spiky and always stands up straight. Her eyes are a dim, grayish yellow, that are rather plain, yet they give no indication of where she is lurking in the night. Zira fast and agile, and she can easily maneuver her way through the forest. She has several scars on her body from past fights and brawls, and even punishment from the alpha.
History: Zira was born in the wild and abandoned by her mother as a pup. The night Watchers found her. They were going to kill her, but she proved herself worthy, and has given them her total respect and loyalty ever since they spared her.
Personality: When on the hunt, and torturing her prey, Zira is a monster. She gets a lot of enjoyment out of causing pain and suffering. She loves the agonizing screams of a victim being tortured or killed. She can be very scary when it comes to hunting. However, back with her pack, Zira is calmer, and likes to relax with her fellow Night Watchers. She does have a side she rarely shows of sympathy for the victims that are young, or weak.Within the pack she is known as the healer, though it is an unofficial rank she is still depended on to heal the injured.
Roleplayed By: Syd

Posts : 339
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 29
Location : California

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:08 pm

Characters - Page 3 NightWatcher4
Name: Lucifer
Gender: Male
Rank: Beta
Breed: Wolf
Age: 3 Springs; 10 Moons
Mate: None
Kin: Deceased
Appearance: Lucifer is the typical Night Watcher coloring. His fur is a dusky black. It's long like the fur of a wolf. He is strong in stature, and a little above average for the size of a typical male wolf. His eyes are matchless to any other wolves. They are a brilliant blue color with flecks of brown and green mixed in at the bottom. Any wolf or dog would no doubt know it was him just by looking into his eyes. Lucifer's face looks cold a mean. Even at a neutral state, his face looks fierce and angry. Some say it gets even scarier when he is really angered. Lucifer looks like a mean, strong brute, and he is, but there is more to him underneath his harsh appearance.
History: Fear, betrayal, death and sorrow are all words that fit perfectly into Lucifer's past. As a young pup, Lucifer was born into a pack of wild wolves along with his three siblings. When the pups grew to be four moons, the pack had a special ceremony where if a pup was deemed worth or not to stay in the pack. Only the strong pups got through. They also had to be strong minded. Lucifer was declared weak by his pack, along with his one sister. the packs philosophy was that only the strong could stay in the pack to pass on strong genes to be the ultimate breed of wolves, there was no room for weaklings. Lucifer and his sister were to run away and never return, and if not, the pack leader would kill them himself. His frantic mother begged them to let him and his sister stay, she claimed they were strong, and would grow into the most powerful wolves someday. But the decision had been made, and Lucifer and his sister were exiled from the pack. Hart broke, filled with despair, and left with no other choice Lucifer and his sister fled. The first few moons they lived together alone were the hardest of their lives, they only got to eat about once a moon, and were starved almost to death. The fed off the carcasses of the dead, but as they grew they taught themselves to hunt. That winter though, Lucifer's sister died of a horrible virus. Forced to abandon her, Lucifer traveled alone, barely managing to survive without her. As he grew, he came upon a new pack of wolves and was accepted by them. Then one day, a pup was found murdered and they blamed Lucifer for the death. He was severely beaten then left in the cold to slowly die in pain. But Lucifer did not die, he survived to see the next spring. By now, Lucifer's heart had been tortured and torn so many times it had grown cold and lonely. He tried once more to join a pack, but they did not accept him, they turned him down and chased him away. Lucifer was about to give up, so many times he had been turned down, so many times he had been the unwanted one, the underdog. Lucifer decided to change that, he trained himself every day to become faster and stronger. He became a fierce hunter after so many moons of experience. And eventually, he found the Night Watchers. They accepted him. All Lucifer had ever wanted was to be part of a pack, to have someone to be his friend, and the Night Watchers had given it to him. He obeys them without hesitation now, determined to kill all the ones who turned him down, and drove him away.
Personality: Lucifer has grown ambitious and tense. He is fierce and unforgiving do to all the rejection he faced in his past. Lucifer seeks revenge, and has promised himself that he will one day destroy the ones who turned him down. Now that he has become the lethal wolf that the Night Watchers trained him to be, he feels he can do so. His attitude towards the Night Watchers is different though, he treats them kindly, and respects them for how they have accepted him.
Roleplayed By: Tim

Posts : 339
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 29
Location : California

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:11 pm

Characters - Page 3 Riconewpic
Name: Rico
Gender: Male
Rank: Subordinate
Breed: Wolf hyrbid
Age: 3 Springs; 10 Moons
Mate: Open
Kin: Stella(sister) he doesn't know what happened to the rest
Appearance: He has a brown and black pelt with white on his belly and up around his legs and some white up around his neck and muzzle.
History: Rico doesn't remember much about his family just that they were dead one day and Stella was wounded. The two of them traveled around for the longest time till they they were found by the Night Watchers
Personality: Rico is a lot different from the other dogs in the pack he's playful and loves to joke around(He is still young in all). But don't get him wrong just because he's a young playful dog doesn't mean he doesn't still have a mean and evil side. He has a love for hunting and making dogs fear him and isn't afraid to fight he will stand his ground and won't hesitate to even attack even a pup.
Roleplayed By: Shadow

Posts : 339
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 29
Location : California

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:14 pm

Characters - Page 3 Samaranewpic
Name: Samara
Gender: Female
Rank: Subordinate
Breed: Wolf hybrid
Age: 3 Springs; 10 Moons
Mate: Open
Kin: Unknown
Appearance: Samara is a jet black wolf hybrid with a single small patch of white on her chest. Her front left paw also has a few dashes of white in it. She is lean and fast. Her leg muscles are strong, and can propel her lightning quick through any type of terrain. Almost no one can catch her, her agility is almost god-like. Samara has piercing yellow eyes, like that of a predator. Her eyes are just about the only thing visible on her when she stalks through the forest at night, that is if you can even see her. She is a master at stealth and sneakiness. It is nearly impossible to sense her coming, or track her down.
History: Samara was born into the Night Watchers group. She grew up a loyal member, learning their ways, and training hard
Personality: Next to her outstanding athletic abilities, Samara is also very clever. She can out-wit almost anyone besides her fellow Night Watcher companions who are just as equally clever. Samara is calm, and quiet. She is not shy, she is just not talkative, but she does talk a lot to those whom she knows better. Samara can be somewhat mysterious, she does not often reveal her thoughts, or emotions. She is obedient to her alpha, and will obey to him at any command. Samara has a violent side, and she, like the rest of her group, love to terrorize innocent dogs. It is not so much for fun to her, but it is the way of her life, the way the Night Watchers live. Samara likes to see their terror stricken faces as their wild eyes grow large in fear from her. She has no pity for anyone but herself, or anyone who she is close to.
Roleplayed By: Syd

Posts : 339
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 29
Location : California

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:18 pm

Characters - Page 3 Kindlenewpic
Name: Kindle
Gender: Female
Rank: Subordinate
Breed: Timber wolf
Age: 2 Springs; 6 Moons
Mate: Open
Kin: Unknown
Appearance: She has smoke to jet black fur.Her eyes are yellow with a slight slier of red in both eyes. She is the average size for a female wolf but she is more muscular in her legs than the average female timber wolf.
History: She was found by this group at a very yound age.Ever since she has learned to strike fear in others while so gaining strength, speed, and wit.
Personality: Kindle loves to be the smart one.She is often sarcastic and says something witty.She enjoys the feel of crimson in her mouth and n her paws.She enjoys the night more than anything and the light from the moon.She has learned from her companions to stalk and chase her prey with almost no sound or clues of where she is.She often loves to hide and jump on her victims.She often plays with her targets for a few short moments (sometimes depending if she "likes" her target) before finishing them off or leaving them injured.She gets a thrill when she hears them scream and beg for mercy.Her only weak side is that she has a soft side for pups.She has killed a few but she dislikes it.She would much rather hunt those that are above the age of pups.
Roleplayed By: Neodog

Posts : 339
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 29
Location : California

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:23 pm

Characters - Page 3 Dark-wolf
Name: Joran
Gender: Male
Rank: Subordinate
Breed: Wolf and some unknown other breed
Age: 5 Springs; 1 Moons
Mate: Midnight
Kin: None
Appearance: Pure black fur, long like a wolf. He's lean, muscular, and dangerous. His eyes are a scary red color, that in the dark, are the only thing that is seen. Though they slightly dim when he's on the hunt, which is strange. He's fast, being part wolf, lethal and just a plain killer in appearance and personality.  
History: He joined the night watchers long ago, and became a trusted and loyal member in just a short time. The rest of his history is a hidden mystery that even the leader knows little about.
Personality: Ruthless, cunning, stealthy, and above all extremely dangerous. He usually keeps his cool, but when he gets angry bad things happen, unless someone stops him. There is a slight sweet, funny side to him, around other night watchers, but usually he's not like that. He respects the chain of command among the night watchers, luckily. One of the best times he can have, is terrorizing innocent dogs. He is loyal to his fellow night watchers, though unlike some of them, he'd protect them with his life, though that's rarely needed.
Roleplayed By: Mint

Last edited by Neodog on Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:08 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:26 pm

Characters - Page 3 Midnightnewpic
Name: Midnight
Gender: Female
Rank: Subordinate
Breed: Wolf hybrid
Age: 3 Springs; 5 Moons
Mate: Joron
Kin: Open
Appearance:Jet black with bright amber eyes
History: Midnight was an outsider when she was found by the Night watchers, she was still young when they found her and she had been starved and adbandended by her mother. Her mother had decided that even when she was a pup see needed to know how to survive by herself without any help, she had said it would make her strong, and if she didn't survive she was weak and didn't need to live. When she didn' catch anything when she hunted, her mother would eat in front of her and told her to try harder. So one night when her mother was asleep Midnight ran away tired of the way her mother was treating her and starving, she ran for days not stopping until she could no longer move she found a den and slept in it for four days somehow surviving and she was lucky she caught a few birds on the fourth day but it still was not enough she was about to give up on life when the Night watchers found her ad took her in where she vowed to be loyal until her last breathe.
Personality: Midnight is a very serous dog. She rarely shows her emotions and just watches the other dogs keeping most of her thoughts to herself.
Roleplayed By: Shadow

Posts : 339
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 29
Location : California

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:28 pm

Characters - Page 3 Karlanewpic
Name: Karla
Gender: Female
Rank: Subordinate
Breed: Wolf
Age: 4 Springs; 4 Moons
Mate: None
Kin: Amaya (Daughter), Jud (Son)
Appearance: -----
History: -----
Personality: ----
Roleplayed By: ---- (Is Adoptable-Message Syd if you would like Karla to either become a main character or a sub-character of yours)

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Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 29
Location : California

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:30 pm

Characters - Page 3 Judnewpic
Name: Jud
Gender: Male
Rank: Subordinate
Breed: Wolf
Age: 1 Springs; 11 Moons
Mate: Open
Kin: Karla (Mother), Amaya (Sister)
Appearance: ----
History: ----
Personality: ----
Roleplayed By: ---- (Is Adoptable-Message Syd if you would like Jud to either become a main character or a sub-character of yours)

Posts : 339
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 29
Location : California

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:32 pm

Characters - Page 3 Amayanewpic
Name: Amaya
Gender: Female
Rank: Subordinate
Breed: Wolf
Age: 1 Springs; 11 Moons
Mate: Open
Kin: Karla (Mother), Jud (Brother)
Appearance: ----
History: ----
Personality: ----
Roleplayed By: ---- (Is Adoptable-Message Syd if you would like Amaya to either become a main character or a sub-character of yours)

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Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 29
Location : California

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:37 pm

Characters - Page 3 Stellanewpic
Name: Stella
Gender: Female
Rank: Subordinate (Also Medicine Dog)
Breed: Wolf
Age: 5 Springs;11 Moons
Mate: Open
Kin: Rico, brother. The rest of her family was killed by her, though no one knows even Rico
Appearance: Stella has startling green eyes, dark brown, light brown, and white fur. In the dark though it's hard to see her, surprisingly. She is beautiful most can not believe that she is so evil. She has a strange design on her forehead in dark brown. There is usually a flower tucked behind her left ear, somehow secured in her long fur.
History: No one knows it, not even her brother. She won't tell anyone no matter how much they inquire. The only thing that most of them know is that she exiled from the last pack she was in, as far as they know. She keeps it all locked away.
Personality: She's a great actor and so sometimes the leader will use her as a way to catch victims. She can be appear sweet and kind to her enemies to lure them into the trap, then she turns into a monster. Her sweet and kind demanor vanishes and she becomes deadly, and evil. She loves to hurt the innocent though there is a mother instinct in her that prevents her from killing pups, usually. She really can be nice to her friends, but careful she's a loaded firecracker sometimes. She cares for the Night Watchers and is a healer of sorts. Deep deep down she wishes for a mate, someone to love.
Roleplayed By: Mint

Posts : 339
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 29
Location : California

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:27 pm

Characters - Page 3 Cruzpic
Name: Cruz
Gender: Male
Rank: Guardian
Breed: Spanish Bulldog
Age at Death: 2 Springs; 20 Moons
Former Mate: Amber
Former Rookie: None
Kin: Reno-Son, Dali-Son, Parvati-Daughter
Appearance: Cruz's paws were generally much larger than those of other dogs of the same size and weight. His neck appeared strong, powerful and wide. His head was squared in appearance with a serious looking face, though most of the time he was not serious. Cruz had very powerful jaws with a slight under bite. When walking Cruz had the stride of a sly panther, because of his habit of carrying his head low, making his strong shoulders more visible. His coat was a bright red color, never one to be missed.
History: Cruz grew up in the streets of Spain with his family. Spanish was his first language before he learned English. When he was old enough, he decided he wanted to travel, and see the world. He said goodbye to his family, knowing it would probably be the last time he ever saw him. It pained him, but he was determined to live the like of a traveler and see what else the world had to offer. He traveled aboard ship for the most part, visiting several countries before arriving in North America where he met the pack. He decided to stay when he met the love of his life, Amber. Together they had three pups, Dali, Parvati and Reno. Sadly, when the Night Watchers invaded, Cruz was killed as he was fighting to defend his pack, and his family. He wished he had been able to see his pups grow, and he made it evident in his dying words that he was sorry he had to go this way. He told Amber to stay strong and be there for the pups.
Personality: Cruz was a fun loving dog. Adventurous in spirit, he traveled all over before settling down with his family. He would always remain optimistic, and had a good sense of humor. His thick Spanish accent gave his voice a lively, happy tone. He was a bit stubborn, but all around a great dog to know.
Was Roleplayed By: Syd

Last edited by Neodog on Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Age : 29
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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:30 pm

Characters - Page 3 Bruinnewpic
Name: Bruin
Gender: Male
Rank: Gang Member
Breed: Rottweiler mix
Age at Death: 5 Springs; 3 Moons
Former Mate: None
Kin: Lotus (sister) Rine (sister) Aspen (niece), Vanetta (niece) Naoka (nephew)
Appearance: Bruin was medium-built with lean muscles.He had brown eyes and his fur was medium length.
History: Bruin and Lotus ran away from the gang. Their sister,Rine, wished to stay in the alleys with the other dogs,since it is the only home she has only known. They left with serious injuries. After they were safe Lotus and Bruin continued walking wherever their paws took them. After a few months wondering through the different parts of the city Lotus wished to have a family while Bruin wanted to continue looking for a permanent home away from any dangers. She left him looking for a mate. After all the months of not seeing Rine he suspected she died. He was worried for his sister, Lotus, but he knew she was strong enough to be on her own. After a month and a half he reunited with both sisters, relieved to be a whole family once more.
Personality: Bruin was very protective.While his sisters have intelligence he had strength.To a stranger he was cautious and a little aggressive when need be but to a friend he was a kind and caring dog for someone born in the streets.
Was Roleplayed By: Neodog

Posts : 339
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 29
Location : California

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:38 pm

Characters - Page 3 Dakotanewpic
Name: Dakota
Gender: Male
Rank: Guardian
Breed: German Shepherd, grey wolf, and Italian mastiff
Age at Disappearance: 2 Springs; 11 Moons
Current Age: 3 Springs; 11 Moons
Mate: None
Rookie: Open
Kin: Sapphire is his mother (Deceased), Alexia is his sister, Jeroth is his father, Kayle is his step-father, Kayla, Riley and Azariah are his nieces, and Xavien is his nephew
Appearance: Has a black pelt and shows his Italian mastiff a bit more compared to his sister, but his German Shepherd and wolf side is more noticeable. He has a white patch of fur on his chest. He has 3 sets of slashes on his face. One set on his left cheek.The slashes are raked to the right, slightly on the top of his muzzle.One of the cuts is a few milimeters from his eye.The second set is across his face, the slashes raked to the left. The third set of slashes is on the middle of his left cheek down to the top of his neck.
History: Was born into the Aurora Pack. His real father kidnapped him along with his sister. At first he didn't hold any grudges against him but after the big changes Alexia has been through resulting in her to be a different dog in a sense and traveling away from home Dakota now has a hatred for him. During a battle between Jeroth and his parents he joined in even though he was only a pup. No matter how many times he was thrown off he was determined and still is to kill him. Dakota went through minor changes in his view of life compared to Alexia, he is considered the normal one between the two while Alexia is the "adult". Dakota was yet again captured by a group of assassins that Lakesha, a former pack mate and friend, was in before running away from them and the pack.Dakota's captor's was Delilah, Lakesha's daughter, Zorba the bulldog, Friday the German shepherd, and Aisle the borzoi.Dakota later learned Delilah didn't enjoy being an assassin so Dakota as asked her to join him with the Alliance.She agreed. After their escape on his third and supposedly final day of living he was in a fight with Bishop, the leader and Delilah's father.Soon after Delilah's serious head injury, Lakesha came to her rescue but was a little late.Dakota confessed his love to her but when he did she was already dead.He hates himself for not saving her life and in the least telling her his love for her in time.Dakota later takes Samson safely to Duke's Alliance. He too joins, and never visits and refuses to see his pack.
Personality: Dakota is often like his step-dad,Kayle. He is calm and mellow, normally. Whens he around females that peak his interest he can act cocky and charming. He has a likable personality. He doesn't like to speak out of terms unless he had to. He likes to smile and laugh. Fortunately, Dakota takes his job seriously. He will risk his life for a fellow pack member or for his entire pack. He can be headstrong at times however. Usually he thinks of the consequences but even then he could do something reckless. The young black wolf mix enjoys fighting (practice). He wants to rank as the head guardian because that shows how mature he is for his age,good leadership, and that he is the best fighter. He uses a few moves his pack mates don't use.He likes to take advantage of his strength that his heritage has given him. From time to time Dakota will be alone under a tree shade, by the river, or in the meadow. He isn't in tune with nature has he was as a pup but when he gets a chance he will listen in on the trees, birds, the wind, and everything else.
Roleplayed By: Neodog

Posts : 339
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 29
Location : California

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:40 pm

Characters - Page 3 Rinenewpic-1
Name: Rine
Gender: Female
Rank: Appointee
Breed: Rottweiler/Pharaoh hound
Age at Death: 5 Springs; 3 Moons
Former Mate: Falcon; Venom
Former Rookie: None
Kin: Lotus (sister),Bruin (deceased),Duke (son), Axel (son),Anayu (daughter), Dante (son)
Appearance: Had short fur with black and tan colors, she had brown eyes.
History: Her mom abandoned her (or she was told) when she was 10 moons old. Later in that month she overheard her mentor and leader talking of her mother's murder. Ever since she wished for a family to love and to lover her back, also she lost her trust to the dogs in the gang. She has fought dogs practically everyday of her life and had little to eat in the streets. One day she was in a fight with the forest dogs and was unable to escape. She sneaked through the camp to find Tristie, a former gang member. She ran away into the forest only to be found and be recruited to the pack. When she joined she soon became Falcons mate. After a few occurrences in the pack life she was soon appointee.After a good spring and a few months as appointee she got into a fight in the streets after setting off in a late night adventure. It lead to her car accident. Fortunately she healed but unfortunately she believed she wasn't fit enough to be the appointee. She retired and was so became an elder.
Personality: Rine had changed a lot since her time in the pack. She became kinder and wiser. She learned that it was ok to show your soft side. She was incredibly protective over her family. Though she let her litter do as they wish (so long as it was reasonable) when they were in danger she became an angry bear. Rine was a strong individual and normally went about things logically.
Roleplayed By: Neodog

Posts : 339
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 29
Location : California

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