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Post  syd Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:49 pm

Characters - Page 2 Eirnewpic
Name: Eir- "Mercy"
Gender: Female
Rank: Guardian
Breed:Alaskan Malamute/Husky
Age: 2 Springs; 5 Moons
Mate: None
Rookie: none yet
Kin: N/A
Appearance: Eir is at medium height for her age range, not quite as tall as she should be, but tall enough to be considered just around her age. He has a rather thin build, not lanky, but lean. Her muscles are well formed, but are not easily seen through her mass of dark colored fur. Her pelt is a mix of caramel tans and dark browns. Blue eyes are circled with wide brown circles which darken as the reaches the top of her head.
History: Eir was born into a small cluster of huskies that had been left on their own when their Musher had passed due to injury on their trip. He had fought to free some of them from their harnesses before the cold took over them, but those that weren't unlatch had passed away as well. Her mother had been on of the dog's still latched to the sled, and she had done everything she could to have helped her, Though all seemed too little and too late. With the morale of the small group of dogs steadily sinking, they seemed to be more at war than working together and at the age of one spring, Eir found herself breaking away from the group to travel on her own. Their had to be more than just this barren wasteland stained by the blood and stench of death, and she meant to find it. About a year into her journey, she stumbled across Amon, He was but a tiny pup then and her heart melted immediately at the thought of such a tiny being left to fend for himself in the world. She decided to care for him and assure that he was well protected and from then n the two have traveled together.
Personality: Despite her often Stubborn demeanor, she can come across as a fussy mother hen as well. Pups hold a soft spot in her heart, and those that she gets to trusting will hold a place as well. She would quickly put her own life on the line to save family, and even trusted pack members. Eir is affectionate and caring. She is sweet and well mannered, but can have her off days, and if provoked, or Amon is provoked, she can turn into a demon of a wolf.
Roleplayed by:Autumn

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Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 28
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Post  syd Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:54 pm

Characters - Page 2 Kaylanewpic
Name: Kayla
Gender: Female
Rank: Guardian
Breed: Black Lab/ German Shepherd Hybrid
Age:1 Spring: 2 Moons
Mate: Open
Rookie: Open
Kin: Dune(Father), Alexia(Mother), Azariah(sister), Tristie(Grandmother), Riley(Half-sister), Xavien(Half-Brother), Sam(Aunt), Kaoru(Aunt), Dakota (Unlce)
Apperance: Kayla has the build of her mother, looking more like a wolf, but she got her father's black fur. Her fur is soft, and medium in length, and her eyes are a pale yellow color. She has a long tail and snout, with straight pointed ears.
History: Kayla was born into the pack alongside her sister. When she was a young pup, she discovered her aunt Sam in the forest, who had run away for certain reasons. She almost convinced Sam to come back to the pack, but her other pack mates were ultimately the ones who convinced Sam to return home.
Personality:Kayla has a vibrant and glowing personality. She loves to have fun and enjoy life. She is kind to everyone, and believes that everyone deserves a chance at redemption. She believes this because of the stories of her Grandfather, and her aunt Sam. Kayla looks at things with a realistic perspective, but she doesn't let that stop her from dreaming. She has worked hard in her training and has focused well so she could learn to the best of her ability. She can be impatient at times.
Roleplayed by: Syd

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Age : 28
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Post  syd Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:58 pm

Characters - Page 2 Azariahnewpic-1
Name: Azariah
Gender: Female
Rank: Guardian
Breed: Lab/German Shepherd/Wolf
Age: 1 Spring; 2 Moons
Mate: Open
Rookie: Open
Kin: Dune (Father) Alexia (Mother) Kayla (sister) Xavien (brother) Riley (sister)
Apperance: Azariah is smaller than her sister, Kayla. She has short black fur with white on each of her paws, down her chest, on the bottom of her muzzle, her stomach, and a single spot on her tail. She has chocolate brown eyes like her father. She has a small black nose. Azariah is very thin and you can see her ribs when she breathes, but it's not like she doesn't eat.
History: Azariah was born shortly after the search party for Dakota came back. She was born with asthma and is very weak, but she goes in random cycles of getting stronger and weaker.
Personality:Azariah is shy and quiet. She seems to be wise for a young dog. She can tell what one is truly feeling, she has a good mother sense. She knows she is going to die and she doesn't want anyone to have hope. No matter what anyone says to her, she won't believe them...She isn't worried about dying, in fact she wants it to come quickly. She is a loyal friend and is great at listening. Even though she doesn't mind dying, she doesn't like the pain the thought causes her friends and family. Azariah hates to see others worry or fret about her. She'd rather be left alone and just let to die.
Roleplayed by: Mint

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Age : 28
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Post  syd Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:02 pm

Characters - Page 2 Desinewpic
Name: Desi
Gender: Female
Rank: Queen
Breed: Border Collie
Age: 2 Springs; 7 moons
Mate: None
Rookie: None
Kin: N/A
Appearance: Desi has a rather slender body frame, which is made to look a great deal bigger by her long fluffy fur. She is a mix of white and light brown with green eyes.
History: To be told through roleplay. At this moment, she does not remember much, only what her nightmares and dreams reveal to her.
Personality: Desi Is in introvert for the most part of her personality, it is her strongest of traits which is tied in with her Meekness. She can be soft spoken, yet carries an air of optimism and good hope everywhere she goes. Desi is the pleaser type, quick to facilitate the happiness of other's around her. Because of this, she has difficulty saying 'no', asserting her boundaries, and is not inclined to assertive directness. She will do her best to avoid a conflict or be the blunt of another's angry words. Despite these traits, Desi has a streak of strength. She will quickly stand up for what she believes is right, or at least come to a compromise without too much conflict from the other party. She can be strong willed once cornered, but she is never to stubborn to hear someone else's side of the story. However, there is another side to Desi, the side that often gets her into troublesome places. She is adventurous and often times quick to take on her own curiosity.
Roleplayed by: Autumn

Posts : 236
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 28
Location : Pennsylvania

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Post  syd Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:07 pm

Characters - Page 2 Acenewpic-1
Name: Ace
Gender: Male
Rank: Rookie
Breed: Dingo/Basenji
Age: 9 Moons
Mate: Too young
Mentor: Reese
Kin: Zach(Father, Saara(Mother), Aiden(Brother)
Apperance: Ace is a bit small for a dingo and a bit big for a basenji puppy, so he's in between. He has light cream fur on the bottom/sides of his muzzle, down his neck, and on his stomach. The rest of him is a very light tan and speckles of black and darker brown, almost reddish. He has hazel eyes like his mother.
History: He was born with his brother to Saara and Zach around the time Samantha returned to the pack.
Personality:Ace is a bit of an obnoxious pup. He sometimes over steps his boundaries and gets in trouble, but he learns from his mistakes. He loves to tease, within in reason, and make his brother laugh. He can be a brat once in a while, but his eyes are sparkling good naturally. Ace loves to play and rough house. He is naturally protective over his friends and family, but his brother is something different. He is very fond of his twin brother and always want to protect him, no matter what.
Roleplayed by: Mint

Posts : 236
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 28
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Post  syd Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:12 pm

Characters - Page 2 Aidennewpic-1
Name: Aiden
Gender: Male
Breed: Basenji/Dingo
Age: 9 Moons
Mate: Too young
Mentor: Dune
Kin: Saara (mother) Zach (father) Ace (brother)
Apperance: He has very light fur. White and beige tint.
History:Just born alongside his brother Ace. He is born with a disability on his leg muscles.
Personality: Since he was a pup Aiden has always been a loner. He doesn't enjoy interacting with others very much. As he grew he slowly became more comfortable with communicating with his packmates, but he still avoids it whenever he can. His brother Ace is the only one he has allowed to get near him, and the only one he talks to from time to time. He feels like an outcast because of how unsocial he is, not only that but he isn't very expressive on his emotions. He keeps them bottle up. He sees his pack as a society that functions with rules as a structure and a hierarchy to ensure the structure stays strong and balanced. He obeys every command and order given to him by his superiors and by his fellow packmates when assigned in a group. He believes he doesn't interact with others because of his disorder. He was born with under developed leg muscles. He hardly has the energy to walk, much-less run, very far and for long periods of time. It makes him feel abnormal and a failure for his pack. He has learned quickly to enjoy and even love his alone time. It keeps him calm and abates any stress. His mind is clear when not pressured by society to talk, play, train, etc like the other normal canines his age. However, Aiden is very close to his family, hence if any of them are in danger he will use all his strength to prevent as much harm on them as possible through any means necessary.
Roleplayed by: Neodog

Posts : 236
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 28
Location : Pennsylvania

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Post  syd Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:17 pm

Characters - Page 2 Dantenewpic-1
Name: Dante
Gender: Male
Rank: Rookie
Breed: Belgian Tervuren/Rottweiler/Pharoah hound mix
Age: 0 Springs; 7 moons
Mate: Too young
Mentor: Axel
Kin:Rine (deceased) Falcon,Anayu,Axel,Duke
Appearance: Dante has medium long fur.His face and chest is black while the rest of his coat is a mix of browns.He looks more like his dad than his mom.
History: Dante's birth was discovered through a nightmare/vision Rine kept having.Six moons later his mom got killed by a Night Watcher to protect her son.Her death was also in the same vision she had that told her of her pregnancy.The following morning Dante become a rookie.
Personality: Dante already takes charge for one so young. He likes to make sure his duties are taken care of.Dante is very interested in being involved with any stradegy plans or to participate in talking with guardians and with Falcon the leader,not Falcon the father. That is not to say he doesn't love his father or his family. He will gladly sacrifice his life for his family and pack.Dante is also very good at reading dog's faces, allowing him to guess what they are thinking.He believes that is a good skill to have for the future when he becomes a guadian. He trains hard. He wants to get as good as his family and as Alexia and Dakota who he admires as well.
Roleplayed by: Neodog

Posts : 236
Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 28
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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:04 am

Characters - Page 2 Novanewpic
Name: Nova
Gender: Female
Rank: Rookie
Breed: Grey Wolf
Age: 0 Springs; 9 Moons
Mate: None
Rookie: None
Kin: Unknown
Appearance:Greyish brown fur streaked along her back with a white patch on her belly. Her left ear is half burnt due to a fire when she was younger.
History:When she was young her mother died from a snake bite before Nova's eyes were even open, and her father left her mother when he found out she was carrying pups, Nova never knew her parents and had no known siblings. She was taken in by a hunter and his wife, at 6 ½ moons her new family's home burnt down, killing both of her owners leaving her to fend for herself and scavenge for food.
Personality:Shy and sweet, inside she is a playful pup.
Roleplyed By: Justin

Last edited by Neodog on Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:44 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:11 am

Characters - Page 2 Amonnewpic
Name: Amon- "The hidden one"
Gender: Male
Rank: Rookie
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Age: 0 Springs; 8 Moons
Mate: None
Rookie: None yet
Kin: N/A
Appearance: Amon is an average built dog of his breed, a bit on the small size and weight,though that can be accounted to the fact that he was born the runt of the litter. Amon is mostly grey with a white undercoat. His eyes are two different colors, one blue and once brown with tan rings circling the top of his eyes and a dark grey ring underneath.
History: Amon was originally born into 'The Gang' but was hidden away by his mother in an attempt to save his life. He had been the runt of the litter, the smallest and weakest and it was a well known fact that he would have been killed simply to preserve the 'only the strong survive' mindset of the pack. He survived off the little scraps his mother would bring him every couple of days until one day, she did not come back for him. He lingered along the edge of the Gang lands until a Husky mix, Eir, stumbled across him. For some reason, the kind hearted she-dog took a fondness to him and allowed him to tag along on her journey. Amon thinks of her as a sister.
Personality: Amon is extremely playful, yet overly clumsy. He has a hard time focusing on just one thing and will often find himself wandering off to persue things that are far more important to his wandering mind. He is very kind hearted and easy going, but does tend to be a little quiet at times.
Roleplyed By: Autumn

Last edited by Neodog on Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:13 am

Characters - Page 2 Venomsnewpic
Name: Venom
Gender: Male
Rank: Gang Leader
Breed: Pure Doberman
Age: 4 Springs; 11 Moons
Mate: None
Kin: Duke (son)
Appearance: He's brown with a black spilling over his back and up around his face with sharp white fangs and dark brown eyes.
History: He was an outsider from the day he took his first breath, his father abandoned him at birth (He still does not know why and often wonders why) and his mother soon passed away when he was 4 moons old. He had learned how to survive from then on battling other outsiders, and packs of street dog for food, and his life. Maybe that's what made him go evil, maybe he didn't think he could trust anyone, or maybe he was always evil who knows. But when the forest dogs came together it made him mad. Perhaps, it was jealousy that dogs could care for another and he was always alone or perhaps not. Only Venom himself knows that answer. And one thing is for sure he has no wish to be apart of the pack and never will. And his rough life made him close up and not trust many dogs, he learned how to be a powerful opponent in battles and even killed a dog by himself at a young age. Over the moons as he became full grown he had made a few friends, and sometimes they would get together and attack the forest dogs. But one day he and all his friends came together and made the gang where he became the leader, and they have plans to destroy the pack will they succeed? Maybe yes maybe no. But one thing is for sure as Venom gets older and he found out he had a son he's become a little softer, showing a side he didn't ever know. Is this pure evil dog able to change his ways?
Personality: Venom has always been an evil dog trusting only a few dogs that he's know for moons. He loves fighting and being able to show other dogs he was the better than them. Recently he's shown a soft side to a few dogs but don't get him wrong he's still just as mean and won't pause to attack, and will not stop trying to end the forest dogs.
Roleplyed By: Shadow

Last edited by Neodog on Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:45 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:27 am

Characters - Page 2 Rossnewpic
Name: Ross
Gender: Male
Rank: Gang Member
Breed: Rottweiler
Age: 5 Springs; 10 Moons
Mate: Lotus
Kin: Moxie (Half sister-Deceased) Aspen (Daughter), Vanetta (Daughter), Naoko(Nephew/'son')
Appearance: Ross is your typical Rottweiler; he has black fur with dark tan legs and some on his face. His tail is short and stubby. Ross's well-toned muscles are evident beneath his sleek coat, giving him a solid thick form. No doubt, his robust figure is quite intimidating at first glance. His powerful jaws can clamp down with an unyielding force, able to injure a foe severely. With a size as massive and muscular as Ross's, it's hard not to have an advantage during a fight. His eyes say it all; glinting with a malicious light, don't mess with me.
History: Ross was born and raised in the city. He lived in a small gang with his mother until he was 7 moons old, he found out that she was carrying another dogs pups, so he left, and that's when his family split up, his father was soon killed in a gang fight, and he lost track of his mother. He had wanted to see the pups, but since he was angry when he found out, he never got to until one day; he met his half sister, Moxie. She was the pups that his mother had after he left. He was happy to know that he still had family, alive. He raised his little sister in the streets and became attached to her. She was the one thing he had left to love in the world, which was why the two grew so fond of each other. They still live in a small gang, and Ross has some allies out of the gang, including Venom, and he's determined to keep his sister safe in the dangerous world he lives in.
Personality:  Ross is angry, quick-tempered dog. He protective of his sister, and unleashes full-out fury if anyone dares try to harm her, or himself. He is fiery and fierce, and loud. He doesn't need to rely on wits or, cunningness to get what he wants, Ross does that by force, and dogs around him know that they'd better listen to him when he tells them to do something. He can be calm and charming when he wants to though. But underneath his bold, fierce, commanding exterior, is a sadder dog. He secretly wishes he could lead a better life for him and his sister, he just doesn't know how.
Roleplyed By: Syd

Last edited by Neodog on Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:39 am

Characters - Page 2 Lotusnewpic
Name: Lotus
Gender: Female
Rank: Gang Member
Breed: Rottweiler/Pharoah hound mix
Age: 5 Springs; 9 Moons
Mate: Ross
Kin: Rine (Sister), Bruin (Brother-Deceased) Aspen (Daughter), Vanetta (Daughter), Naoko (Nephew/'son')
Appearance: She is brown and black like her rottweiler side.She shows a little hound by her skinny tail,somewhat pointed ears and slender body.
History: She and Bruin ranaway from the gang. Their sister Rine wished to stay in the alleys with the other dogs,since it is the only home she has only known. They left with serious injuries. After they were safe Lotus and Bruin continued walking wherever their paws took them. After a few months wondering through the different parts of the city Lotus wished to have a family while Bruin wanted to continue looking for a permanent home away from any dangers. She left him looking for a mate. After all the months of not seeing Rine she suspected she died, she knew her brother would survive however so wasn't too worried about leaving him.
Personality: She is stubborn sometimes. She is quite independent like her siblings. Lotus can be sweet and kind when need be but besides that she is a little hard to get along with.She is sarcastic but apologizes if she crossed the line somewhere. She likes to joke around and have fun. When walking through the streets she is very cautious. She is always ready for a fight no matter how many dogs there are.She is also intelligent but because of her stubbornness and willing to fight no matter what she makes stupid mistakes and sometimes ones that are fatal.
Roleplyed By: Neodog

Last edited by Neodog on Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:45 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:44 am

Characters - Page 2 Aspenrookiepic
Name: Aspen
Gender: Female
Rank: Gang Member
Breed: Rottweiler/Pharaoh Hound Mix
Age: 1 Springs; 3 Moons
Mate: None
Kin: Ross-Father, Lotus-Mother, Vanetta-Sister
Appearance:Aspen appears like the typical rottweiler, with the classic black and tan markings, and the strong, sturdy frame and a square jaw. Aspen is somewhat bulky like her father, and she is large for a female. Her eyes are a sparkling brown color. Her tail is also very short like her father's. At a glance, she appears strong and powerful.
History: Aspen was born into the gang when Red's gang was aligned with Jinx.
Personality: Aspen can be rather rude sometimes. It could be influenced from the dogs she was around when she was born. She can be sly and cunning, she loves to play tricks and get into mischief. Aspen doesn't let anyone push her around, if anyone tried any of that on her, or her siblings or friends, they would hear it from her. She is kind and loyal to her friends and family, but to others not so much.
Roleplayed By: Syd

Last edited by Neodog on Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:48 am

Characters - Page 2 Vanettanewpic-1
Name: Vanetta
Gender: Female
Rank: Gang Member
Breed: Rottweiler/Pharaoh hound mix
Age: 1 Springs; 3 Moons
Mate: Too young
Kin:  Lotus and Ross (parents), Aspen (sister)
Appearance: Vanetta has all the classic Rottweiler markings, basic black fur, brown feet and parts of legs, brown "eyebrows", brown "wings" on her chest, and black eyes. She's a bit smaller than a normal Rottweiler, because she is part Pharaoh hound but besides that, she is a Rottweiler, through and through. Even though, Vanetta is just a pup, her jaw is strong.
History: Born to Lotus and Ross.
Personality: Vanetta is stubborn, like her mother, and sarcastic, though she apologizes if she crosses the line. She loves to joke around and just have fun. She, like her father, does not rely on wits or, cunningness to get what she wants, she does that by force. Vanetta can be fiery, fierce, and loud, if needed. She is also intelligent but because of her stubbornness and willing to fight no matter what she makes stupid mistakes and sometimes ones that are fatal. Besides that, Vanetta can be calm and sweet, if she wants too, mostly around her siblings and parents.
Roleplayed By: Mint

Last edited by Neodog on Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:51 am

Characters - Page 2 Naokonewpic-1
Name: Naoko
Gender: Male
Rank: Gang Member
Breed:  Boxer/German Shepherd mix
Age: 1 Springs; 3 Moons
Mate: None
Kin: Moxie (mother, father unknown)
Appearance: Pure white fur, he looks more like a Boxer than a Shepherd. He has one blue eye and one brown eye. Naoko is a bit fluffy in areas, due to the fact that he is part German Shepherd. For a Boxer, he is quite large. Naoko is deaf and partially blind in his blue eye. He can see shadows and bright light with that eye.
History: Born to Moxie after she disappeared and her family found her once more. Unfortunately, his mother died shortly after she gave birth to him. Since she was killed before he even got to see her, he had to be raised by his aunt, Lotus and his uncle, Ross.
Personality: Naoko is rather..determined. He has a dangerous likeness for fighting, and wishes to become a great fighter for the gang. He's tough most of the time, pretending that he can't feel pain or hurt. Though, he is really sweet sometimes, he's a fighter and a tough one at that. Naoko will protect his family (the gang, basically) with his life, if he must. Lotus and Ross are his parents, to him, and his cousins, are his siblings. He knows they really aren't, but they were there when his mother and father couldn't be. Because of that, he would die for them, more than anyone else.
Roleplayed By: Mint

Last edited by Neodog on Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:46 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:04 am

Characters - Page 2 Duke-1
Name: Duke
Gender: Male
Rank: Leader
Breed: Doberman/Rottweiler mix
Age: 3 Springs; 3 Moons
Mate: Kiah
Student: Open
Kin: Venom is his father and Rine is his mother
Appearance: Has a black and brown pelt. He resembles his father more than his mother.
History: Duke has grown up to be a caring dog despite living in the streets. He respects his pack members and his gang members but he can be rebellious. He doesn't like Jinx very much. He doesn't accept her as his mother and he never will. He can trust her to a certain degree but that's it. Duke is a great fighter, he uses that to his advantage. It brings him strength and confidence. For a few months he has been thinking of creating a pack of his own and soon he finally will. He believes he has good enough leadership skills. He is willing to fight for his believes and to bring justice. He can be very serious when it comes to something that can affect his friends and family. He usually listens to his parents but he feels as if he is free to do what he wants since he is so use to the freedom of the streets.
Personality: At first Duke can be a little shy, mostly to adults but once he warms up to them he can be very playful. The city has caused him to be cautious so unlike most pups he'll usually think about the consequences before doing anything, but he has a curious nature so he might just do something he knows could be dangerous. He learned how to fight with the other pups he came across in the allies so he is a little more advanced in fighting moves than the other pups around his age. Duke is very kind and polite, he will help out sometimes when he sees someone who could use it. Yet he has a bit of a dark side to him, he can be a little mischievous unexpectedly. It may be because of his time in the streets, or having to have his parents separated.
Roleplayed By: Neodog

Last edited by Neodog on Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:32 am

Characters - Page 2 Kiahnewpic
Name: Kiah
Gender: Female
Rank: Aide
Breed: Ibizan Hound
Age: 3 Springs; 4 Moons
Mate: Duke
Student: Open
Kin: She doesn't know what happened to them
Appearance: Kiah is a medium sized dog. She is slender and skinny, but don't misjudge her, she can fight like a street dog. Kiah's fur is short. Her entire back and legs are a rusty red color, and her paws, neck and face are white. She had some of those rusty red blotches on her face though. Since Kiah is so lean, she can run lightning quick and escape any foe is she needs to. She can jump extremely high too, it's almost like she has springs in her back legs. Kiah's ears stand up straight and are pointed at the tips. The most noticeable thing about Kiah's appearance though is her scars. Across her white muzzle are two deep scars from where her father slashed her across the face. Her biggest scar is on her stomach. It is deep and the fur does not grow back. She got that scar from a terrible fight with her sister.
History: Kiah was born into a vicious gang in the city. She had four other siblings, but two of them did not make it past infancy. They were killed by another gang. Kiah and her remaining brother and sister survived pup hood. Kiah grew up around violence. Every day she would fight with the other pups for scraps of food, or just to prove who was dominant. Kiah never won those fights. Her parents did not really look after her, or give her or her siblings any support. Kiah was constantly trying to gain more dominance in her pack, being at a low rank could mean death, so that was not somewhere she wanted to be. Kiah rarely won any of the fights she picked; her gang was beginning to see her as weak. At this point she was around 8 moons old. She began to have bitter arguments with her parents about trying to stand up for her more, and being there for her. Her parents never listened, or cared about what she had to say. One day, and argument with her father got so bad that he slashed her across the muzzle giving her the two scars she now has on her face. They broke out into a fight and Kiah's father obviously won; he had damaged her externally and even more internally. From that point on Kiah never spoke to her father again. Her mother treated her no better, and after that fight her siblings began to act more aggressively towards her too as well as the rest of the gang. Her siblings told her she shouldn't have shown their father disrespect like that. Kiah grew furious at them for not trying to understand her. She began to try to seek help from them, giving them the same argument she had to her parents, to try to stand up for her, and support each other. Her siblings were no different. Similar to the night Kiah fought with her father, it happened again, but this time with her sister. A deadly fight broke out between them, and Kiah's sister nearly killed her. She had slashed open her stomach so deep, that Kiah nearly bled to death. That is how she got the scar on her stomach. Kiah had severely damaged her sister as well though. After she was healed, Kiah decided to run away from her gang, no one wanted her there, and she'd always been the underdog, just trying to find someone who cared about her. After traveling alone for 4 moons by herself, she came across the gang and joined them, later on though, she left the gang with her mate Duke and they started the Alliance for a few complicated reasons.
Personality: Kiah feels she has always been misunderstood. Kiah always likes to be aware of a situation and always wants to know what's going on, figuring this out with her probing mind. She is very capable of hiding her true feelings and motivations, so even though Kiah is sad and broken deep down, she can lock away her true feelings from the rest of the world. Kiah feels like she needs to be in control at all times. To be out of control is very threatening, even dangerous to her psyche, when she controls, she feels safe. It doesn't necessarily mean controlling others, but her own life as well. The need for control is caused by how insecure she feels, constantly feeling like she is being threatened. This leads her to have trust issues, and that's partly due to her past as well. Kiah can be very emotional, her emotions are intensified, both good and bad ones. She is constantly trying to understand her emotions and trying to find deeper purpose in life. Kiah also has a fear of failure, but she can hide that fear extremely well. She can hide any of her emotions well when she wants to. However tense, sad and uncertain Kiah feels on the inside, she can hide it all away so easily. She has a cool, calm and charming exterior despite all the chaos boiling up beneath her surface. Keeping her emotions, thoughts, and past locked away has had sever effects on Kiah's mental stability, and at times she just wants to break down and cry, but she forces it to stay locked away in her mind. She sometimes feels she's slowly driving herself insane. Kiah is a very deep, intense dog; there is always more than meets the eye when it comes to her. She presents a cool, detached and charming air to the world yet lying underneath is tremendous power, extreme strength, intense passion and a strong will and a persistent drive despite all the emotions inside her that damage her so severely.
Roleplayed By: Syd

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:38 am

Characters - Page 2 Samsonnewpic-1
Name: Samson
Gender: Male
Rank: Mender Student
Breed: Husky/Collie mix
Age: 2 Springs; 5 Moons
Mate: None
Student: None
Kin: Delilah (sister, deceased) Bishop (father, deceased) Lakesha (Mother)
Appearance: He is about half the size of his father, but he is quite light for his size. He has muscles, but they aren't as hard and toned as his fathers were. His black ears stand up most of the way. Samson's fur is fluffy and thick. His fur which was originally just black and white is now flicked with red and tan. He has startling blue eyes, just like his father. Unknown to many, he has scars on his face, legs and back. The largest one is along his spine, after that injury he was almost unable to walk.
History: Samson was born into the Assassin group of Lakesha's with three other siblings that he does not know about. He was shunned by his father from the moment he was born and seperated from the rest of his siblings. Lakesha still loved him and took care of him anyways, his older sister Delilah, loved him as well. Together they protected the young pup from his father as best they could. When they weren't around, Samson was beaten cruelly by his father, and it has left him with mental and physical scars. At the age of 1 Spring; 3 moons, his sister and her friends planned a second uprising from Bishop, saving the life of himself and Dakota. During the escape, Bishop attacked them, and Delilah was killed even though Dakota and Samson's mother Lakesha tried their best to save her. An older dog, Sariel was also killed along with the rest of the escapees. Samson blocked out what happened from then on, all he remembers was that Dakota took him to the Alliance, where he was trained to be a mendor.
Personality:  He is surprisingly sweet for growing up in such a nasty place. He loves to help, and hates to see anyone hurt. He can be a bit shy sometimes, but Samson is a great guy to be around at times. He has secrets, but it's hard to tell because he acts like a big pup most of the time. He's been through a lot but Samson doesn't let that stop him. Samson would rather die than let someone else protect his life. Too many have died for him, he tells himself. His sister and his few friends died to keep him and Dakota alive, he wouldn't allow it to happen again. He'll use all of his power to stop it from happening again. Samson truly is a great and loyal friend to his friends and family. He'll protect you with his life, stand in the way of a bullet for you if he must be.
Roleplayed By: Mint

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:42 am

Characters - Page 2 Echonewpic
Name: Echo
Gender: Male
Rank: Mender Student
Breed: Akita/Husky Mix
Age: 2 Springs; 0 Moons
Mate: None
Student: None
Kin: She has a brother but he is unknown.
Appearance: Echo is mostly white with a mixture of dark gray and black covering her back and tail. She also has dark gray and black on her ears above her icy blue eyes.
History: She grew up on a farm past the mountains with her brother since she was a young pup. One dark night her whole life changed, the farm caught on fire and everything burned down, she barley escaped with her life. She went back to search for her brother after the fire, but she never did find him. Scared and homeless she began traveling unsure of what to do with her life.
Personality: Echo is very sweet and gentle unless threatened; She can show a tough warrior side in a fight and isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in.
Roleplayed By: Shadow

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:46 am

Characters - Page 2 Gradynewpic
Name: Grady
Gender: Male
Rank: Protector
Breed: American Bull Dog
Age: 3 Springs; 110 Moons
Mate: Open
Student: Open
Kin: None
Appearance: Grady is very muscular, sturdy and powerful, with a compact frame and is agile and swift. With such power, Grady is able to leap up to six feet and get over tall obstacles. Grady is stocky and heavy boned. His head is large with strong jaws and broad with muscular cheeks, showing the power of his bite. His chest is wide and moderately deep giving the sense of athletic ability and power. His neck is muscular tapering from his shoulders to his head. His strong muzzle is broad and square. He has a reverse scissor bite. Pink eye rims border his coal black eyes. Grady's front legs are heavy-boned, strong and straight. His coat is smooth and short, and is a brindle color with white being the base coat.
History: Grady was born into a dog fighting facility. He was raised to fight. Grady was the superior fighter in his age group of fighting. He won almost every fight he was in. Fighting had never been an issue for Grady; he fought because he had to, and partially because he enjoyed it. He never felt pity for the dogs he maimed or injured, until one day when he had to fight his brother. It was a brutal fight; Grady still has the scars to prove just how brutal it really was. Grady and his brother had to fight or they would be shot. Grady ended up winning the fight and killing his brother. He was depressed and sad for so long, until finally he decided to detach himself from his emotions so he would not have to feel them anymore. Grady continued to fight and stopped feeling guilty for killing his brother. About two months after his brother's death, Grady had to watch his father be killed by a stronger dog. Of course though, Gray was hardly troubled or disturbed by the loss. Life in the facility had become much easier once Grady had decided to let go of his emotions. He continued to fight, winning more fights than ever before due to the sense that he did not care if he killed the opponent. Eventually after about a year in the facility, the humane society closed the facility down and Grady was put up for adoption after being rehabilitated. He was adopted by a loving family, but Grady could not bring himself to love them, it had become hard from him to love, so he ran away into the city where he roamed freely, he joined one gang, but left shortly after getting in a fight with the leader and severely injuring him. Grady was back on the streets then, until he joined Duke alliance, which he is very set on remaining loyal to.
Personality: Despite brutal hardships, Grady is always optimistic that good things will happen tomorrow and the future carries good luck. Grady has a vibrant, expansive personality that is free like a bird, Grady cannot be contained. He is full of curiosity and he always looks forward to the future, never dwelling on the past. Grady is detached from his emotions because emotions hold a person back, he does not like to talk about his feelings, and he simply experiences them and moves on. He is very passive in the sense that nothing gets to him, he can't be insulted, he simply does not care what others think of him. His past had something to do with Grady letting go of his emotions; he chose not to feel them anymore. Grady can be reckless and irresponsible because he will jump at a suggestion of something new before he weighs the advantages and disadvantages.
Roleplayed By: Syd

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:48 am

Characters - Page 2 Scullynewpic
Name: Scully
Gender: Male
Rank: Protector
Breed: Mutt
Age: 2 Springs; 9 Moons
Mate: None
Student: Open
Kin: Unknown to Scully
Appearance: Scully is your typical stray. There are no special markings or fur colorings, he's just the average looking mutt. His base coat is a light brown, while his back is velvet black, there are white and other shades of brown and black mixed all in his fur. He's a medium sized dog, not a powerfully strong looking dog, just an average normal size; nothing to be intimidated by. He's somewhat lanky and thin, with large ears. However there is one thing about Scully that keeps him from looking extremely ordinary, and that is his eyes. They are an intense golden color with flecks of a darker gold throughout them. No dog would mistake him for anyone else simply, and only because of his eyes.
History: Scully was born in the streets. He was destined to become a low life delinquent from the moment he was born. And Scully has become just that. He does what he needs to do to survive, whether that be mangling another dog for a scrap of food, if of course he can measure up to them, or stealing and begging for food from humans. Scully lies and deceives others to get to the basics of survival a well. He's lied to many, promising them loyalty and commitment, or even friendship simply to have a partner in aiding himself to live. Scully has had about 3 or 4 different mates, none of which he actually truly loved, rather just 'used' to get him what he needs. Scully left his mates when he no longer thought he needed them, or simply got bored and went off to find another. He's had a few litters of pups, of course though he does not know his pups at all, nor wishes to find them, he would leave his mate if he found out she was carrying pups because he did not wish to be responsible for anyone other than himself. Scully's past is his present, he continues to live in the ways he has been, a worthless, mongrel of a dog.
Personality: Scully is first and foremost selfish. If anyone knew his past, they could obviously see how selfish he was and still is. The fact that he lied to and abandoned so many certainly proves that. Scully tells himself he does not regret leaving his past mates, even though some of them needed him, especially the ones who were expecting pups. He tries not to think about the several fatherless pups he brought into the world, or think about who or what they turn out to be. Scully can lie to anyone in order to get what he wants. He does not have a strong sense of wrongness. His entire life he has been focused on himself and himself only, Scully will do anything if it is in his favor. Despite all his negative attributes, Scully can be a charming and kind dog. He can easily warm up to anyone, and usually a dog would like Scully rather quickly assuming they didn't know all about him. Though he doesn't show it, there is a hidden sadness and depression inside of him. He knows he is a lowly, and meaningless waste of space on the earth, but his selfish ways prevent him from changing who he is. If you really dig deep, you will find the desire in Scully to become something more, and make something of himself.
Roleplayed By: Tim

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:52 am

Characters - Page 2 Julietnewpic
Name: Juliet
Gender: Female
Rank: Protector
Breed: Rottweiler/Rhodesian Ridgeback/Dalmatian
Age: 2 Springs; 2 Moons
Mate: None
Rookie: Open
Kin: Romeo (her brother, who looks nothing like her) Father (Deceased) Mother (Unknown if she is alive or dead)
Appearance: Juliet looks mostly like a Rottweiler, but there a few finer quality's belonging to the Dalmatian side of her. The only thing that makes her look like part Rhodesian Ridgeback is the Ridge back in between her shoulders. It looks like her brother's except in black. The main part of her fur is black and brown. She has most of the normal Rottweiler markings, the black and brown pattern and the brown 'eyebrows'. But, she has a white snip, as it's called, down between her eyes and to her nose. A large patch of white with small spots of black is in the middle of her chest. Her brown eyes sparkle with fear and wariness. Scars, great and small, line her body from various things. Most from her rough few months with the first gang she was in.
History: She was born into a small gang which her mother was the leader of. At least at first. Being a young pup, she doesn't remember much of what happened, except that her father disappeared, her mother did something or another and one of the second in command leaders, took Romeo away from her mother. Juliet was taken by another lower ranking gang member after they banished the pups mother. Juliet escaped at the age of 4 moons to find her family, wherever they were. She searched in vain for weeks which turned into a month. Then she stumbled upon two kind dogs, (Kiah and Duke), who were going to make a gang. They let little Juliet join.
Personality: Juliet can be very sweet but being badly treated for the first few months of her life has taken it's toll. When she first meets a dog, she's very shy and cowardly. She growls and whimpers when dogs go to touch her. She doesn't trust easily and is very wary of most dogs. Juliet, unlike other pups, does not know how to play. She knows how to fight and hunt though. Usually, she thinks that everyone has a bad intention behind every good one.
Roleplayed By: Mint

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:56 am

Characters - Page 2 ImagesCARSQ7X4
Name: Altair
Gender: Male
Rank: Protector
Breed: Vizsal
Age: 2 Springs; 2 Moons
Mate: Definitely Open
Rookie: None
Kin: Deceased. No siblings.
Appearance: He looks like an average Vizsal, with bright green eyes.His short fur is a bit scruffed up and he has a scar across his left eye but other than that he is very handsome.Because of his breed he always looks like he is part of royalty.His matted fur and scar doesn't change that.It only adds to his appearance, setting an 'inviting' vibe around him.
History: is mother died by a car when he was almost 3 weeks old.His dad died when during an adventure with Hunter.They ran into trouble with a gang of dogs.He held them off so his son can run away from the danger.He's been on his own since then.
Personality: Ever since then Hunter always fought his way out of a situation without running away.He followed his dad's way of life.He is cool and laid-back, a little of a charmer with the ladies, a nomad, and always off onto adventures.He has a strong moral and likes to follow by his own rules.He can be a tad selfish.He isn't use to having company around.He is stubborn but he will listen to reason.
Roleplayed By: Neodog

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:59 am

Characters - Page 2 Johnisnewpic
Name: Johnis
Gender: Male
Rank: Protector
Breed: Rhodesian Ridgeback/Rottweiler
Age: 4 Springs; 5 Moons
Mate: None
Student: Open
Kin: Romeo (son) Juliet (daughter)
Appearance: Johnis looks more like a Rhodesian Ridgeback than anything else. He has the classic ridge down his back and the tan fur. He has a white spot on his chest and black on the edges of his ears and muzzle, from the Rottweiler in him. He has wide black eyes that sparkle with amusement and a deep sadness. He is muscular and strong, though he is losing bits of his strength as he grows older. There are many scars lining his face and chest. The most prominent is the one across his cheek shaped like an X.
History: His history is very foggy and strange. Not much is known about him before he meet Lottie. He won't tell anyone what happened to him. The scars look like one's of those who was exiled but he doesn't drop any hints.
Personality: Lottie remembers him like a jerk. He was a young dog, who had no brains, so yes, he was a jerk. Now, he has matured. He is a quiet sweetheart. He wants to be the father that he couldn't be, to his children. He doesn't love Lottie and doesn't even want to think about her. He loves his children though, and wants to protect them, to the best of his abilities. He promised himself that he wouldn't lose them again.
Roleplayed By: Mint

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Post  Neodog Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:02 am

Characters - Page 2 Xaviennewpic
Name: Xavien
Gender: Male
Rank: Outside, for now
Breed: Grey wolf, Dhole, and German Shepherd
Age: 2 Springs; 6 Moons
Mate: None
Kin: Alexia (mother) Lucas (father, deceased) Riley (sister) Alexandra (sister, deceased) Sali (brother, deceased)
Appearance: Deep brown eyes, white, dark brown, black, and a slightly reddish fur. His fur is medium long, and fluffy. He now has a menacing air about him. Xavien's worse than the gang dogs in some ways. He's evil, ruthless, and cruel. Every step he takes, muscles ripple. He is powerful, and has been trained well in the art of fighting. He now also has a Transylvanian accent.
History: He was born into the pack, with three siblings, but sadly two of them,Alex and Sali, died at birth. Some might think that a father, might be part of the cause of how he is, but his mother isn't so sure. He ran away with Jeroth,to Transylvania. They snuck into an airport, met two of Jeroth's old buddies, Lance and Octavia. They sneaked onto an airplane, they later arrived in Transylvania, where they narrowly escaped the airport. As they walked through the wilderness they came upon a pup around Xavien's age, named Jaska. She was starved and they took her in. The two pups became fast friends. Eventually Xavien decided to go to the pack and take revenge on them. When they got there, many things happened Xavien and Jaska were taken prisoners. Xavien promised not to attack anyone and was set free. (Kaoru had gotten through to him) The two of them went to the Alliance, where they lived for a bit before the battle between them and Red's gang. He fought Daniel until Jaska died. Xavien is having a hard time moving on.
Personality: Xavien is no longer the shy pup that he was. He's still quiet, though, if he gets angered or annoyed he gets loud. He still doesn't speak that much but if you start a conversation he finds worthy of responding too, well then he'll talk. He is not playful anymore, if he is it is hidden so deep that it will take a long time for anyone to find it. Xavien can still hide his emotions so well, sometimes he seems emotionless, even more cold than he already is. Parvati has coaxed the happy side from him, though the happiness is only about her and no one else, besides his sister, Riley and Kaoru. He now realizes how wrong he was, and is ashamed. He has a strange anger towards his mother and Dune. He tries not to believe in love but it is getting harder, because every time he sees Parvati, he starts to melt inside. Though, Jaska's death is hardening his heart once more.
Roleplayed By: Mint

Last edited by Neodog on Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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